[比賽] at Memphis (2010/04/01)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/04/09 11:53), 編輯推噓2(200)
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Dallas 106, Memphis 102 (OT) Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D. Nowitzki F 45:49 9-23 3-6 7-7 +1 0 5 5 6 4 2 4 1 0 28 Recap: 就在第三節稍晚時Dirk投進第1個三分球時,這看起來是個相當無足輕重的時 刻。這只是Dirk今晚第3個FG,當Dirk陷入掙扎時,儘管他不斷的出現一些好 的空檔。大部分他的隊友,像是Jet也陷入了苦戰,第四節中段,Dirk命中率 也才16投3中,而小牛投籃命中率還不到4成。 不過就是因為這個三分球讓Dirk知道他的拼戰即將結束,Dirk最後7次出手進 了6球,他全場得到的28分有18分集中在最後的11分鐘,而小牛也在第四節從 13分的落後逆轉了戰局,最終以106:102在延長賽擊敗灰熊。 Dirk說:我可以在第三節投進那一個三分球,身為一個射手, 你真的需要去 看球是怎麼進的,有時他可能會是個罰球,有時可能會是個上籃, 而這可以 讓你往前進。而我很高興這球進了,我承擔起了這場比賽。 "I was able to make that one 3-pointer in the third," "As a shooter, all you really need is to see one go through. Sometimes it might bea free throw. Sometimes it might be a layup that gets you going. I was justhappy that one went through and I stuck with it." 在終止在曼菲斯的3連敗後,小牛拿下了本季的第50勝,這也是小牛連續10季 拿到50勝以上的功績。這也讓小牛可以繼續站在西區第2的位置,並且只落後 湖人4場場差。 小牛幾乎要吞下在FedExForum的另一敗,當灰熊後衛Mike Conley在正規賽終 了前4分25秒的得分,灰熊打了一波14-5的攻勢,但是灰熊連續的失誤讓小牛 也打了一波10-0的攻勢,其中Dirk連續2記三分球。 而當小牛開始火熱時,灰熊的進攻也失常了,在小牛這波攻勢裡, 菜鳥球員 DeMarre Carroll錯失2次罰球,接著灰熊發生3次失誤, Zach Randolph在禁 區一次出手被封阻,而Rudy Gay也錯失一次出手。 在Mike Conley的上籃後,灰熊試圖重新取回領先優勢,但是Dirk在45秒時來 了一次關鍵的跳投。而灰熊有最後一次進攻機會去贏得比賽, 但是得到全隊 最高27分的O.J. Mayo投了一個籃外空心。 小牛在延長賽取得5分的領先,而Dirk在8.9秒的兩罰將領先擴大到105:102, 灰熊又有最後一次追平比數的機會, O.J. Mayo在5秒時於三分線出現空檔, 但是並沒有投進。 小牛將灰熊第3、4節的得分總合壓制在40分, 這讓他們可以再回到這場比賽 。而在直到Dirk醒過來之前,Jet很有責任的承擔起進攻大任,讓小牛維持在 可以追上的差距裡。 Dirk說:很高興我在最後醒了過來,第4節很長一段時間我們一無所獲, Jet 真的是唯一一個讓我們可以據續留在比賽裡的人。 "I'm just glad I got going there," "We really had nothing going for a long time there in the fourth.Jet was really the only guy thatkept us in the game for a long time." 邁入NBA第11個球季的Dirk,對於球隊連續10球季都拿到至少50勝感到驕傲, 但在他的心中仍然有更重要的事。他說:仍然有些很特別的事在那裡, 我很 高興我是過去這10年的一部分,我們贏了非常的多的比賽, 真的非常有趣。 我們在季後賽有很多精采的比賽,但是就像我說的, 任何時候我都寧可只要 一個50勝的球季來換一個總冠軍戒指,不過很不幸的是我不行, 所以我還要 繼續拼下去,我們從未有像今年有很好的機會,我們會繼續追求總冠軍, 並 且看會發生什麼事。 "That's still something special," "I'm glad I was basically apart of this last decade. We've won a lot of games and had a lot of fun.We've had a lot of great playoff runs . But like I said this week already, I'drather trade that for a championship ring anyday and take only one 50-winseason. Unfortunately I can't, so I'm going to keep on working. We've got as good of a shot this year as we've ever had. We just have to go for it and seewhat happens." Postgame Quotes: (On tonight’s performance:) "I am just glad that I got going. We really had nothing going for a long time in the fourth (quarter). (Jason Terry) wasreally the only guy that kept us in the game. Then they made a run and wereup by 11 (points). At that point it is either go for it or you take the(loss). We went for it . Our defense was phenomenal in the second half. Weonly allowed 40 points in the second half. Energy was great, but we need a little spark offensively. I was able to get going so that was great." 很高興我在最後醒了過來,第4節很長一段時間我們一無所獲, Jet真的是唯 一一個讓我們可以據續留在比賽裡的人。我們在下半場的防守非常棒, 我們 只讓他們得到40分,這能量很棒,但我們需要些些在進攻上的火花, 而我有 能力去做到真的是很棒。 (On his shooting tonight:) "I was about 3 for 16. At some point I was able to make that one three-pointer in the third (quarter). As a shooter, all youneed is to see one go through. Sometimes it might be a free throw. Sometimes it might be a lay-up that gets you going. I was just happy that one whenthrough and that I stuck with it. My teammates always support me and tell me to keep shooting. Obviously, I need to step up and be there for my teammates." 我16投只有3中,而我在第三節那時可以投進那個三分球,為一個射手,你真 的需要去看球是怎麼進的,有時他可能會是個罰球, 有時可能會是個上籃, 而這可以讓你往前進。而我很高興這球進了,我承擔起了這場比賽。 我的隊 友總是支持我,並且告訴我要繼續的出手,很明顯的,我需要振作, 為我的 隊友站出來。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ╭─────────╮ Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/11 16:16, , 1F
司機這幾季真的是鬼神奔的表現 很穩定 請繼續保持~~
04/11 16:16, 1F

04/13 18:28, , 2F
04/13 18:28, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1BlgJ8LU (D_Nowitzki)
文章代碼(AID): #1BlgJ8LU (D_Nowitzki)