[比賽] at Portland (2010/04/10)

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (Dallas Mavericks)時間15年前 (2010/04/17 13:47), 編輯推噓1(102)
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Dallas 83, Portland 77 Field Goals Rebounds Player pos min fgm-a 3pm-a ftm-a +- off def tot ast pf st to bs ba pts D. Nowitzki F 42:14 11-24 1-2 17-17 0 2 8 10 0 2 1 3 0 1 40 Recap: 在一個兩隊進攻都失常的夜晚,小牛只是比拓荒者好一些,小牛終場以83:77 擊敗地主拓荒者。 小牛全場投籃命中率只有3成38,是拓荒者本季對手新低,但是小牛還是能贏 球,就是因為Dirk在今晚得了40分,還有在罰球線上巨大的優勢。 小牛全場獲得35次罰球罰進了30球,而拓荒者23次罰球只進了16球, 拓荒者 後衛Andre Miller說:簡單的說,他們贏在罰球。 "This game was won at the foul line, plain and simple," 這一勝也讓小牛避免本季被拓荒者橫掃,拓荒者在本季贏了兩隊前面3次交手 ,這是自從1997-98球季以來的第1次。總教練Rick Carlisle說:這純粹是場 兩邊不同的人所呈現出來的比賽,我們很高興我們帶著勝利離開這裡, 拓荒 者是很難纏的對手,這真的是場很棒的比賽。 "It was just pure effort by both sides, and the difference was a couple ofplays here and there," "We're happy to getout of here with a win, but Portland is a damn good team. It was just a greatgame." 不過拓荒者的Brandon Roy可不這麼認為,他說:這是一場令人厭惡的比賽。 "It was a nasty game," 小牛在這場比賽打的非常的粗野,這讓拓荒者命中率只有3成64。Dirk說:上 一次我們在這裡比賽,他們比我們更加粗野,他們也更有準備, 他們拿到每 個失去控制的球權,我們昨天都在討論這個,討論我們如何反擊。 今天我們 在防守他們的工作做的比較好了,而且我們打了一個更加粗野的比賽。 "The last time we played here [a 101-89 Portland triumph on March 25],they were just way more physical,and they were way more ready," "They were more physical, they gotevery loose ball. We talked about that yesterday, about how we had to beready from the jump." "We did a better job of staying with them today and playing a more physicalgame." 小牛從跳球到比賽結束,持續對Brandon Roy包夾,只要他拿到球,他今晚14 投僅4中,只拿到13分、8籃板和6助攻,在41分鐘的上場時間。 總教練Rick Carlisle說:我們今晚真的很積極, Brandon Roy是個很棒的球 員,很多時候你得用兩個人去對付他,當我們做到時,我們擾亂了他們。 "We were really active tonight," "Roy is a great player. A lot of times, you just have to commit two to him. When we did, we scrambled." http://www.nba.com/games/20100409/DALPOR/gameinfo.html Postgame Quotes: (On Game) "It was a tough, physical game. Both teams didn’t give up a lot…The last time we played here, a week or ten days ago, they were just way more physical and they were way more ready. They were more physical, they got every loose ball, and we talked about that yesterday; about how we had to be ready from the jump and I think we did a better job staying with them today and playing a more physical game. It was great." 這是場肢體碰撞很激烈的比賽,兩隊都沒有放棄很多...... 上一次我們在這 裡比賽,他們比我們更加粗野,他們也更有準備, 他們拿到每個失去控制的 球權,我們昨天都在討論這個,討論我們如何反擊。 今天我們在防守他們的 工作做的比較好了,而且我們打了一個更加粗野的比賽,這真的很棒。 http://tinyurl.com/yd54pjv -- ╭─────────╮ Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/17 14:26, , 1F
04/17 14:26, 1F

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04/17 19:32, 3F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BoKk5tA (D_Nowitzki)