[外電] Nowitzki keeping his summer options open

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Nowitzki keeping his summer options open ByEddie Sefko / Reporter 10:55 PM on Sun., Mar. 20, 2011 http://tinyurl.com/4s7ggkh Dirk Nowitzki would like to play for the German national team this summer if the NBA has a lockout. But there is one scenario in which he would gladly forego helping Germany make the 2012 Olympics in London. "That all depends on how this season plays out,'' Nowitzki said after the Mavericks' 101-73 win over Golden State Sunday night. "If we have a long run to June, I might not. Everything's kind of up in the air with the lockout.'' That would be just fine with Mavericks' ownership, management and fans. But anything short of a long playoff stay and Nowitzki reiterated his desire to help his national team. "If we're locked out, I might play this summer,'' he said. "We have a qualification coming up for the Olympics again. The Olympics for me in Beijing were so much fun. They were a blast. I'd love to go to London, but we have to qualify for it first. We have that this summer, (and) if we're locked out and I know it's going to be a little longer and I don't have anything going anyway, I might as well stay in shape and play.'' Nowitzki is a veteran of lockouts. The last one that shortened an NBA season was in 1998-99, his rookie season. He was drafted and joined the Mavericks, but didn't have a contract until after the lockout ended in January. For that reason, he was able to continue playing with his German pro team to stay in shape. Dirk說如果下個球季NBA封館,這個夏天他可能會去打國家隊。但是但是......有一 種情況會讓他欣然的放棄幫助國家隊爭取參加2012年倫敦奧運的機會。 在對勇士的賽後他說:這完全取決於這個球季打的如何。 如果我們在六月打得夠久 ,那我可能就不會去。封館會帶來很多選擇。 對小牛老闆、管理階層還有球迷來說,那會是最好的, 但是如果小牛在冗長的季後 賽裡只有短暫停留的話,Dirk重申過他有意願幫助國家隊。 Dirk說:我們又有機會角逐參加奧運了,北京奧運對我來說是如此的有趣, 這是個 狂歡會,我會很想去倫敦,但是我們得先拿到資格才行。 這個夏天我們有這個機會 ,而如果真的封館了,而我想這可能會有一段時間之久,我並沒有什麼打算, 我會 盡量保持最佳狀況並且去參加比賽。 Dirk對封館是有經驗的,上一次NBA在1998年短暫的封館, 1998-99正是他的菜鳥球 季。他參加選秀,並且加入小牛。直到1月結束封館前,他都沒拿到合約。 因為封館的原因,讓他可以繼續在他德國的職業球隊打球,以保持最佳狀態。 -- ╭─────────╮ Our Way Our Will Our Win ╭╯Dallas Mavericks╭╯  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ╰─────────╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/22 19:41, , 1F
應該是沒奧運打 六月忙著慶祝XD
03/22 19:41, 1F
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