[外電] How Dirk Nowitzki remembers his first two Western Confe

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How Dirk Nowitzki remembers his first two Western Conference final appearances By BRAD TOWNSEND The Dallas Morning News Published 12 May 2011 12:00 AM http://tinyurl.com/3ded36z This will be Dirk Nowitzki’s third Western Conference final, under his third head coach. A synopsis of the previous two appearances: 今年將會是Dirk第三次打進西區決賽,在第三個教練的帶領之下。 來回顧一下這兩 次的西區決賽: 2003 No. 1 seed San Antonio vs. No. 3 seed Dallas Mavericks coach: Don Nelson Result: Spurs win, 4-2 Notable: The series was tied 1-1 when Nowitzki suffered a sprained left knee with 8:05 left in Game 3 after colliding with Manu Ginobili on a rebound. Nowitzki did not play again in the series. Dallas took it to Game 6 and led by 15 in the third quarter, but San Antonio scored 23 straight points and closed out the series. Dirk’s memory: “It was really, really unfortunate I got hurt. We felt like we might have had a shot at beating them.” Would he have played Game 7? “We ’ve always debated it. I think I would have tried, just knowing how big the game was.” 2003年 第一種子 聖安東尼奧馬刺 vs 第三種子 達拉斯小牛 小牛總教練:Don Nelson 結果:馬刺4勝2負晉級。 這個系列賽在前兩場打成1:1平手, 接著Dirk在第三戰第四節還有8分05秒爭搶籃板 時,他的左膝蓋和Manu Ginobili發生碰撞,導致膝蓋扭傷。 Dirk在這個系列賽就再也沒有回來了,小牛將戰局拖到第六戰, 並且在第三節時還 有15分的領先,但是馬刺接著連得23分,並且結束了這個系列賽。 Dirk回憶說:在這個時候受傷真的是很不幸,我們真的覺得我們有機會擊敗他們。 至於如果有第七場,是否會打第七場呢?Dirk說:我想我會嘗試吧,這是多麼重要的 一場比賽阿。 2006 No. 3 seed Phoenix vs. No. 4 seed Dallas (Dallas had homecourt advantage because of its superior regular season record.) Mavericks coach: Avery Johnson Result: Mavericks win, 4-2 Notable: Phoenix’s Shawn Marion, with help from double-teams, held Nowitzki to 11 points and 7 rebounds in Game 4 as Phoenix tied the series, 2-2. But in the pivotal Game 5 at American Airlines Center, Nowitzki lit up the Suns for 50 points and 12 rebounds in a 117-101 victory. Dirk’s memory: “Really, it was phenomenal for us to get by San Antonio in the semifinals in seven games. And that carried us through to the Phoenix series. “Game 5 here was huge when we were falling down and I was able to get the big scoring game and we were able to pull out the series. That was a great run for us.” 2006 第三種子 鳳凰城太陽 vs 第四種子 達拉斯小牛 總教練:Avery Johnson 結果:小牛4勝2負晉級。 時為太陽隊一員的Shawn Marion,得到隊友包夾Dirk的幫助, 讓Dirk在第四戰只有 11分7籃板的表現,讓太陽以2:2追平了系列賽。 但是在American Airlines Center的關鍵第五戰,Dirk砍下50分並抓下12籃板, 幫 助球隊以101:117擊敗太陽。 Dirk回憶說:真的,在西區準決賽第七場勝出對我們來說是非常驚人的, 而這讓我 們過了太陽這一關。上一場的輸球讓第五戰變的非常重要 ,而我可以 可以得到大量的分數 ,並在這個系列賽勝出,對我們來說是很棒的表 現。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/13 00:42, , 1F
05/13 00:42, 1F

05/13 00:43, , 2F
難以忘懷。而且是摻雜著些許遺憾的回憶... 希望這次會
05/13 00:43, 2F

05/13 00:44, , 3F
有更好的結果;)) 謝謝Howard翻譯:D Dirk加油!^^
05/13 00:44, 3F
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