Fw: [外電] ESPN Dallas: Dirk has knee surgery

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※ [本文轉錄自 Mavericks 看板 #1GWObZTP ] 作者: Iguodala (Flight 9) 看板: Mavericks 標題: Fw: [外電] ESPN Dallas: Dirk has knee surgery 時間: Sat Oct 20 01:09:53 2012 ※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1GWObPvB ] 作者: Iguodala (Flight 9) 看板: NBA 標題: [外電] ESPN Dallas: Dirk has knee surgery 時間: Sat Oct 20 01:09:42 2012 Dirk Nowitzki has knee surgery Updated: October 19, 2012, 1:02 PM ET By Tim MacMahon | ESPNDallas.com http://tinyurl.com/8olx4uu DALLAS -- Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki underwent arthroscopic surgery on his bothersome right knee Friday, the first operation of his 14-year NBA career. Dirk 確定在本週進行右膝關節鏡手術, 在他十四年生涯當中,這是第一次重大傷病進場。 The Mavericks announced that Nowitzki, 34, is expected to resume on-court activities within approximately six weeks, which means it's certain that he will miss the beginning of the regular season. The Mavs have 13 regular-season games scheduled during that six-week window. 術後小牛官方預期他將修養六個禮拜,也代表Dirk將確定缺席開季, 在這六週他將至少缺席十三場例行賽。 其他詳情請自行參考原文。 The 11-time All-Star has missed the Mavericks' last three preseason games due to swelling and soreness in the knee. He hoped to put the surgery off until after the season, but it was determined that he needed to have the cause of the inflammation dealt with now. The Mavericks' medical staff drained the knee twice this month, and the swelling returned within days both times. Nowitzki's knee did not respond as hoped to a program of rest, icing and low-impact conditioning work this week, leading to the decision to get the knee scoped. "If it's going to keep swelling up on me, that's obviously not a way to go throughout an 82-game season and hopefully long playoff run," Nowitzki said Monday after the swelling returned again following his participation in three consecutive practices. The knee first started bothering Nowitzki during last season's training camp. He struggled mightily at the beginning of the lockout-compressed season, leading to Nowitzki taking four games off to focus on conditioning. The knee wasn't an issue for the remainder of the season, but Nowitzki had his worst statistical year since his second year in the NBA, averaging 21.6 points and 6.8 rebounds for a defending championship team that was swept in the first round. The Mavs open the season on the road Oct. 30 against the Los Angeles Lakers, but six of their next eight opponents were lottery teams last season. The biggest concern about Nowitzki missing time might be the stunted development of the remodeled Mavs' on-court chemistry. There are eight newcomers on the roster, including starting point guard Darren Collison, shooting guard O.J. Mayo and center Chris Kaman. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Iguodala (, 時間: 10/20/2012 01:09:53

10/20 01:12, , 1F
往好處想 至少是開季前開刀 季中就可以回來
10/20 01:12, 1F

10/20 01:24, , 2F
讓小牛找出沒Dirk也能贏球的方式 等Dirk回來就!!!
10/20 01:24, 2F

10/20 01:26, , 3F
也有外電是說 3~6周 總之 現在處理總比季中又復發好
10/20 01:26, 3F
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: nagisanoff (, 時間: 10/20/2012 01:28:40
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