[情報] Dirk:我太老 扣不動了

看板D_Nowitzki作者 (2fish)時間12年前 (2013/02/10 17:59), 編輯推噓1(100)
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消息來源:http://tinyurl.com/9p3ewke 參考翻譯:http://nba.hupu.com/news/201210/90058.html 內容: Germany's basketball star Dirk Nowitzki has joked that he feels too old to slam-dunk after his Dallas Mavericks labored to an 89-84 win over Euroleague side Alba Berlin in an exhibition game. The 34-year-old power forward finished with eight points from Saturday's match at Berlin's sold-out O2 World in front of 14,000 fans as the Mavericks use their European tour to prepare for the start of the NBA season this month. Nowitzki helped seal the Mavericks win with two free throws with 11 seconds left on the clock, but admitted he had messed up a slam-dunk attempt earlier in the game. "Right at the end, the knee buckled a bit, so I didn't get high enough to hang in the air. That was a bit embarrassing, I think I am too old to dunk," he quipped. 之前對陣柏林的季前賽中,小牛球星德克-諾維茨基(Dirk Nowitzki)在比賽最後用穩定的 罰球幫助球隊鎖定了勝局。不過在比賽的早些時候,他扣丟了一個球。 賽後接受採訪時,諾維茨基笑稱自己已經太老了,扣不了籃了。 “起跳動作的最後,我的膝蓋沒有完全舒展,所以在空中上升的高度不夠高。”諾維茨基 自嘲道:“這蠻尷尬的。我想我已經太老了,扣不動了。” Dirk帥氣定裝照: http://channel.pixnet.net/sport/photo/games/pic/203754067 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/10 17:59, , 1F
先把膝蓋的肌耐力練回來吧 我不老也沒辦法扣阿XD
02/10 17:59, 1F
文章代碼(AID): #1H5szmxl (D_Nowitzki)
文章代碼(AID): #1H5szmxl (D_Nowitzki)