Keep the faith!

看板DaCin (達欣虎)作者 (嘟嘟好!!)時間18年前 (2007/05/13 19:18), 編輯推噓61(6102)
留言63則, 44人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛剛主播說了 今天達欣學到很多 尤其是田壘 看他坐在場邊自責的表情 其實我很難過 他一定沒想到自己一時控制不住情緒的表現 會變成這場比賽的轉淚點 本來該是6分的差距 一瞬間變成20分 裕隆還是裕隆 果然不可能這麼輕易被打倒 老虎們今天一定很沮喪 一開賽氣勢如虹的氣勢沒能維持到最後 無法一舉扳倒裕隆 絕對是夜長夢多 我很怕去年的惡夢再上演 但是一直告訴自己 要keep the faith! 他們不可能放棄 所以我們也不會放棄 這一關絕對比想像中難過 但是最重要的是有沒有在這場比賽裡學到什麼 禮拜三 我們再來過!! ---- 這期間 大家還是低調點 不要忘了我們之前的板名 "曖曖內含光" 太多人想要看王者裕隆被打敗 但真正的達欣迷 只是想要看我們支持的球員堅持到最後 衝破難關 搶進冠軍賽 支持我們的球隊就好 想要看衰別人的 抱歉 這不是本板的風格^^ 不好意思最後又嚴肅了起來 但我想 該懂的人會懂的:) 不要灰心 包括我自己在內 只要再一場 今年打到這樣 他們已經很棒 對吧^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

05/13 19:20, , 1F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:20, 1F

05/13 19:21, , 2F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:21, 2F

05/13 19:22, , 3F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:22, 3F

05/13 19:23, , 4F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:23, 4F

05/13 19:24, , 5F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:24, 5F

05/13 19:24, , 6F
Keep the faith! 朝夢想邁進吧!
05/13 19:24, 6F

05/13 19:25, , 7F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:25, 7F
※ 編輯: Swing 來自: (05/13 19:27)

05/13 19:30, , 8F
Keep the faith!
05/13 19:30, 8F

05/13 19:31, , 9F
Keep the faith! 加油!!
05/13 19:31, 9F

05/13 19:32, , 10F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 19:32, 10F

05/13 19:35, , 11F
Keep the faith!! 達欣加油!
05/13 19:35, 11F

05/13 19:43, , 12F
Keep the faith!!!! 我也真的覺得...要低調要低調....
05/13 19:43, 12F

05/13 19:43, , 13F
Keep the faith! 看到田壘最後一記灌籃鼻頭就酸了..但請加油!
05/13 19:43, 13F

05/13 19:45, , 14F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 19:45, 14F

05/13 19:46, , 15F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 19:46, 15F

05/13 20:01, , 16F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:01, 16F

05/13 20:05, , 17F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:05, 17F

05/13 20:08, , 18F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:08, 18F

05/13 20:08, , 19F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:08, 19F

05/13 20:09, , 20F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:09, 20F

05/13 20:12, , 21F
keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:12, 21F

05/13 20:15, , 22F
keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:15, 22F

05/13 20:15, , 23F
keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:15, 23F

05/13 20:38, , 24F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/13 20:38, 24F

05/13 21:27, , 25F
Keep the faith!!!! 再加油!
05/13 21:27, 25F

05/13 21:33, , 26F
Keep the faith!
05/13 21:33, 26F

05/13 22:14, , 27F
keep the faith! 週三拼了!!!!!
05/13 22:14, 27F

05/13 22:24, , 28F
Keep the faith!!!! 一舉打進冠軍賽吧^^
05/13 22:24, 28F

05/13 22:29, , 29F
Keep the faith! 決戰星期三!
05/13 22:29, 29F

05/13 22:30, , 30F
Keep the faith!
05/13 22:30, 30F

05/13 22:36, , 31F
Keep the faith!
05/13 22:36, 31F

05/13 22:39, , 32F
Keep the faith!!
05/13 22:39, 32F

05/13 22:45, , 33F
Keep the faith!!!
05/13 22:45, 33F

05/13 22:50, , 34F
keep the faith!!!! 星期三加油!!
05/13 22:50, 34F

05/13 22:58, , 35F
Keep the faith!!!! 加油加油~~
05/13 22:58, 35F

05/13 22:57, , 36F
keep the faith!!! 星期三的比賽加油吧 努力贏得勝利吧
05/13 22:57, 36F

05/13 23:16, , 37F
Keep the FAITH!!! 禮拜三打完就是冠亞軍了!
05/13 23:16, 37F

05/13 23:39, , 38F
Keep the faith 禮拜三打完就是冠亞軍了!
05/13 23:39, 38F

05/13 23:43, , 39F
Keep the faith 禮拜三打完就是冠亞軍了!
05/13 23:43, 39F

05/13 23:51, , 40F
Keep the faith!
05/13 23:51, 40F

05/14 00:10, , 41F
Keep the faith 禮拜三打完就是冠亞軍了!
05/14 00:10, 41F

05/14 00:16, , 42F
Keep the faith!加油!
05/14 00:16, 42F

05/14 00:56, , 43F
keep the faith!!!! 禮拜三打完就冠亞軍了!!!
05/14 00:56, 43F

05/14 02:07, , 44F
Keep the faith!!!! 禮拜三打完就冠亞軍了!!!
05/14 02:07, 44F

05/14 09:42, , 45F
Keep the faith!!!! 禮拜三打完就冠亞軍了!!!
05/14 09:42, 45F

05/14 10:33, , 46F
Keep the faith!!!!!
05/14 10:33, 46F

05/14 11:23, , 47F
Keep the faith!!!!!
05/14 11:23, 47F

05/14 11:40, , 48F
Keep the faith!!!!!
05/14 11:40, 48F

05/14 12:52, , 49F
Keep the faith!!!! 星期三加油!!!^0^!!
05/14 12:52, 49F

05/14 13:34, , 50F
keep the faith 週三拼了!! 加油加油!! 沒有星期四了!!
05/14 13:34, 50F

05/14 14:42, , 51F
Keep the faith!!!!! 星期三拼了!加油!!
05/14 14:42, 51F

05/14 16:36, , 52F
Keep the faith!!!!! 希望週三不會到連阿永都需要上場的窘境뤠
05/14 16:36, 52F

05/14 19:03, , 53F
Keep the faith!!冠軍賽就在眼前
05/14 19:03, 53F

05/14 21:37, , 54F
Keep the faith!!!! 週三勇往直前吧猛虎們!!!
05/14 21:37, 54F

05/15 00:02, , 55F
Keep the faith , go to the next round
05/15 00:02, 55F

05/15 00:36, , 56F
Keep the faith!!!! 晚安推!!達欣加油!!
05/15 00:36, 56F

05/15 02:23, , 57F
Keep the faith!!!! 星期三拼了阿!!!加油!!!
05/15 02:23, 57F

05/15 12:53, , 58F
Keep the faith!!!!! 禮拜三拼了
05/15 12:53, 58F

05/15 15:35, , 59F
keep the faith!!!!! 沒有星期四了!!週三拼吧!!!!!
05/15 15:35, 59F

05/15 20:23, , 60F
Keep the faith!!!!!
05/15 20:23, 60F

05/15 22:04, , 61F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/15 22:04, 61F

05/16 09:42, , 62F
Keep the faith!!!!
05/16 09:42, 62F

05/16 10:53, , 63F
keep the faith!!!! 星期三加油 贏到底啊 !!!!!!!!!!!
05/16 10:53, 63F
文章代碼(AID): #16HlGJj7 (DaCin)
文章代碼(AID): #16HlGJj7 (DaCin)