[外電] 達爾復健持續穩定

看板Darvish作者 (Yu#11 Hammy#32)時間9年前 (2015/08/31 16:53), 編輯推噓5(502)
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http://goo.gl/L9ZHef Rangers notes: Darvish feels good about rehab, team’s success The Rangers’ success in 2015 hasn’t surprised Yu Darvish, especially considering the valuable pitchers the club has added. Darvish, who talked to the media for the first time in a couple months before Tuesday’s game, began a throwing program last week after five months recovering from Tommy John surgery. “I’m not amazed whatsoever,” Darvish said before the Rangers opened up a three-game series with the Toronto Blue Jays. The Rangers have a claim on the second wild-card at the moment. “We have a lot of great players. I see this team as a team that could win the championship so I’m not really surprised.” 條子2015的成功並沒有讓達爾感到驚訝 幾個月來第一次在媒體前面發言 他說:我沒有感到非常驚喜,因為我們隊上本來就很多很棒的球員, 這本就是一個可以拿冠軍的球隊,所以我沒有非常驚訝! Darvish and his wife recently had a baby so he hasn’t been at Globe Life Park for a while. “But I watch the games at home and it seems every time I watch the game we win, so its been fun,” he said. 因為達爾跟他太太(? 最近有了剛出生的小孩,所以有段時間沒出現在球場。 "但是我在家都會看比賽,好像每次我看的那場都會贏,很有趣" Darvish, who is noticeably bulkier in his arms, said he’s remained faithful to the recovery program the Rangers have him on. “I don’t plan on pushing anything. I’m just going to follow the program,” he said. “It’s a little early to predict anything but I have no pain whatsoever so everything is going fine right now.” 達爾仍舊致力於手臂復健,並對於條子的復健菜單充滿信心 "我沒有很催促自己的進度,就照著菜單時程走,雖然言之過早,但我目前不感到疼痛 一切都很好 "。 Darvish is currently throwing 25 times from 60 feet three times a week. Next week, he’ll do two sets, followed by three sets the following week before increasing the distance to 75 feet. “I’m doing it lightly,” he said. “If I’m [throwing] it too hard, they tell me to slow down.” As for the added bulk? Darvish said he’s just trying to gain any edge he can while away from the mound. “It’s kind of hard being Japanese and trying to compete with your natural abilities with the American players,” he said with a wink. “So I’m going to use this time to really train myself and build muscles.” 目前一周丟25次60英呎距離的球,爾後二周還要再做5次,之後就可以增加為75英呎。 "我現在都輕輕地丟,如果丟太猛會被要求慢一些" 至於是否鍛鍊重訓? 達爾說他仍盡可能持續維持 "身為日本人的一些天生條件,不比美國人,所以我要利用這些時間去鍛鍊我自己, 以及練一些肌肉"。 影片http://www.star-telegram.com/sports/mlb/article32395458.html -- 澆點水 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Darvish/M.1441011229.A.016.html

08/31 18:17, , 1F
08/31 18:17, 1F

09/01 09:15, , 2F
隨著醫生專業的意見走 不要操之過急~
09/01 09:15, 2F

09/04 23:25, , 3F
09/04 23:25, 3F

09/08 15:55, , 4F
一個建議 關於最後一段 我的理解是60呎一組丟25球 一
09/08 15:55, 4F

09/08 15:55, , 5F
週三次 然後下禮拜變丟兩組 再下禮拜丟三組
09/08 15:55, 5F

09/08 15:56, , 6F
然後 達爾加油阿~~期待能快點看到他投球
09/08 15:56, 6F

09/16 23:11, , 7F
09/16 23:11, 7F
文章代碼(AID): #1Lv1OT0M (Darvish)
文章代碼(AID): #1Lv1OT0M (Darvish)