Re: [閒聊] 安全最重要。( ̄﹁ ̄||)

看板FAPL作者 (ㄌㄔ2015 世界一流)時間8年前 (2016/11/29 17:58), 編輯推噓1(104)
留言5則, 4人參與, 最新討論串15/159 (看更多)
※ 引述《mithralin (工口)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Makaay (Bayern Munchen)》之銘言: : : : : 天有不測風雲阿~~~~~~ : : 巴甲球隊沙佩科 搭機前往哥倫比亞 和國民競技的南美杯比賽中 : : 不幸遭遇空難 飛機墜毀 機上載有81人 : : 目前據說有生還者 : : 但情形還不是很清楚...... : 官方最終消息出爐,76死5重傷,75名乘客當場死亡,1名送醫後不治身亡 : Chapecoense上飛機的22名球員,只剩下守門員Danilo,Jackson Follmann : 與後衛Alan Ruschel(加護病房與死神拔河中)活著。 : 巴西足協已經與各家球團緊急召開協調會,除了確認Copa Americana : 延期外,另外將會要求各家球團釋出部分戰力出租給Chapecoense,起 : 碼讓他們踢完這個賽季。 衛報的條列式摘要,請自行參考 A charter plane carrying 81 people, including 22 players from the Brazilian football club Chapecoense, crashed in Cerro Gordo, Colombia. Police say 76 people were killed, and five survived. One of the dead, survived the crash, but died in hospital. Survivors included three members of the team, according to unconfirmed reports. They included Danilo, the team’s 31-year-old goalkeeper, and Alan Ruschel who was being treated for very severe injuries. Jackson Follmann was also reportedly among the survivors. The plane was given priority to land but didn’t make the airport, according to Alfredo Bocanegra, the head of Colombia’s civil aviation authority. It lost contact with ground controllers around midnight. The plane was en route from Bolivia to Medellin airport in Colombia, where the team was due to play in the Copa Americana. Bad weather is hampering rescue efforts, but an estimated 90 emergency services workers are now at the crash site. Football teams across Brazil have been sending out their prayers to the Chapecoense club. The mayor of Medellin said the crash was “a tragedy of huge proportions.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址:

11/29 18:00, , 1F
補充:除了隊職員之外 機上還有二十一名巴西記者
11/29 18:00, 1F

11/29 18:00, , 2F
11/29 18:00, 2F

11/29 18:04, , 3F
11/29 18:04, 3F

11/29 18:27, , 4F
11/29 18:27, 4F

11/29 19:39, , 5F
大概是首次踢國際賽事決賽 球團董事也去看了吧 唉
11/29 19:39, 5F
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