[速度] Monaco tech file

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (<<Luca<<)時間18年前 (2006/05/24 02:20), 編輯推噓5(501)
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http://www.f1technical.net/news/3021 The street circuit in Monaco is a unique circuit in the Formula 1 season. It is often talked about as THE race of the year, and the tight, twisting street circuit needs a special approach to get the best from the R26. 摩納哥的街道賽道在F1賽程裡是相當特殊的 以R26為例(按:此份datasheet來自雷諾) 在設定方面也必須有一套特殊的機制來應付這樣一個緊湊且扭曲的場地 Chassis Ride heights: Monaco is not only a very twisty circuit, but it is also extremely bumpy, sharply cambered and slippery, particularly early in the weekend when little rubber has been put down on the racing line. We therefore raise ride heights by between 5 and 7 mm relative to normal in order to cope with the surface variations on the circuit. 跑道的幾何型態扭曲 並且起伏極大 急彎多 路面又易打滑-- 特別是在一開始路面沒有太多橡膠沾粘時 因此底盤高度的設定大致在相對其他場地高出5~7mm左右以適應路面變化 Suspension: In order to obtain the best possible level of grip, we use soft suspension settings, which also help the car ride the bumps and cope with the sharp cambers. The bumpy surface means the wheels must be able to move independently to ride the bumps, and we soften the anti-roll bars to achieve this. Camber angles are also a focus of special attention, and we run them fairly high – but not so much as to make the car unstable in the bumpy, high-speed braking zones. 懸掛主要以較軟的設定以維持最佳抓地力 及起伏和急彎 4個車輪必須獨立作動以有效面對起伏不平坦的路面 另一方面並將防滾桿調至較軟設定 輪胎的角度是另一個須要特別注意之部分 在不造成車輛不穩定的前提下盡量提高過彎速度 Aerodynamics: Monaco sees us run the highest downforce level of the year, and the cars often sprout extra appendages for this race to claw back even more aerodynamic advantage. The downforce brings benefits not just in the corners, but under braking and acceleration. Straight-line speed is of little importance at this circuit, and we sometimes runs higher drag levels than normal in order to get more downforce. 空力方面 本站是所有賽事中下壓力需求最高的場地 因此附加了不少增進更多空力性能的套件 下壓力的重要性不僅是在過彎 對於加減速也有影響 因為在這裡不需要考慮直線極速 為使車輛有更高的下壓力 空力設定會以阻力較一般設定更大之模式來設定 Steering angle: The Grand Hotel hairpin is the tightest of the season, and demands the highest steering angle of the year. It is, for example, two times more than anything required at the last race in Barcelona. We also calibrate the traction control system and differential to help the car turn on the throttle. 在轉向角方面 為應付賽季中最急的Grand Hotel髮夾彎 因此必須以最大角度做設定 幾乎是上一站西班牙設定之2倍以上 對於TC和差速裝置也須做一番校準 Engine Performance: Monaco does not initially seem a demanding engine circuit, as the drivers spend just 50% of the lap at full throttle – the lowest value of the year. However, that is something of an urban myth, and numerous challenges must be tackled to get the maximum from the RS26. The bumpy surface means there is a real risk of over-revving. In terms of performance, it is important to have a driveable engine with good torque, even from very low revs, in order to launch out of the slow corners. 引擎方面 本站並不是一個強調引擎馬力的場地 單圈中約只有50%的全油門狀態 比例堪稱全季賽事中最低者 然而即便如此 仍然必須面臨其他方面之挑戰-- 高低起伏之路面可能造成引擎超轉 在性能方面較重要的是如何能夠在低轉狀態下仍維持足夠的扭力 而這對於出低速彎後的加速是有直接影響的 Gearbox: We use closely-spaced gear ratios at this circuit in order to optimise acceleration, and get the most from the engine at slow speeds. 變速箱方面 採用齒距比較密集的裝置方式以獲得較佳的加速性 並使引擎在低速狀態時保持最佳運作 Cooling: The absence of significant straights makes cooling the engine difficult, especially as the short gear ratios mean the engine is often running at high revs even though the car is moving relatively slowly through the air. This presents a challenge for cooling the car effectively, and we sometimes have to open up the bodywork to ensure the engine does not overheat. However, with aerodynamic efficiency less of a priority here than elsewhere, this does bring its usual lap-time penalty, should it be required. 本站對於散熱是一項極大的考驗 因為跑道缺乏高速直線段 加上密齒變速箱之使用 使得引擎必須在車輛移動速度較慢之狀態下以較高之轉速運作 (按:F1的氣冷系統沒有"風扇"裝置 必須靠車輛本身的高速行進達到空氣流通之效果) 有時甚至必須將車殼之引擎蓋部分卸下以確保散熱 而空力效率較其他場地為低亦是對於單圈時間不利之因素 Source Renaultf1 感想:看來這個極具歷史意義之特殊賽道 對於現今的技術面也是一大考驗.. 譯注:偽首席測試車手 -- ██████ █ ██◣ ◢█◣ ██◣ ◢██◣ ███ ██◣ ██████ █ █ █ █ █ █ ◣ █ █ █ █ █ ██████ █ ██◤ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██◣ █ ◤ ██████ █ ██◣ ████ █ █ █ █ ██◤ ██▌ ██████ █ █ █ █ █ █ ◤ █ █ █ █ ▉ ██████ ███ ● ██◤ █ █ ██◤ ◥██◤ ███ █ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/24 11:01, , 1F
05/24 11:01, 1F

05/24 11:34, , 2F
05/24 11:34, 2F

05/24 12:12, , 3F
05/24 12:12, 3F

05/24 18:35, , 4F
Camber -> 輪胎傾角
05/24 18:35, 4F

05/24 18:36, , 5F
differential -> 差速器 LSD簡稱
05/24 18:36, 5F
恩 我看錯原文了 感謝提醒 已修正 ※ 編輯: LucaBadoer 來自: (05/24 19:33)

05/25 00:44, , 6F
05/25 00:44, 6F
※ 編輯: LucaBadoer 來自: (01/15 13:48)
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文章代碼(AID): #14Sr9iiB (FORMULA1)