[情報] Magny-Cours car setup

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (<<Luca<<)時間18年前 (2006/07/11 02:27), 編輯推噓2(200)
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http://www.f1technical.net/news/3477 As F1 heads back for Europe for one more string of circuits, Magny-Cours is the first to go and the homebase for Renault who are extra motivated to perform well. The circuit should suit the Renault R26 well. The Viry based team gives an insight in how a car is setup in France to achieve a race winning pace. F1的戰場從北美移回了歐陸 法國站是第一個所要迎接的場次 同時也是雷諾車隊的主場 以下是來自該隊關於如何設定車輛的報導 Downforce We run medium to high levels of downforce at Magny-Cours in order to get improve braking and traction, as well as grip in the medium speed corners. While it might seem tempting to reduce wing levels to improve top speed to try and overtake competitors on the run to turn 5, this is actually counter- productive: reducing wing costs the drivers speed in turn 3, reducing their exit speeds and having little impact on the speed at the end of the straight. 下壓力的方面採中高設定值 以提升煞車和循跡裝置的效能及中速彎的抓地力 雖說(傾角)較平的翼面設定可以提升極速 增加在第5彎的超越機會 但事實上容易使車手在第3彎衝過頭 降低出彎速度 並對直線底的速度造成部分影響 Suspension The circuit features an exceptionally smooth surface, meaning we can run the cars with very low ride heights, and stiff suspension. Stiff suspension offers benefits in terms of aerodynamic performance, and the change of direction in the quick chicanes at turns 6/7 and 11/12. The car may end up a little nervous in these sections, but this does not cost time as both are followed by braking zones and slow corners. In terms of suspension settings, we must nevertheless find the right balance between stiffness for the higher speed sections, and mechanical grip for the slow corners. 本站賽道具有著異常平穩的表面 因此可採用較低的底盤及較硬的懸掛設定 如此一來可以增進空力效益 及像是6/7和11/12等高速彎的操控性-- 在這些區域裡車輛可能會較為難以操控 但因緩衝區和低速彎的配合 因此並不會損失太多的單圈時間 懸掛的設定在硬度上必須要足夠應付較高速彎且兼顧低速彎的抓地力 Reliability Magny-Cours presents few unusual reliability challenges for the cars, but the major one comes at the final chicane with its very high kerbs. The quickest line involves bouncing over both kerbs, but brings with it the associated risks of over-revving the engine and overloading the transmission. While the drivers will always use the optimum line in qualifying to achieve the fastest lap-time, they may alter this slightly for the race to look after the mechanicals of the car. 在本場中有一些對於耐用度較為不尋常的考驗 其中最主要的是在最後一個彎 因為它的路肩特別高 最快的跑法(路線)是必須連吃兩個路肩的 然而這樣一來也增加了引擎超轉的風險和傳動系統的負擔 在排位賽中車手可能會選擇最快的路線來爭取最佳單圈 但在決賽中則多半會考量到車輛耐用度而斟酌較為安全的跑線 Track temperature The track surface at Magny-Cours is notorious for its temperature sensitivity. A variation in its exposure to sunlight can have a large effect on the track temperatures, and something as seemingly innocuous as a passing cloud could take a tyre compound out of its optimum operating window. This is something we try and counter in our tyre choice, and we pick the most suitable compound for the predicted conditions. In general, rising temperatures will make the car oversteer more, and the evolution of track temperature is something we track throughout the weekend. 賽道溫度的變化所造成的影響在本站可說是出了名的 不同的日照量對於賽道溫度會造成極大的變化 一片看似不起眼的雲層都有可能令輪胎達不到最佳工作溫度 也因此在輪胎配方的選擇上要依照氣候預測來決定 一般而言 越高的溫度會使車輛轉向過度的可能性越高 賽道溫度是一項必須密切注意的因素 Engine torque Magny-Cours is a circuit where engine torque plays a prominent role. We need strong levels of torque to launch the cars out of the numerous slow corners, but also good torque control at higher revs. In turn 3, and also at the two quick chicanes, the drivers go back to full throttle while the car is turning and under high aerodynamic loads. Power delivery must therefore be as smooth as possible to avoid unsettling the car balance. This will be a less of a factor with the V8 engines than with the V10 generation, owing to reduced levels of torque. 引擎的扭力在本站扮演著決定性的角色 在出低速彎時必須要有較大的扭力輸出 而在高轉速時也必須維持較佳的扭力控制 再第3彎與兩個高速彎中 車手是以全油門的方式駕駛 而車輛也是在高空力負載狀態下過彎 馬力傳輸必須盡可能平順 避免擾亂車輛的平衡 然而相較於V10引擎 V8引擎在這部分的影響是較為其次的 因其扭力相對較小 Gearing Gear ratios at Magny-Cours tend to be shortly-spaced in order to optimise the car’s acceleration from slow speeds. This means our attention is focused primarily on the 0-250 kph range without too many worries about top speeds. This is because the primary passing opportunity on the circuit is at the end of the back straight, which is preceded by an ‘aero-dominant’ corner where following another closely car is difficult – which makes it hard to use any straightline speed advantage on the exit. However, the exception to this rule can come on the first lap where gaps between cars have not stabilised – and it is still possible to pass for position. 在本站採用較密集的齒比以獲得較佳的加速性 因此變速箱的性能著重在0~250kph的範圍 高速段其次 主要原因是在於本場地首要的超車機會出現在直路底 然而隨後是一個跟車不易的彎道(因前車車尾會產生亂流造成後車不穩) 也因此提高了利用直線速度優勢來超車的難度 但在第一圈因為車距尚未拉開 因此仍有可能做出超越 Control systems The control systems are important in two main areas at Magny-Cours: firstly, for controlling rear tyre wear; and secondly, to avoid over-revving at the final chicane when the cars leap into the air and leave the rear wheels spinning freely. However, these tasks are part of our ‘normal’ weekend work and do not present a significant additional challenge. 操控上主要模有兩個需要注意的部分 第一是後輪的磨耗 第二則是最後一彎過彎時輪胎未著地空轉造成引擎超轉 然而這兩點是一般比賽中皆會注意的部分 因此不構成額外的挑戰 Source: Renault F1 譯注 : 偽首席測試車手 -- ██████ █ ██◣ ◢█◣ ██◣ ◢██◣ ███ ██◣ ██████ █ █ █ █ █ █ ◣ █ █ █ █ █ ██████ █ ██◤ █ █ █ █ █ █ ██◣ █ ◤ ██████ █ ██◣ ████ █ █ █ █ ██◤ ██▌ ██████ █ █ █ █ █ █ ◤ █ █ █ █ ▉ ██████ ███ ● ██◤ █ █ ██◤ ◥██◤ ███ █ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

07/11 21:41, , 1F
這條賽道很討厭 用遊戲模擬就算開輔助還是會衝出去...
07/11 21:41, 1F

07/12 01:27, , 2F
07/12 01:27, 2F
※ 編輯: LucaBadoer 來自: (01/15 13:47)
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