Re: [問題] 禁藥

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (何だよお前!?)時間18年前 (2006/08/06 15:24), 編輯推噓10(1002)
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※ 引述《blabo (樹人)》之銘言: : 突然想到的 : f1車手會有服用禁藥的問題嗎? : 如果要驗血的話 : 那不是每兩個禮拜就要抽一次血 : 最後手臂上都是針孔 XD 找到了一篇1999年寫的文章, 覺得滿有趣的, 有時間又想練英文的可以看看 XD Formula 1 and Crime 節錄有關服用禁藥的部分 Racing drivers - particularly the successful ones - have tended to find in recent years that fitness is a key factor in success and so they have avoided alcohol and drugs. They live on strict diets and, according to French sports medicine expert Pierre Baleydier, there are currently no drugs which can improve the performance of F1 drivers. 法國體育藥物專家指現在(當年1999年)根本就沒有藥物可以增強車手的表現 "Is there a drug that would make an F1 driver go faster?" said Baleydier recently. "As far as I know no such thing exists. Anabolic steriods, growth hormones and so on are of no interest in F1: what good is increasing the physical power of a driver and paying for it with excess weight? 促蛋白合成類固醇, 生長激素等在f1中起不了甚麼作用: 增加車手的體能, 但卻令他們變重, 這有甚麼好處? Amphetamines push back the threshold of pain and fatigue. That is true in more demanding sports than F1 where the effort lasts more than 90 minutes, but amphetamines create euphoria and that is to the detriment of clear-thinking and that does not seem like a good idea to me in F1. 安非他命可以令車手更加能忍受痛楚和疲勞, 但f1的比賽通常不多於90分鐘 而且安非他命同時會令車手產生幻覺, 令他們不能清晰地思考 這明顯地在f1並不是一件好事... There are downsides too with beta-blockers, which reduce stress. They slow down the reflexes. Given the specific things demanded from a racing driver it seems to me that F1 is protected from the drugs plague and so spared from it." 乙型交感神經阻斷劑也有它的壞處。它能減輕壓力,但卻令車手的反射變慢 The FIA does occasional random drug tests and only once has anything been found. FIA其實是有抽驗車手有否服用禁藥的,但過去(當然是指99年前)只有一次有 發現到甚麼 That was back in 1995 when both Rubens Barrichello and Max Papis tested positive to substances which appear on the International Olympic Committee's list of banned drugs. 當時是1995年,老巴和 Max Papis 都被檢出對某些國際奧林匹克委員會 禁藥名單上的禁藥呈陽性反應 Both men were taking nasal decongestants for colds. 當時兩人都在服用對付感冒的鼻黏膜收縮劑 The drug was ephedrine and F1 doctor Professor Sid Watkins explained that ephedrine had no effect whatsoever on a driver's ability to perform and suggested that it was probably better if F1 did not use the same list of banned drugs as the International Olympic Committee as it was not specifically designed for F1. F1 的醫生解釋 ephedrine 對F1車手的表現絕對沒有任何幫助 他也建議 F1 不要使用國際奧林匹克委員會的禁藥標準 因為它並不是專門為 F1 而設計的 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 這篇文章因為比較舊,沒有提及較近期的 blood-doping, 比如是EPO, autologous transfusion 等 但與禁藥事件鬧得很兇的單車,田徑等相比 f1的確是本質上比較不受禁藥的影響 很明顯,車開得多快與車手的體能並不是正比例的影響 ------------------------------------------------------------- 亂翻的 XD 從不同角度去看f1也滿有趣的~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/06 16:10, , 1F
推一下XD 剛剛都忘了類固醇會讓車手變重
08/06 16:10, 1F

08/06 16:28, , 2F
08/06 16:28, 2F

08/06 16:31, , 3F
有是有 不過集中的地方沒什麼用XD
08/06 16:31, 3F

08/06 16:34, , 4F
08/06 16:34, 4F

08/06 16:35, , 5F
08/06 16:35, 5F

08/06 16:37, , 6F
08/06 16:37, 6F

08/06 17:59, , 7F
還沒下雨 F1版就先溼了...
08/06 17:59, 7F

08/06 18:20, , 8F
08/06 18:20, 8F

08/06 18:58, , 9F
08/06 18:58, 9F

08/06 18:58, , 10F
所以才有彎曲的尾翼 第三油箱 還有種種偷吃步卻沒人要吃藥
08/06 18:58, 10F

08/06 19:03, , 11F
遺撼 似乎乾了...
08/06 19:03, 11F

08/06 19:49, , 12F
08/06 19:49, 12F
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