轉啊轉啊七彩的賽車 XD

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (phoenix0921)時間18年前 (2007/03/31 00:13), 編輯推噓27(27014)
留言41則, 16人參與, 最新討論串1/1
TThe World Motorsport Council met yesterday and the FIA today announced the decisions that were made with regard to the sporting and technica regulations for next season. FIA昨天開完會以後發表了下個賽季的相關技術規定 The most significant change to the previously published set of rules is that traction control will no longer be permitted. 最重要的改變就是明年開始Traction Control將不被允許使用 Article 9.3 of the technical regulations states: ‘No car may be equipped with a system or device which is capable of preventing the driven wheels from spinning under power or of compensating for excessive throttle demand by the driver. Any device or system which notifies the driver of the onset of wheel spin is not permitted.' 技術規定條文9.3:"所有車輛將不被准許裝設任何防止輪胎打滑的系統或儀器. 同時任何警告車手輪胎打滑的系統也是不被准許的" Formula One moves to a standardised ECU next year and it now felt that the FIA can effectively police traction control and other driver aids, something that proved difficult with each team running its own ECU and electronic systems. In addition, the FIA ECU must also be used in testing. 相較於每一個車隊都使用不同的ECU,使得FIA無法有效管理車隊電子系統 F1明年開始使用統一ECU的同時將給予FIA更多權力來管理被車隊使用的系統. With gearboxes sealed and to be used over four Grand Prix weekends, a change of gearbox will incur a five position penalty on the starting grid. 另一個重大改變就是變速箱必須撐過四場賽事,更改變速箱造成車手退後五個位置出發 However, the seals can be ‘broken’ under supervision of the FIA in races two, three and four ahead of qualification for inspection and the changing of ratios. Clutches can be changed without penalty. 不過在FIA的指導之下進行檢查跟調整齒輪比,變速箱的封條是可以被打開的. 更換clutch將不會被處罰 With regard to engine homologation, there are many ancillary devices such as clutches, alternators, fuel pumps and other devices that are not included in the process. 有關凍結引擎的規定,有些device並未在會中被討論到 Other rule changes include the procedure for taking a penalty in the pit lane should the safety car be deployed, changes to the crash test requirements and crash structures, and clarification of the engine change rule regarding a failure before the end of qualifying. 其他改變包括安全車上場時的pit lane處罰,更嚴格的crash test,還有更換 引擎的一些規定. 文章來源:http://www.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/070330165207.shtml -- 沒錢沒未來沒女人沒關係 只要給我F1就沒問題 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/31 00:15, , 1F
03/31 00:15, 1F

03/31 00:16, , 2F
God~ 變速箱用四場...更換還要退位
03/31 00:16, 2F

03/31 00:18, , 3F
Good~ 取消traction control太棒了...
03/31 00:18, 3F

03/31 00:18, , 4F
03/31 00:18, 4F

03/31 00:22, , 5F
這時就就是要比誰的spin技巧熟練了~ ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
03/31 00:22, 5F

03/31 00:26, , 6F
03/31 00:26, 6F

03/31 00:27, , 7F
03/31 00:27, 7F

03/31 00:32, , 8F
跟冼拿...沒關係吧?? @_@
03/31 00:32, 8F

03/31 00:39, , 9F
統一ECU應該還好 以前發生過TC藏在ECU裡面
03/31 00:39, 9F

03/31 00:49, , 10F
洗拿跟TC無關吧.. 取消主動懸吊還比較有關係XD
03/31 00:49, 10F

03/31 00:49, , 11F
到覺得開放TC對大書挺不力的.. 她跑gokart起家應該對
03/31 00:49, 11F

03/31 00:50, , 12F
03/31 00:50, 12F

03/31 00:50, , 13F
TCS的禁用 印象中到了98年都還沒取消
03/31 00:50, 13F

03/31 00:51, , 14F
之前看過太多車手 在沒有TCS下的鳥樣 老巴小舒都是(嘆)
03/31 00:51, 14F

03/31 00:52, , 15F
小舒連跳動多一點的跑道都會發生SPIN 也不知道該說什麼了
03/31 00:52, 15F

03/31 00:53, , 16F
(車身震動 結果踏板不小心使力過度)
03/31 00:53, 16F

03/31 00:53, , 17F
這幾年有TCS 很多車手之臭屁實在看不下去 老巴就是一個
03/31 00:53, 17F

03/31 00:57, , 18F
少了TC...我猜SATO應該最沒差,他之前就常常360 recovery了
03/31 00:57, 18F

03/31 00:58, , 19F
03/31 00:58, 19F

03/31 01:01, , 20F
樓上搞不好是真的咧XD 二線三線車隊TC參數之類的設定不優
03/31 01:01, 20F

03/31 01:02, , 21F
搞不好以後取消TC...會比較快適應 XD
03/31 01:02, 21F

03/31 01:03, , 22F
03/31 01:03, 22F

03/31 01:08, , 23F
03/31 01:08, 23F

03/31 01:11, , 24F
埃 其實大部分車手都是從go kart開始
03/31 01:11, 24F

03/31 01:13, , 25F
唉 騎十現在的車手 彎都還沒出去油門就送到底了XDD
03/31 01:13, 25F

03/31 01:13, , 26F
眾車手:X!又spin SATO:閃開,讓專業的來,反胎就好嘛...
03/31 01:13, 26F

03/31 01:17, , 27F
因為有了TC 我想大部分車手駕駛風格也會改變 多少
03/31 01:17, 27F

03/31 01:20, , 28F
所以Lewis Hamilton不就是說F1賽車反而比GP2的好開,因
03/31 01:20, 28F

03/31 01:21, , 29F
03/31 01:21, 29F

03/31 01:35, , 30F
03/31 01:35, 30F

03/31 01:38, , 31F
不就Ron Dennis嘛...不過話說回來,他老爸也可以算上一份
03/31 01:38, 31F

03/31 01:43, , 32F
我覺得Lewis對F1 McLaren行銷很有幫助
03/31 01:43, 32F

03/31 01:50, , 33F
03/31 01:50, 33F

03/31 01:51, , 34F
03/31 01:51, 34F

03/31 01:52, , 35F
03/31 01:52, 35F

03/31 01:53, , 36F
不論Ron Dennis或是Hamilton...都可以算是壓對寶吧
03/31 01:53, 36F

03/31 02:17, , 37F
03/31 02:17, 37F

03/31 02:37, , 38F
下雨天有趣了 內心已經科科.......
03/31 02:37, 38F

03/31 10:06, , 39F
開放TC 可惜雨神不再啊
03/31 10:06, 39F

03/31 10:41, , 40F
03/31 10:41, 40F

04/06 00:14, , 41F
雨神回來吧~ 讓那些"年輕"車手知道技術的差距
04/06 00:14, 41F
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