[閒聊] F1史上最老的初登場菜鳥車手
推 speedkyo:林帛亨已經27歲啦@@問:以年紀最老、第一次登上F1的是誰? 04/18 12:53
The oldest driver to start his first World Championship Formula One
race was Arthur Legat, who claims the title of oldest rookie. This Belgian
garage owner competed in his home Grand Prix in 1952 at the age of 53 years,
7 months and 21 days, and finished the race in 13th position.
If we define modern day as any race from 1970 onwards, the honour goes to
Carlo Franchi who competed in the 1978 Italian Grand Prix aged 40 years, 8
months and 9 days. He didn't actually race on Sunday, though, since he didn't
qualify his Surtees.
If we're looking for the oldest driver to have actually raced in his debut
Grand Prix since 1970, we arrive at George Follmer. This American was hired
by Shadow to drive alongside Jackie Oliver in the 1973 season. At the time of
his debut, Follmer was 39 years, 1 month and 4 days.
If we limit outselves to drivers who made their debut in the last ten years,
Toshio Suzuki - not to be confused with fellow Japanese Aguri Suzuki - took
the start of the 1993 Japanese Grand Prix at the age of 38 years, 7 months
and 14 days. Suzuki, who is a very experienced sportscar racer in his home
country, replaced Frenchman Philippe Alliot for the final two races of the
1993 season.
1. F1史上最老的初登場菜鳥車手是比利時籍的Arthur Legat。他在1952年比利時
2. 如果把時間限在1970年以後,最老的初登場菜鳥車手是義大利籍的Carlo Franchi
3. 如果把時間限在1970年以後真正有上場比賽的車手,最老的初登場菜鳥車手是
美國籍的George Follmer。他在1973年南非站登場時是39歲1個月又4天。該場
4. 如果把時間限在1990年以後,最老的初登場菜鳥車手是日本籍的Toshio Suzuki
ps. 這場比賽就是Senna賽後扁北愛砲王的那場經典賽事 XD
Mika Hakkinen -- Born: September 28, 1968 F1 driver: 1991-2001
Career: 20 wins, 51 podium finishes, 26 poles, 25 fastest laps, 420 points
1998 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 100 points
(8 wins, 11 podium finishes, 9 poles, 6 fastest laps)
1999 F1: West McLaren Mercedes, World Champion, 76 points
(5 wins, 10 podium finishes, 11 poles, 6 fastest laps)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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