[情報] 比利時站賽後記者會

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 ( 低調)時間17年前 (2007/09/17 13:25), 編輯推噓21(2103)
留言24則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
FIA post-race press conference -Belgium FIA比利時大獎賽賽後記者會 Reproduced with kind permission of the FIA 1st Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), 1h20m39.066s; 2nd Felipe Massa (Ferrari), 1h20m43.761s; 3rd Fernando Alonso (McLaren), 1h20m53.409s. Q: Kimi, from the pole, it looked like a perfect day for you. You were worried, before the race, perhaps, a little bit about your neck and also about a vibration or a feeling in the rear of the car in qualifying, but it looked to be perfect. 問:完美的比賽。脖子沒事?昨天排位車尾震動問題也沒事?(昨天排位賽後記者會 ,KIMI談到第2計時段後似乎車尾開起來怪怪的,但是還是夠快拿到干位) Kimi Raikkonen: Yes, I think so, not really any issues during the race. Only places were sometimes when you came up to lap some people it was pretty difficult because here it’s pretty low downforce, so you seem to lose a lot of grip, so it was pretty hard to get past people. But it was the same for everybody. Apart from that, the car was very good, everything went well and it was a nice race. K:比賽沒啥大問題。頂多是超慢車時困難點,但是每個人都會碰到這問題。 Q: And the neck and problem with the rear of the car? 問:脖子跟車尾問題?(真不死心,在問一次) KR: We never found anything, so it was probably in my head. The neck is OK, it ’s not perfect but it’s definitely OK and for sure it’s going to be like normal in the next races, so that’s not a worry. It was a perfect thing for the team, one-two, and they did everything right today. K:昨天排位後檢查找不到問題,可能是我秀斗。脖子還OK,至少不影響比賽。1-2完賽 很完美 Q: It is amazing how quickly things have turned around from Monza. Only a week ago, a very tough race against McLaren Mercedes, but dominant here in the Ardennes. 問:風水輪流轉,一下M隊很猛隔一週F隊快? KR: We knew that we were going to be much stronger here than we were in Monza. We know the reasons why we cannot challenge on the circuits like Monaco, Monza, Montreal. We try to fix that problem for next year, hopefully we can, and then we should be pretty strong. This is more to do with aerodynamics and our car is strong in that area, so any circuits like this are going to be OK for us. K:我們知道SPA會比MONZA猛很多。我們像Monaco, Monza, Montreal等賽道跑不快的理由 ,明年設計新車時希望能修正他。我們空力設計比較強,所以空力比較需要的賽道 (如果明年修正後)會跑比較快。(括號我自己加的,不然邏輯怪怪的) Q: A great Ferrari one-two, Felipe. Talk us through the early laps, behind Kimi. How did your two cars compare, what sort of shape were you in at that point? 問:談談比賽吧, MASSA Felipe Massa: I had a very good start but I went sideways to Kimi but the corner was a little bit in favour of him, but I managed to get a good line as well. But then I think I started with maybe too much front wing, the car was pretty oversteering in the first stint. The second stint was pretty good, we could manage to keep the same margin from the beginning to the end of the run and then in the end, the car was just perfect on the soft tyres, so maybe it was a little bit the wrong choice looking at how the track improved, but anyway, we just know now. At the beginning we needed to take some risks, but I think the race was pretty good, the car was pretty quick, consistent and I think we did a very good pace compared to McLaren. M:起跑很好,但是KIMI站的線比較有利。然後我覺得鼻翼下壓力太多了,有點轉向過度 ,一停後把鼻翼喬了一下就好多了,2停換軟胎後更棒。總體車比MCLAREN好。 Q: So what you’re suggesting is that perhaps you could have run a longer stint on the softer tyres? 問:軟胎可以跑更久? FM: Well, in the end, it was not a very long stint, but the tyres were pretty OK to run, so there was more grip, so it was better. M:2停後軟胎其實沒跑很多圈,最後發現磨耗還OK,其實可以跑比預期更長一點。 Q: Well, you obviously handled the defence against McLaren-Mercedes; what was it like in the early laps in terms of any pressure or not from Fernando? 問:前幾圈防守ALONSO? FM: No, I just had a little bit of lack of grip in the first lap and I saw Fernando come very close but then the car was so good, so it was OK to pull out a gap and then just to build a gap for the next stop M: 第一圈抓地力比較低,然後ALONSO很靠近我有壓力,之後慢慢拉開就OK了 Q: Fernando, a very aggressive first corner and run up to Eau Rouge there against your team-mate Lewis Hamilton. 問:Alonso, 第一彎跟EAU ROUGE對隊友很兄歐~ Fernando Alonso: Yes, in the first corner, Felipe locked the front tyre a little bit and was blocking the inside and I had no space, or I had a bad exit from turn one. I think also Lewis went wide at the exit of turn one, so he took a little bit of an advantage run in the tyre mark but yeah, we arrived wheel to wheel into turn three, four but I was lucky to be on the inside and to keep the position there. A:對阿。第一彎,MASSA稍微鎖死了前輪並且內線關門,所以我出彎線不是很好。我想 HAM也跟我一樣出彎時跑開,所以他就「戰點便宜」跑出線外;然後我們肩並肩一起 入EAU ROUGE,我因為站到比較好的線所以沒被超 Q: You got a good run inside him down the hill into Eau Rouge on slightly lighter fuel but for a minute there, it looked as if neither of you were going to give way. 問:似乎妳下坡入EAU ROUGE似乎佔了內線,油又比輕HAM輕,看起來兩個人比賽誰都 不想先鬆油? FA: Yeah, but on this occasion I was quite confident and happy with my position into that corner. I was not too worried and as you said, I had one lap less fuel than him, so I knew that my car in the first stint should be quick enough. A:對阿,但是我站到內線,所以我並不擔心。而且我油比HAM輕一圈,理應比HAM快一點 Q: Did you actually touch with Lewis as he came back onto the track? 問:妳跟HAM有擦撞到嗎? FA: No, no. A:沒 Q: And then the race against the Ferraris; they quickly disappeared. What was it like from your point of view, where did they seem to be quicker and how hard or not was your race as a result? 問:輸FERRARI很多 FA: I think they were too quick for us today. I tried quite hard in the first stint to keep pace with Felipe, just hoping around the pit stop time to make up a position but slowly they were disappearing and after the first stop, for sure, we didn’t see them anymore. We lack a little bit of pace in the race. We were quite OK in qualifying but for sure in the race we were off the pace by a couple of tenths today. A:他們今天太快了。我一停前很努力要跟上MASSA腳步,但是車不夠快,一停之後用 望遠鏡也找不到了 Q: But the feeling seemed to be in your team that although you were right there in qualifying, you would be in good shape for the race, or were you just saying that at the time? 問:車子真的跑不快?之前只是說說人? FA: No, we thought so. I think we improved from last time. Maybe in Turkey there was no possibility at all to fight with them. Today, OK, they were quicker than us but maybe we have reduced the gap a little bit, but there’s still a long way to work but circuits will come now that maybe suit our car a little bit better, so I think we still have possibilities to win the race from now on. A:我們土耳其輸很多,但是一直改進中,也許這一站有拉近一點,但是改進是要一直 持續做。賽道有些對F隊有利有些對M隊有利。說不定我們下場開始就會開始贏 Q: Kimi, we just heard Fernando say that he thinks the circuits coming up will suit the McLaren-Mercedes. Your call – the next race, Japan obviously, a completely open book. 問:KIMI,我們都聽到ALONSO說他覺得以後賽道都適合M隊,妳是不是也要嘴泡一下? (記者要引戰火...) KR: I don’t even know how the circuit looks, so it’s pretty difficult for me to say but I heard that it might be not the best place for us but we will see. I think the last three races can go either way really. I think it’s going to be a close call between the teams. For sure in qualifying we always seem to have a hard time against McLaren. In the races, in some places we can be stronger but overall I think we need to improve first in qualifying. We can always challenge or at least be better in the race, so we just try to keep working and try to improve but hopefully we can win more races. K:ㄟ,我連賽道長怎樣都不知道。但是聽說這賽道可能不是對我們最有利的賽道, 但是we will see. 我覺得最後三場比賽可能結果都差很多也有可能,2台車其實 實力很接近。我們排位一直比較虛,到比賽就比較猛。我們一直努力要改善排位 Q: And in terms of the Drivers’ championship you’re only a win and a bit from Lewis Hamilton and Fernando now. 問:車手冠軍積分,妳這場只小贏一點分數? KR: Yeah, like I said before, we haven’t given up and we are still in the hunt. We reduced the gap again. We lost a little bit in the last race but I think anything can happen. There are still three races to go. Everybody is so close and for sure we’re going to fight hard, and sometimes you get it wrong and something can go wrong for all of us. We just keep pushing and see what happens. If we can do it, it would be amazing but it’s going to be difficult, but we don’t give up. K:對阿。我們不到最後不放棄。還有3場。我們要努力,有時我們也可能很雖(@@)。 盡人事看天命。如果拿下冠軍會真的很了不起,但是這真的很困難,我們不會放棄 PRESS CONFERENCE Q: What does it mean to win three races in a row here at Spa? 問:KIMI,SPA三次冠軍? KR: For sure it’s nice. For sure it’s my favourite circuit, it was even before I came into Formula One, so it’s nothing to do with if I win or lose here. I just like it here, but I think that’s the reason that I have won here. It’s just a good circuit. K:FOR SURE真爽。FOR SURE 我的最愛SPA,從我在我媽肚子裡就愛。反正就是愛 Q: And now you’ve closed up on the McLarens as well, leading a Ferrari one-two. 問:積分拉近? KR: Yeah, but unfortunately there’s still a long way to go but as I said before, we’re still in the championship and we keep pushing hard, hopefully we can catch up more in the next races and see if we can do it anyway. K:但是仍有一段距離。只要有機會就不放棄 Q: It seemed to be a troublefree race; how was the car on the softer tyres? Felipe was saying his was really good. 問:KIMI軟胎如何?MASSA說很棒 KR: Yeah, actually I was a bit surprised. I thought that maybe the first two laps would be OK and then it would go away a little bit but it was very good. Both tyres were working very well. I think the soft could have been very fast if we had been pushing 100 percent, so no complaints on that side at all. K:好到有點驚訝。我以為只有前兩圈很快之後就會慢慢衰退,但是並沒有發生。軟硬 都很好。我想軟胎如果用力操可以跑非常快,所以很滿意 Q: Felipe, it was pretty tight at the start with Fernando coming round the outside of you. He said you locked up. 問:MASSA,起跑跟ALONSO怎樣?他說妳有鎖死? FM: Yeah, actually I didn’t even see Fernando in the mirrors, because I was trying to fight with Kimi but I was on the outside, I saw Kimi went a little bit wide as well, so I needed to try to close. I didn’t see Fernando, so if we were close, I didn’t see, but anyway it was a good start, unfortunately not enough but it was a good start. M:對阿。其實我在鏡子裡沒看到ALONSO,因為我正瞄準KIMI屁屁並開在他外側。 我看到KIMI跑得有點開,我想要跟上他,我沒看到ALONSO。起跑其實算不錯。 可惜不夠快超掉KIMI Q: Then you dropped back a little in the opening stages? 問:然後被拉開一點? FM: Yeah, I had a big problem in the first stint, there was too much oversteer, it was very difficult to drive. But then I managed to improve the car a lot at the first stop by taking out the front wing and then it was pretty good, so the lap time was pretty good and very consistent. Then when we changed again to soft tyres it was even better, so maybe we took the wrong decision with the tyres. But it is very difficult sometimes to decide which style is going to work better. Also I think the drive improved a lot from yesterday to today and I think today the soft was better than the hard. M:對,一停前轉向過度不好開。之後橋過前翼好很多等等等剛剛講一樣的話。 Q: And your position in the championship? How do you feel about that now? 問:那你的車手冠軍? FM: Well, for sure as Kimi said there is not a long way to go but we are still fighting. I will not give up until I see that the calculation is not there anymore. While we still see that there is a possibility I am going to fight. M:這個嘛,FOR SURE KIMI也說還有3場很難講,我也不放棄直到數學上來說不可能 Q: Fernando, as Peter said, quite an aggressive first corner there. Is there a slight change of approach between you and your team-mate now that you are no longer scoring points for the team but just for yourselves? 問:ALONSO,妳起跑很凶悍,是不是因為車隊積分沒差了,所以妳不必擔心,反正 為自己跑就好? FA: No, same approach. Today it was just coincidence that we started third and fourth, sometimes we are spread second and fourth or whatever, and we arrived at the first corner and here at Spa it is a little bit more tricky because it is a 180 degrees corner and a very wide straight, so you can have many possibilities for the racing line into turn one. So I think it was just that, nothing changed in the approach. A:不。只是因為巧合今天我們3-4起跑,平常我們2-4起跑之類的;而且今天第一彎 比較特別(180度,之後很寬的長直路),所以入第一彎的跑線有好幾種。 Q: The margin to the Ferraris… did you think it would be about that at the end of the race? 問: 有預料到FEERAI這場強勢? FA: Yes. A:有 Q: Not surprised? 問:沒意外? FA: No. When we came on Thursday maybe we were hoping for something more after the Monza result but after the Friday sessions and especially yesterday in qualifying… Normally in qualifying we can fight with them for pole position and then in the race we struggle a little bit more. If in qualifying they were first and second we knew that the race is going to be very difficult as it was in the end. A:沒,星期5根排位後大概就知道差滿多的。如果F隊排位拿1、2名,我們這場大概就 沒戲唱了 Q: I guess you drivers have been saying it is swings and roundabouts going this way and that, all the way through the season. But we have had a major illustration of it in the last eight days haven’t we? 問:預測下幾場表現? FA: Yeah, the last three races I think. Turkey was completely a Ferrari track, Monza was McLaren, this one Ferrari, hopefully the next one McLaren again… A:風水輪流轉,土耳其F隊,MONZA換M隊,SPA F隊,下一場應該又輪到M隊好 QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR Q: (Frédéric Ferret – L’Equipe) Question to Fernando. One point… Is it a good result or is it not enough? 問:ALONSO,這場結果妳滿意嗎? FA: I am happy with the result for sure. We have been third and fourth position and in the championship these days it is only one point difference, so it doesn’t change anything for the last three races. I think the championship is very open as it was last Thursday before we came here, you know. Before I was three points behind, now I am two points, so nothing changes. What I need to do is finish the best position possible and if I win the last three races it will be enough. Even if I was four points behind, or two, or three, what I need is to win and hopefully next time I will have the chance. A:差4、3、2分其實都差不多,我還是得贏皆下來的比賽,希望下一場結果會有所改變 Q: (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) Kimi, how big was the temptation to try for the fastest lap again? 問:KIMI,妳這場怎麼沒有怎麼沒有因為很無聊表演一下最快單圈? KR: I didn’t want to risk anything. The car was very good but unfortunately you don’t get any points for that. Sometimes you might do it for fun but I didn’t have any temptations really on this one. K;第一名就別冒險了。最快單圈又沒積分,有時妳享要有點樂趣時來一下,但是今天 人家不想。 Q: (Claude Yvens – Radio Contact) Fernando, you were the fastest driver, if I am not mistaken, on the second part of the circuit, whereas Felipe Massa was the fastest in the first and third parts. So what explains the difference in lap times between you and Ferraris in terms of setup? 問:如果沒記錯,妳第2計時段最快,但是第1、3計時段MASSA最快。這根車輛設定上 有啥不同嗎?(這問題有營養 :p) FA: I think this weekend we ran a little bit more downforce than them, more wind. So we were quicker in the middle sector, all the corners are there. They ran a little bit less downforce, so they were very quick on the straights in sector one and sector three. We tried different numbers in the test here back in July and for us the best compromise was what we had on the car. With less downforce we were quicker on sector one and sector three but we lost too much in the middle sector, so I think we matched our possibilities and we have to be happy. A: 我想我們下壓力應該調的比較高。所以第2段我們比較快,彎道都在那。1、3段直路 多。我們7月過測試,找到最好的設定。 Q: (Dan Knutson – National Speed Sport News) Kimi, we saw you do a bit of a donut spin there coming back into the pits. What happened? 問:KIMI,比賽結束後甩尾很帥歐? KR: I lost it. (laughter) K:我丟了~~~!!!(大笑) KR: No, I have always wanted to do one and here it is much easier so… And it was the second race engine, so it doesn’t really matter if you make life harder for it. K:我以前就很想這樣,SPA這裡比較容易所以...而且這場引擎已經用2場,爆也沒差 Q: (Frédéric Ferret – L’Equipe) Fernando, in the three races remaining what are the best circuits for the McLaren? 問:ALONSO,剩三場,哪一場對M隊最有利? FA: Very, very difficult question as we surprise ourselves every race, so it is not anymore an easy prediction for what is going to happen. But maybe Japan can be good for us, but China and Brazil not so good. A:這問題很難。也許日本我們有優勢,中國跟巴西會比較差(看來真不好預測, 連ALONSO都不知,還是來問鄉民好了...) Q: (Livio Oricchio – O Estado de Sao Paulo) Question for Massa. At the end of the race you attacked Kimi and reduced a lot the gap, in your mind was it possible to overtake him? 問:MASSA,最後幾圈妳對KIMI發動攻勢,妳覺得有可能超掉他嗎? FM: No, no it was not possible. M:我只是開爽的,不可能 Q: (Ottavio Daviddi – Tuttosport) Felipe, do you think that in the last three races you will be free to win or must you help Kimi to try to win the championship? 問:MASSA,妳認為F隊會讓妳自由競爭還是妳必須幫助KIMI拿冠軍? (大家都想問但是都是俗辣,終於有勇者問了..) FM: I think I will be free to win. M:我「覺得」車隊會讓我自由競爭 Q: (Niki Takeda – Formula PA) Felipe, could you use a little bit less drag setup than Kimi today? Were there any options? 問:MASSA,妳覺得妳今天能用比KIMI再少一點的DRAG設定嗎? FM: Drag? M:抓誰?抓龍?抓姦?抓爬子? Q: As in less downforce. 問:我指較少的下壓力 FM: We were already quite low, so that was too risky. We saw that McLaren was very strong on sector two, so going with less than what we had was a little bit too risky. M:我們已經下壓力偏低了。再低會有風險。我們看到MCLAREN在第2段已經比我們快, 所以再調低會有風險。(要更低嗎?看看FISI就知道調低想增加超車機會的風險..) Q: (Carlos Miquel – Diario AS) Fernando, do you think the fight between Kimi and Felipe could help you for the championship? 問:ALONSO,妳覺得跟KIMI還有MASSA大混仗有助於你拿冠軍? FA: Why? A:為何? Q: Because if Kimi wins every race then Kimi at the end could be a very hard driver. 問:因為如果KIMI每場都營,那KIMI就變成硬碟了!!! (其實我不知道a very hard driver要怎翻 orz,應該是接上一ㄍ問題) FA: I don’t know. For sure if Kimi wins all three races for the championship I need, and also Lewis needs to be second or third, otherwise we will lose too many points. For sure the championship is very open. Felipe is in the same position and still has possibilities to win, so I think we need to be very careful to finish all three races because if you have a DNF in one of them you say bye, bye to the title. So I am happy to pass these last two races, Monza and Spa, because they are the hardest two races for the engine and those are gone, so I am happy to finish and I will be happy to finish the remaining three. The positions are up to us to win. A: 其實講那麼多都是場面話。其實最重要是不要DNF(真誠實)。 很高興我過了最容易DNF的兩站SPA, MONZA(對引擎很操)。 大家都有機會得冠> Q: (Juha Päätalo – Financial Times Germany) Kimi, you already talked about we are a long way into the title but does it give you any boost winning here? 問:KIMI,這場勝利有沒有激勵你拿車手冠軍? KR: I think so, it doesn’t matter if you win here or any other race. It helps me in the points and it helps me in the championship, so for sure it is much nicer to win than to finish third or fourth, or fifth, or second. I would rather win and have a better chance for the championship. That is what matters really. K: 有。因為拿了積分。第一名比2、3、4、5名當然要好。能贏就要贏。 終於翻完了 明天有面識 很隨便不是很注意通不通順 有錯請指證 -- rFactor CTDP2005 SPA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yvlHk33LeM
有空來交流設定檔阿~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/17 13:28, , 1F
09/17 13:28, 1F

09/17 13:30, , 2F
09/17 13:30, 2F

09/17 13:37, , 3F
09/17 13:37, 3F

09/17 13:38, , 4F
09/17 13:38, 4F

09/17 13:41, , 5F
hard 可以翻成看漲的、有優勢的、很強的 :p
09/17 13:41, 5F

09/17 13:42, , 6F
btw, 辛苦啦 :)
09/17 13:42, 6F

09/17 13:42, , 7F
09/17 13:42, 7F

09/17 13:41, , 8F
富士F應該會跑的不錯,上海巴西的話..wait and see XD
09/17 13:41, 8F

09/17 13:46, , 9F
09/17 13:46, 9F

09/17 14:06, , 10F
推硬碟 XDDD
09/17 14:06, 10F

09/17 14:14, , 11F
very hard driver, 很強勢的對手?
09/17 14:14, 11F

09/17 14:17, , 12F
我還想說是不是hot 跟 hard打字的人沒聽清楚...
09/17 14:17, 12F

09/17 14:29, , 13F
我的最愛SPA,從我在我媽肚子裡就愛....XDDD 辛苦了!!!
09/17 14:29, 13F

09/17 14:38, , 14F
應該是hard沒錯, 用hot好像有點怪...
09/17 14:38, 14F

09/17 14:39, , 15F
有注音文 科科
09/17 14:39, 15F

09/17 14:48, , 16F
科科 翻的真棒 推~~~~~
09/17 14:48, 16F

09/17 15:57, , 17F
09/17 15:57, 17F

09/17 16:01, , 18F
09/17 16:01, 18F

09/17 17:10, , 19F
09/17 17:10, 19F

09/17 17:23, , 20F
09/17 17:23, 20F

09/18 00:22, , 21F
推翻譯 看到硬碟我笑了XDDD 怎麼會出現硬碟
09/18 00:22, 21F

09/18 02:51, , 22F
09/18 02:51, 22F

09/19 18:00, , 23F
09/19 18:00, 23F

09/22 08:28, , 24F
09/22 08:28, 24F
文章代碼(AID): #16xW_Kqw (FORMULA1)
文章代碼(AID): #16xW_Kqw (FORMULA1)