[情報] 星期4賽前記者會(Hamilton, Alonso, Ki …

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 ( 低調)時間17年前 (2007/10/19 05:17), 編輯推噓41(41011)
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FIA Thursday press conference - Brazil FIA巴西站賽前記者會 http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2007/10/6992.html Reproduced with kind permission of the FIA Drivers: Fernando Alonso (McLaren), Lewis Hamilton (McLaren), Felipe Massa (Ferrari), Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari). 訪問積分前四名的選手,偷懶快速翻譯 Q: Felipe, winner from pole position here last year, how do you come to this race this year? 問:FM,去年這裡奪冠,再來一砲? Felipe Massa: With the same mentality as last year, trying to have a good weekend. I think if we can repeat what happened one year ago it will be fantastic. FM:黑阿,再來一砲吧~ Q: And your contract has been extended as well; what does that mean to a driver? 問:也續約了,爽嗎? FM: I think it’s good for stability. I’ve been with Ferrari for two years and then I was already stable because my contract was actually already until the end of next year. But then we’ve extended that, so I think it shows the work we’ve been doing together with the team. I think (it shows) the confidence the team has in me as well, so I’m very pleased about that and I think it’s very nice to carry on doing the job with the team and especially as it’s a team that has trusted me since the beginning of my career, so it’ s very nice to carry on with Ferrari. FM:安定比較好。雙方合作愉快。 Q: How do you see your role this weekend, given the championship battle going on around you? 問:本場角色?最佳男配角? FM: Well, for sure I would be happy to see my team winning the championship but it’s not a very easy race and I think it also depends on what happens in the race. It also depends on Kimi’s chances of winning the championship, it also depends how these two guys in front are going to do in the race as well, so it depends on many things but for sure, I’m going to start the weekend and my aim is to try to win the race. FM:取決於KIMI是否有機會拿車手冠軍,還有麥隊兩車手比賽時的表現,有很多 變數,基本上我還是想贏。 Q: Kimi, I believe it was a bit of a big day yesterday, your birthday. 問:昨天獸腥歐? Kimi Raikkonen: Yeah, but when you get older, it’s not the same any more. When you’re young you’re more excited but it was a normal day really. KR::人老了,哭哭。以前年輕時比較HIGH FM: Yes, he is, he’s very old. FM:對阿,他這個死老頭...(Massa沒事插嘴... XD) Q: Was there a bit of a celebration? 問:有轟趴? KR: No. KR:沒... Q: Sunday evening, perhaps? 問:那星期日晚上有沒有... KR: I think we will celebrate something else. I never really remember when it happened last time, usually we’re too busy. KR:慶祝別的事,其實我已經忘了...太忙了說~ Q: In a situation like this, does Kimi Räikkönen get nervous? 問:目前積分如此,緊張嗎? KR: I think you are always a little bit nervous every race, but I try to do the same as in any other race, I try to do the best I can, I try to win the race, be one and two and then it’s not really up to us anymore, so that’s really all we can do and hopefully we can achieve that. KR:每場我次我都多多少少有點臣又,但是我都儘量以平常心看待。盡人事,聽天命。 Q: You’ve finished second three times here, obviously you’d like to improve on that, but how do you feel about this circuit as a whole? 問:巴西站你已經拿過3次第2,想必想要更上層樓,談談這賽道? KR: It’s a nice circuit, it’s quite challenging. I have quite a difficult race history here over the years. I enjoy it now, but it’s going to be a little different with the new surface and nobody knows how good it will be, so we will see tomorrow, but it’s always nice to come back to this circuit. KR:這是個好賽道,很有挑戰性。之前我在這裡的成績有點坎坷。現在比較寬心了, 也許路面重鋪後有點不同,明天就知道了。 Q: Lewis, a brand new circuit for you. Have you walked around it and principally have you tried it on the simulator? 問:LH,又是一條沒跑過的賽道。實地走過一圈了嗎? Lewis Hamilton: It’s my first… I literally got here to the track an hour ago and I’ve not yet had the time to walk it, but I will do after this and no, I’ve not been on the simulator. LH:我一小時前才剛來,我等等會去走一圈,模擬器也沒跑過。 Q: Would the simulator help? 問:模擬器有用嗎? LH: If it did I would have done it. LH:有用才會去用 Q: So you don’t really feel it’s that much of a help. 問:所以代表沒用? LH: I think the first computer game that I played, the first race was Brazil, so I have an idea where it goes and it’s always one of my favourites, most of the time the end of season race and so I have a really good idea of where the corners are and I’m looking forward to getting out there. LH:我第一次玩賽車電動就是跑巴西,所以我大概知道這賽道。所以現在只是要下場 真的跑一下。 Q: What was the recovery process after China and how have you built yourself up for this race? 問:妳望掉了中國站夢魘? LH: Pretty much the same as always: I went home and just had a little bit of time at home. My family had planned a little trip, so they went away, so I didn’t really have much time with them but I had time to just relax at my real home, my parents’ house, did some good training, made sure I was physically fit for this weekend as this is an anti-clockwise circuit, so it’ s a little bit harder on the other side of your neck and just feeling fresh. If anything, I just feel a bit more relaxed this weekend, quite a bit more relaxed than I did at the last race. LH:就跟平常差不多:比賽完回到家,因為已經出去玩不在家,所以我並沒有跟他們在 一起太久。我只是在家放鬆,做一些訓練,確認我的身體處在良好狀態特別是這站 是逆時針賽道,所以對脖子特別累一點。也許這週比上週還要更輕鬆一點。 Q: What do you do extra for an anti-clockwise circuit? 問:逆時針賽道妳有做特別的準備嗎? LH: It’s only for your neck, so you can only just do a little bit more work than for the other side. Usually it’s the right side you’re working on. You don’t start lifting the heaviest weights ever for your neck or anything, you just need to do a little more work to keep it fresh, so you don’t go out on Friday and the next day feel it. LH:只有脖子。就稍微多做一點訓練,平常訓練右邊的肌肉多一點。只是增加一點, 而不是加重很多。 Q: Finally, whose job is harder: Lewis Hamilton’s or the English rugby team’ s? 問:最後,誰的工作比較辛苦?妳的工作還是英國橄欖球隊的(看不是很懂)? LH: I think it must be equal, very similar. They’ve done a fantastic job. It ’s good. LH:差不多吧,非常類似。 Q: Fernando, you’ve been in this position for the last two years here in Brazil. How different is it this year? 問:FA,前兩年妳也是在巴西站來爭冠,有啥不同?(答案我不用想都知道...) Fernando Alonso: Well, for the last two years I was in front, now I’m behind. That’s the main difference. Sometimes you just need to be conservative, just to do your job and finish in a certain place and this year I need much more than that. I need to win the race, to be at the front and another combination of results from the other contenders. So it’s more difficult. FA:前兩年是領先積分,現在我是落後。前兩年我只要保守跑完,今年我一定得贏才行 。所以今年更難。 Q: Pole position last year, and finishes in the top four for the last four years; what’s your feelings about this circuit? Is it a lucky circuit, a good circuit for you? 問:去年竿位(奇怪,記錄打哪來的?),然後最近4年成績都在前4名完賽;談談 這賽道吧? FA: Well, it’s definitely a lucky circuit for me because the two championships that I won were won here, so it’s impossible to say that this is not a circuit that I like. For sure I love the place, I love the circuit, I have great memories when I come here, when I arrive in the paddock, the hotel – everything is a nice memory for me, so hopefully this year it can get even better. FA:我兩次世界冠軍都在這拿到的,所以我愛這賽道。來到旅館,所有美好的回憶都 出現了。所以今年也能如此... Q: Any changes in preparations for this race? 問:這站需要特別的準備嗎? FA: No, just prepare as usual. FA:一如往常 Q: You talked about a certain approach about four or five races ago. Have you managed to maintain that approach, the way you’ve approached each weekend? 問:妳從4、5站前就在討論如何拉近積分相對的位置,這站也是如此? FA: Well, now it’s more a championship thought when you approach the weekend. For sure, five or six races ago you just concentrated on doing your job, take the weekend like the final race of the championship. Now it’s more a championship thought, so when you are in the car you don’t care too much about the race result, you just concentrate on how many points you will get. I think especially in this last race it’s about all the combinations we know that we need to be champion. You try to do your maximum, you try to do your best. Sure it’s not only up to you. FA:當然如果妳還有5、6站可以跑,妳只要專注做好妳的工作,剩最後一場比賽當然 更專注於冠軍的爭奪。當妳進到車裡,想的就不是比賽的結果,而是積分的差距。 把所有的通通都結合起來,加足馬力,然後想罷法奪得冠軍。 Q: All those combinations are all in your head? 問:所以妳會在這站使出渾身解數? FA: Yes. FA:謀母丟~ Q: Lewis? Same? 問:Lewis也是嗎? LH: Yes. LH:丟 Q: Kimi? 問:KIMI? KR: I don’t think about it so much. As I said, we try to win and see what happens. KR:我沒想太多,反正盡力贏然後wait ans see QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR 地板提問 Q: (Jon McEvoy – The Daily Mail) Lewis, I was wondering if you could tell us your memories four years ago and where you were when England won the rugby World Cup? 問:Lewis,要不要談談4年前英國橄欖球冠軍時你在幹嘛?(ORZ) LH: I don’t know. Four years ago. I think I was in Formula Renault. Yeah, I think I was competing in the British Formula Renault championship and I think we were racing at Silverstone, if I remember correctly. I may be wrong. LH:4年前!我想我應該在參加雷諾方程式?!我想我剛結束英國的雷諾方程式,然後 當時在銀石比賽,不是很確定。 Q: (Dan Knutson – National Speed Sport News) For Lewis and Fernando; you guys have had your ups and downs this year. Coming to the season finale, how would you describe your relationship? 問:Lewis跟Alonso,今年賽季你們積分起起落落,最後一站之前,要不要敘述一下 你們兩個的關係? LH: I think it’s as good as ever. I think we have got on quite well all year, despite what the media says. They always try to make a big gap between us and they haven’t really succeeded. We just get on quite well and got on with our jobs and we continue to do that. LH:就跟以前一樣好阿!統媒不可信!他們只會分化我們,我們只是作我們分內的工作。 FA: As Lewis said, the media has been saying many many things about us that weren’t true. We never had problems with each other. We are obviously fighting on the track but off the track we have had a very good relationship from day one and it’s still the same. FA:對阿,妓者只會吱吱叫,我們互相從沒有問題。我們只在賽道競爭,但是比賽後我 們有很好的關係,從第一天到現在一直是如此~ Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) Fernando, the FIA has appointed an observer in the McLaren team this weekend to ensure equality. Is this something that pleases you? Do you feel comforted by this? 問:Alonso,FIA要派一個監督者整週在McLaren車隊監督是否有把妳的車動手腳。 妳對此感到: 新奇? 溫馨? 誇張? 難過? 實用? 高興? 無聊? 生氣? 送出 FA: Not really, not really. I probably don’t agree with that decision but you know it’s not up to us. I think if they decide to do that, it’s OK, but we don’t need anything like that in the garage. FA:我沒有暗爽,沒有暗爽~我甚至不贊同這樣的決定,但是這不是我能決定的。 Q: (Bob McKenzie – The Daily Express) So you trust the team? 問:所以妳相信車隊? FA: Yes. As I said in China, I think I was disappointed with the qualifying performance and I felt it was a very strange result after Q1 and Q2, being a little bit closer to fight for pole position, not in Q3 anymore, but we realised that the tyre pressures were a little bit too high and this can happen in any of the qualifying sessions, so I just want to think that it was coincidence and a little bad luck, so this race should be OK. FA:對阿。之前上海站因為Q1、Q2成績跟Q3差太多,但是後來發現是胎壓不正常。 而這有可能在任何的排位賽中發生,所以我將其解釋為巧合還有一點雖。所以 這站應該不會有同樣的事情發生。(Alonso越來越會講話了 XD) Q: (Heather Alexander – BBC Radio 1) Lewis, did what happened in China make you more nervous and what will it mean to you if you can finally come through and win on this, the last race in your first season? 問:Lewis,上一站遭遇會不會讓妳更臣又弓長? LH: It definitely didn’t make me more nervous. If anything, it took the pressure off my shoulders and I think I came out of it even stronger. I thought it would knock my confidence and put me back on my back foot but I went away and I thought about the weekend and I feel I’m even stronger than I was, for whatever reason. It was a good learning experience. Coming here, I feel a lot different compared to the last race. The last race was always… all the pressure was building up and everything was going on, on the Thursday and Friday, and it wasn’t a great weekend, but I feel totally relaxed now and fully confident in the team and our ability to challenge for the title. LH:沒有。頂多只是更多壓力,然後讓我更堅強。這是車手學習的過程。最後一站, 總是所有壓力都集中在這。但是我現在完全放鬆,並對車隊跟我們的能力衝滿 信心來挑戰冠軍。 Q: (Heather Alexander – BBC Radio 1) Are you already imagining yourself standing on the podium, winning, with the champagne going and everything? 問:妳曾經幻想站在頒獎台拿下冠軍? LH: No. I think if you do that you get too ahead of yourself and that’s when you can make mistakes. LH:沒有。做太多白日夢會讓妳發生失誤 Q: (James Allen – ITV) It’s for Lewis and Fernando. Both of you have spoken in the past about Ayrton Senna being a great inspiration for you, probably in both of your cases, part of the reason why you’re driving in McLaren today. Could both of you just talk about when you come to this track and we’re in Senna’s heartland, do you have any spiritual connection to him at all? 問:Lewis跟Alonso,你們兩個都談到Senna對妳們的影響,在這senna的家鄉比賽, Senna有沒有托夢給你們? LH: I won’t say I have a spiritual connection with him but for me, it’s just an unusual experience because all the years I’ve been watching Formula One and literally from the beginning of my karting career I’ve had books on Senna, I’ve had videos and Racing’s in My Blood and all the other videos, and to watch them and seeing him in his home country and seeing how people see him over here, and how he is over here, and finally to come into this country, the first time in Brazil to realise that I’m on his home turf and where his final resting place is - it’s quite touching. Knowing that my hotel is only a couple of miles from where he is; that’s the closest I’ve ever been to him. It’s quite an unusual experience for me. LH:我跟他不熟啦,但是我從小就看他比賽長大,看他在他的家鄉比賽,然後他的同胞 如何愛他。現在我來到這比賽,他的Home GP也是他安息的地方,非常感動。我的 旅館距離他的墓地只有幾英哩距離,這是我距離他最近的一次。 FA: Yeah, as Lewis says, when I was in go-karts I had pictures of him in my room and I’ve always been following Senna’s races on TV when I could and he was my favourite driver of that time and for sure, when I started in Formula One, I had him as a prototype. It’s good to come here, because there’s a lot of Formula One passion here in Brazil, in the people, in the hotels, on the street, everyone loves Formula One, so I think when you come here you realise it’s a very important race, a very important place. FA:對阿,如同Lewis說的,我從小看他比賽,我有他的照片。當我開始跑F1,我以他 做榜樣。這裡人人愛F1,所以妳來到這就知道這是一場很重要的比賽。 Q: (Jon McEvoy – The Daily Mail) Lewis, you said that after this event you may go to Senna’s grave maybe on Monday. Is that still your plan or have you already been there? 問:Lewis,妳比賽後會去Senna的墓園嗎?還是已經去過? LH: I haven’t been there and it hasn’t crossed my mind to be honest. I doubt it very much I will go because I will be followed…. So I’ll have to leave that for another trip. LH:我還沒去,而這目前還不在我的計畫中因為我也許會跟隨...(車隊?)。 也許下次吧~ Q: (Ian Parkes – The Press Association) How do you prepare for a race like this psychologically? It must be a very big moment to approach in your career. Have you used a psychologist? 問:這樣重要的一場比賽心理上妳如何調適?心理醫生? LH: No. I’ve never used a psychologist. I don’t really know the answer to that because I have never been in this position before, trying to win the world championship… I think you just have to treat it as you usually do. I want to win, but as Fernando says, sometimes you have to be conservative and the only thing I can do is look at what he has done for the last few years and what Michael did in previous years and try to learn something from their strengths or weaknesses and I am going to do the same job as always and try to stay on the track this time! LH:不,我從沒看過心理醫生。其實我不知道怎麼回答,因為這是我第一次嘗試贏得 世界冠軍頭銜。我想就是保持平常心吧,就想辦法贏得比賽。也許就如Alonso講 的,就像Alonso跟Michael前幾年一樣的跑得保守一點,不退賽最重要。 Q: (Flavio Gomes – Warm Up) You are two young guys, very talented and you could be the best friends in the world, in an ideal world, but you are almost enemies and from a human point of view do you think Formula One, because of this, is a waste of time? 問:你們這兩個天才車手,可以成為世界上最好的朋友,理想中。但是你們幾乎變成 敵人,從人類的觀點來說,你們是不是覺得F1變成這樣跟本是浪費時間? FA: I didn’t understand the question. (laughter) FA:挖哈哈妳講火星話我聽不懂~~ Q: (Flavio Gomes – Warm Up) You are two young guys, drivers, talented, everything else, but you are almost enemies… 問:你們兩位年輕小伙子、車手、天才、點點點,但是你們是敵人... FM: No, you can see they are best friends… FM:不,妳看看他們真是最佳拍檔阿~~(指Alonso跟Hamilton) Q: (Flavio Gomes – Warm Up) From this human point of view, would you say that this is a waste of time? 問:從人的觀點來說,妳覺得這是浪費時間?(好像想要火上加油但是方法很笨?) FA: I still don’t understand…(aside to Lewis, aloud) I hear your answer and then I... (laughter) FA:能不能說國語?(轉頭看Lewis)我聽到你的答案然後我...(挖哈哈哈) LH: I don’t think it is a waste of time otherwise I wouldn’t be here. LH:如果浪費時間我就不會在這裡 FM: Brazilian people are very difficult to understand. (laughter) FM:巴西人也聽不懂,挖哈哈~(Massa今天很愛插嘴...) LH: Maybe Felipe should answer it… LH:Massa妳來回答吧... FM: No, I’m fine. FM:哈,這不甘我的事~ Q: (MC) I think one part of the question was, is it taking away your youth in a way that at this early age of your lives that you are having this battle, this conflict? 問:我想問題的重點在於,會不會覺得你們年輕的歲月就在這樣的衝突中流逝? FA: I don’t think so. Maybe I understand now. We are in a competition, so we love competition and if we were not Formula One drivers then maybe we would be in a different sport or somewhere else competing against someone. It is our life and it is our… We love competition and we love cars and so we are now in Formula One and we enjoy it, you know, this conflict, you know… Outside the track, I think everyone has a different character and a different way to live, but here in the paddock in the weekend we do so much and sometimes we win and enjoy it more and sometimes we lose and we have days of disappointments, but after that it is clear competition and we like that. FA:我不認為如此。我大概知道妳的問題了。我們在比賽,我們愛競爭的感覺,我們是 F1車手,本來就是如此。比賽結束後每個人都有不同的人格,不同方法過生活,但 回到賽道,就是準備要比賽。有時贏了爽一點輸了哭哭一下,但是這是公平的競爭 ,我們也很享受這樣的感覺。 LH: We are competitive people, you know, and that is where we get our energy. It doesn’t make us immediately become… look at these guys, they are a little bit older than me and Fernando has started to grow his hair a little bit – because he is worried about losing it! You know, we enjoy it and we want to continue to do it for as long as we can. LH:我們互相競爭,這也是驅使我們的力量。妳看看,這些人比我老一點,Alonso 已經開始留長髮,因為他怕禿頭!我們很享受這樣的過程,並且想要繼續下去~ Q: (Marc Surer – Premiere Television) I have noticed that McLaren has more problems with graining with the softer compounds. What do you think? 問:我注意到McLaren對較軟的輪胎比較會有顆粒的問題?(終於有非八卦的專業問題) FA: I think with the softest compounds that we have here it is difficult to say what is going to happen in the race or this weekend especially because the circuit has a new surface all around. Nobody knows what is going to happen with these tyres. We will see what happens. If we have a graining problem I think it will be the same for everybody to be honest. And races where we used these super-soft tyres, like Monaco, Canada, somewhere else, Hungary, I think, we won all those races, the team, so I think we should not be too worried by that. FA:賽道才新鋪,所以很難說。如果有顆粒的問題,我想大家都一樣。今年用超軟的 輪胎,如摩納哥、加拿大等等,匈牙利,我們都贏了,所以我們不擔心。 Q: (MC) Are Ferrari worried either way? What are your feelings? 問:法拉利擔心嗎? FM: It is difficult to say anything before we start running. We don’t know if we have to worry or not. We don’t know what the situation is, to be worried or not. FM:沒下去跑前難說。 Q: (Livio Oricchio – O Estado de Sao Paulo) To Fernando. What was your reaction after hearing what Ron Dennis said in China? He said our competitor is not Kimi but Alonso… 問:Alonso,當妳聽到Ron Dennis在中國站說我們的對手是Alonso而不是Kimi時妳 作何感想? FA: I was surprised. It is difficult to say what is true or what are just normal words that you say after the race and that you can take in a different way. You can put some problems asking me these questions and not him. So I don ’t see anything strange, just surprise, but not really worried. FA:很驚訝。這很難說他是不是真有說這句話或是只是一段平凡話語中的其中一個句。 也許妳刻意放大然後意義就完全不同。就只是很驚訝,但是我不擔心。 Q: (Jaime Rodriguez – El Mundo) Fernando, when you win the championship would you say it has been the hardest victory of your life? 問:Alonso,如果妳拿下冠軍,妳會說今年是最艱難的一次嗎? FA: I don’t know. I really don’t know because it is too difficult to say or get back in time and remember what my feelings were here last year when I had a very tough final part of the championship with Michael taking points every race and losing the advantage that I had, so that was a very difficult fight and when I won here last year I had a very special feeling. As you say, if this weekend everything goes well and again I have the possibility to feel that who knows if it is bigger or smaller than last year’s feelings. FA:不知道。去年跟Michael競爭時也是非常艱難。本週的比賽現在誰知道? 也許我拿下冠軍又會重回去年的感覺。 Q: (Ian Parkes – The Press Association) Fernando and Lewis, just looking at you here you look more at ease than we have seen you for some time, is that true? 問:Alonso跟Lewis,你們這場好像更輕鬆以待? FA: I think it is the same as always. I think when you see us together it is only on the Saturday afternoon and at the Meet the Team press conference and then it is just after qualifying and we are very focused on the race, the strategy, the result of the qualifying, so it is maybe not a very relaxed moment. And here on this Thursday I don’t see any change from the last 10 months. FA:我想一如往常。當妳看到我們時只有再星期6下午,車隊記者會、排位賽後,這時 我們都非常專注在比賽、策略、排位結果,也許那時並不是很輕鬆的時刻。而今天 是星期4... LH: I agree with that. I think like any relationship just through time spent together, and I have known Fernando since Turkey of last year, I think it is and just since then the relationship has grown and we have more respect for each other automatically. We are not here now in competition, trying to answer more questions than each other, but on Saturday, it is a little different because we are in competition. LH:我同意。任何關係可能隨著時間變化。我從去年土耳其站就認識Alonso,然後 我們關係越來越好並且互相尊重。今天我們來這裡開記者會不是來競爭的,只是 來回答問題。但是星期6就不一樣,因為我們是競爭者。 Q: (Charlie Wyett – The Sun) Lewis, will it make extra special for you if you can win the title and England win the Rugby World Cup on Saturday? What impact will it have on the country? And what will it mean to you if England can do it? 問:Lewis,如果妳贏得冠軍,然後英格蘭贏得橄欖球冠軍,英國會high翻天嗎? 還有英國隊如果拿冠軍,對妳的意義? LH: It is one of the best times for our country and I am proud and pleased to be in that sort of position where I can do something. I really want them to win. I watched the last game and I had a great time with a few friends and one said France are going to win and I said ‘no way!’ and it was just amazing to see the spirits of the guys and how they came back. And I was also interested to see they are going to watch Cool Runnings for inspiration before their last game. I watched it recently as well. We are all going to try the best we can and it is going to be something special to have the honour to do it on a similar day. LH:我想這對我們國家會是最棒的,而我也會因為為國爭光而驕傲。我真的很希望 他們能贏。前一站我跟幾個朋友有看比賽,其中一個他說法國對會贏我說:想 都別想!(然後點點點我沒看英式橄欖球也不是很有興趣所以跳過...) Q: (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) In China I asked you if you wanted a storm to come and for the race to be cancelled. Looking back would you have hoped for it to have come and how much more difficult is it now? 問:LH,在中國站時我有問妳希不希望因予取消比賽?回想這一場妳會想搭時取消多好? 現在情況多艱難了~ LH: This is the second question you have asked me this year! (laughter)... As I said before, I really enjoy racing and whether you finish or you don’t finish as long as you do all your preparation, you just want to complete the race. Whether you finish first or last. And this weekend I hope the weather is good. I know the weather has not always been brilliant for previous races here in Brazil, but I heard it hadn’t rained here for about two months or something and then as soon as I arrived it rained. I obviously brought it with me from the UK. We want to have a good race this weekend. LH:這問題你已經問兩次了。我愛比賽,只要準備充足不論結局如何,我只是要完成比 賽,不論是第一或最後。這週我希望天氣是晴天。我知道前幾年巴西站天氣不是很 好,但是我聽說這裡已經2個月沒下雨,然後我一來就開始下。大概雨就跟著我從 英國帶過來,我希望本週有個精彩的比賽。 Q: (Niki Takeda – Formula PA) To you all, has it seemed a longer season than normal? 問:問大家,今年賽季比較長的感覺? LH: It is my first season in Formula One, so it has seemed a very long season to me and different to anything I have experienced before, but I am enjoying it. I am looking forward to more races in the future. LH:我第一年,所以對我來說是很長的一年,但是我很享受他。希望以後有更長的賽季 FA: Quite long for me… FA:今年很長~ orz KR: ... (inaudible) the races go quickly and it has been the same for me this season. KR:...(咕嚕嚕咕嚕嚕聽不懂)賽季很快就結束了。 FM: Very quick. FM:快 Q: (James Allen – ITV) Lewis, looking back to the Belgian Grand Prix, this is a pretty difficult first corner here and obviously Kimi would love it if you took each other off and is that a scenario you have thought of or is it something you have to discuss to make sure it doesn’t? 問:Lewis,如同比利時站,這站第一彎也是很刁鑽,Kimi一定很樂意看到你們兩個 一起滾出去,妳有預料到這樣的劇本?妳有沒有討論過? LH: We are professional racing drivers and I think obviously we don’t want to crash with any of the drivers not just us. Neither of us wants to crash on Sunday. For me, going into that first corner you go in there ideally wanting to take the lead or to gain a place but without taking too many risks. In our own experience we know what too much of a risk is and what too little is… I don’t feel we are going to have any problems. LH:我們是專業車手,我想沒有人想要跟別人撞車。沒有人想要在星期天退賽。對我來 說,進到第一彎時最理想是跑在前頭或是超車,但是前提是不要冒太大風險。我們 經驗豐富知道怎樣是很大風險怎樣是太小心...我不覺得我會碰上啥麻煩... FA: I have to finish the race and I have to risk for sure to take places if I have an opportunity but as I said my principle aim is to finish the race. FA:我不但要完賽還得冒險跑在前面。但首要目標還是得完賽。 Q: (Marco Degl’Innocenti – La Gazzetta dello Sport) Does it happen that you think that you cannot win the title? 問:妳曾經想過妳可能輸掉冠軍頭銜? LH: No. -- 我跑的rFactor CTDP2005 SHANGHAI: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PufHrrfbFU
有空來交流一下阿~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

10/19 05:24, , 1F
10/19 05:24, 1F

10/19 05:26, , 2F
10/19 05:26, 2F

10/19 05:29, , 3F
宜 我打成美式歐? orz 等等我改
10/19 05:29, 3F

10/19 05:32, , 4F
我找不到耶, 哈 哪一頁? 我不是都翻英國橄欖球 :p
10/19 05:32, 4F
※ 編輯: dwt 來自: (10/19 05:35)

10/19 05:35, , 5F
歐歐 多謝找到了 @@
10/19 05:35, 5F

10/19 05:44, , 6F
我猜會問火腿他跟英國橄欖球隊誰比較難 是因為這星期日凌
10/19 05:44, 6F

10/19 05:45, , 7F
晨是世界杯橄欖球賽的決賽 由英國隊對南非隊.....
10/19 05:45, 7F

10/19 06:21, , 8F
推翻譯,辛苦了,還有FA:"quite long for me..."
10/19 06:21, 8F

10/19 08:26, , 9F
第一個問題的 FM 打成 FA,變成 Alonso 在回答了
10/19 08:26, 9F
※ 編輯: dwt 來自: (10/19 08:44)

10/19 08:44, , 10F
10/19 08:44, 10F

10/19 09:03, , 11F
FM:巴西人也聽不懂,挖哈哈~<- 巴西人也很難懂啦 XD
10/19 09:03, 11F

10/19 09:04, , 12F
啊,也拿掉 XD
10/19 09:04, 12F

10/19 09:56, , 13F
10/19 09:56, 13F

10/19 09:59, , 14F
10/19 09:59, 14F

10/19 10:40, , 15F
10/19 10:40, 15F

10/19 11:10, , 16F
辛苦了 大推!!! 也很好笑 XDDDDDDD
10/19 11:10, 16F

10/19 11:15, , 17F
翻的很棒 推!!
10/19 11:15, 17F

10/19 11:24, , 18F
10/19 11:24, 18F

10/19 11:49, , 19F
FM: No, you can see they are best friends(是FM還是FA啊?)
10/19 11:49, 19F

10/19 12:01, , 20F
哈哈~實在太妙了~ 翻得真好~大推~~~ 尤其是對FA的提問中"
10/19 12:01, 20F

10/19 12:02, , 21F
...妳對此感到:新奇? 溫馨?" XDDDDD 笑點太多了~~XD
10/19 12:02, 21F

10/19 12:03, , 22F
10/19 12:03, 22F

10/19 12:06, , 23F
我一直在想倒底認真翻比較累 還是搞笑翻比較累 XD再推一發
10/19 12:06, 23F

10/19 12:21, , 24F
10/19 12:21, 24F

10/19 12:41, , 25F
10/19 12:41, 25F

10/19 12:45, , 26F
10/19 12:45, 26F
※ 編輯: dwt 來自: (10/19 12:53)

10/19 12:54, , 27F
回CGary,以英文原文為主歐,翻太快有錯說,已改正 :)
10/19 12:54, 27F

10/19 12:59, , 28F
massa說他們是best friends真是有機車到... XD
10/19 12:59, 28F

10/19 13:00, , 29F
10/19 13:00, 29F

10/19 13:01, , 30F
10/19 13:01, 30F

10/19 13:01, , 31F
Alonso: 喝, 給你死給你死給你死... Ham: 快滾吧, 過氣冠軍
10/19 13:01, 31F

10/19 13:10, , 32F
10/19 13:10, 32F

10/19 13:31, , 33F
10/19 13:31, 33F

10/19 13:32, , 34F
感到:實用。* * ~ * *\( ̄︶ ̄)/** * * ~* *
10/19 13:32, 34F

10/19 14:29, , 35F
massa:你看他們是好朋友阿 XD
10/19 14:29, 35F

10/19 16:35, , 36F
10/19 16:35, 36F

10/19 18:13, , 37F
10/19 18:13, 37F

10/19 18:24, , 38F
10/19 18:24, 38F

10/19 18:37, , 39F
MASSA的部份超好笑XD 插了一堆話又說不干我的事XD
10/19 18:37, 39F

10/19 18:52, , 40F
推Massa... 還有Kimi的"inaudible" 哈哈!
10/19 18:52, 40F

10/19 19:24, , 41F
推樓上 哈哈哈哈哈
10/19 19:24, 41F

10/19 21:09, , 42F
10/19 21:09, 42F

10/19 22:34, , 43F
10/19 22:34, 43F

10/19 22:37, , 44F
10/19 22:37, 44F

10/19 22:47, , 45F
10/19 22:47, 45F

10/20 00:00, , 46F
10/20 00:00, 46F

10/20 00:06, , 47F
推~~ 很精彩的記者會+翻譯
10/20 00:06, 47F

10/21 01:30, , 48F
"謀母丟"跟"丟"好好笑 XDDD
10/21 01:30, 48F

10/22 03:28, , 49F
10/22 03:28, 49F

10/22 03:31, , 50F
10/22 03:31, 50F

10/24 12:49, , 51F
湊整數 XD  ̄
10/24 12:49, 51F

10/24 16:55, , 52F
10/24 16:55, 52F
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