[情報] HAM:我此生唯一的車隊。

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (buring)時間17年前 (2007/11/12 00:36), 編輯推噓20(2005)
留言25則, 24人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Hamilton is committed to McLaren future ''The only team I want to be with'' "麥拉倫,我的唯一。" British Formula One star Lewis Hamilton insisted Sunday that he wants to stay with McLaren for life. HAM想要一輩子都待在麥拉倫。 The 22-year-old narrowly missed out on the driver's championship title in his first full season and looks set to be McLaren's main driver next season after the departure of Fernando Alonso. 菜鳥年就成為年度亞軍。並且將會是明年麥拉倫的頭號車手。 Now Hamilton has set his sights on winning the world title and staying with McLaren throughout his racing career. 目前的目標: 1-車手世界冠軍 2-一輩子待在麥拉倫 Hamilton told Radio Five Live's Sportsweek programme: "I don't know how long I will be in Formula One but the team I am with right now is the only team I want to be with." HAM說: "我不知道我會在F1待多久;但是麥拉倫是我唯一想要代表出賽的車隊。" "I know the guys so well and I had a great season. They gave me a great opportunity. I want to win World Championships and I want to win it for them," he added. "我了解這些傢伙,而我也有個很棒的賽季。" "他們給我一個超棒的機會。我想要贏得世界冠軍,而且是為了他們贏的。" "I see my career ending with them. I don't feel there is anywhere else to go. When you are in Formula One there are the top teams and I believe McLaren is a top team, so why would I make a sidestep or a back step to any other team. I want to be the best driver there is today," concluded Hamilton. "我看到我結束F1生涯的時候,是穿著麥拉倫的隊服。" "我不認為有其他地方好去。" "F1的確是有好幾支頂尖隊伍,麥拉倫肯定是其中之一。 既然我已經在頂尖隊伍裡了,我何必轉隊到相同等級甚至是次級的車隊去呢?" "我想成為賽道上最好的車手。" --------------- http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/news/detail/071111150808.shtml --------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/12 00:37, , 1F
也許過幾年McLaren又找到可以幹掉他的新星 (大誤)
11/12 00:37, 1F

11/12 00:47, , 2F
11/12 00:47, 2F

11/12 00:47, , 3F
11/12 00:47, 3F

11/12 00:54, , 4F
11/12 00:54, 4F
※ 編輯: buring 來自: (11/12 00:59)

11/12 01:03, , 5F
11/12 01:03, 5F

11/12 01:04, , 6F
11/12 01:04, 6F

11/12 01:08, , 7F
這篇要 M 起來存證 !!!
11/12 01:08, 7F

11/12 02:07, , 8F
11/12 02:07, 8F

11/12 02:47, , 9F
那也要看他能在F1待多久阿 :P
11/12 02:47, 9F

11/12 03:06, , 10F
手動置底吧= =
11/12 03:06, 10F

11/12 05:56, , 11F
這傢伙是熱昏頭了嗎? 真的不欣賞 ...
11/12 05:56, 11F

11/12 07:33, , 12F
11/12 07:33, 12F

11/12 07:34, , 13F
難道說 這傢伙講話跟某國宗痛一樣反覆無常?
11/12 07:34, 13F

11/12 09:01, , 14F
I know the guys so well?這傢伙指的是人還是車?
11/12 09:01, 14F

11/12 10:53, , 15F
11/12 10:53, 15F

11/12 12:07, , 16F
11/12 12:07, 16F

11/12 17:51, , 17F
11/12 17:51, 17F

11/12 20:21, , 18F
11/12 20:21, 18F

11/12 22:15, , 19F
11/12 22:15, 19F

11/12 22:28, , 20F
11/12 22:28, 20F

11/12 23:51, , 21F
11/12 23:51, 21F

11/13 03:15, , 22F
11/13 03:15, 22F

11/13 07:20, , 23F
年輕人終究是年輕人..... 難怪他今年沒拿到世界冠軍
11/13 07:20, 23F

11/13 19:58, , 24F
11/13 19:58, 24F

11/13 23:05, , 25F
可以幫HAM備份嗎 科科~
11/13 23:05, 25F
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文章代碼(AID): #17DozvZH (FORMULA1)