[情報] FIA blames economic crisis for BMW's …

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (哎呀~)時間15年前 (2009/07/29 19:07), 編輯推噓18(1802)
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原文http://tinyurl.com/lw2dop 'Paris - Motorsport's ruling body, the FIA, reacted with disappointment Wednesday to the news that German carmaker BMW is pulling out of the sport at the end of the 2009 season, blaming the global recession for the decision. FIA失望地對BMW退出F1做出了回應,指出一切咎於全球金融海嘯。 'It has been clear for some time that motor sport cannot ignore the world economic crisis. Car manufacturers cannot be expected to continue to pour large sums of money into Formula One when their survival depends on redundancies, plant closures and the support of the taxpayer,' said the organization in a statement. 非常清楚地,賽車運動不能忽視全球金融危機。車廠們投資龐大的金錢,導致 背負著沉重的壓力。 BMW chairman Norbert Reithofer announced the news of the company's withdrawal from the sport earlier Wednesday at a press conference at the carmaker's headquarters in Munich. BMW老闆稍早在慕尼黑總部宣布將退出F1。 'The board decided yesterday that we would change our involvement in motorsport. The BMW group will end its involvement with Formula One at the end of the 2009 season,' said Reithofer in the company of BMW-Sauber team principal Mario Theissen. Mario Theissen:「我們決定09年賽季完,退出F1」 'Obviously, this decision was a difficult one for us.' Mario Theissen:「當然,這是一個艱難的決定。」 According to the Bild Zeitung newspaper, Japanese carmaker Toyota is also considering pulling out of the sport while Honda withdrew at the end of last year. 據報導,Toyata也正在考慮退出F1。 FIA has argued that it is addressing the problems and pointed to the new cost-cutting measures introduced this season as well as the Concorde Agreement set to be signed later this week. FIA強調,為了解決這些問題,新的削減成本措施將在本賽季推出,以及共同 協定將在本週晚些時候簽署。 'These measures were needed to alleviate the pressure on manufacturers following Honda's withdrawal but also to make it possible for new teams to enter,' it said. 上述的措施,可以減輕車廠的經濟壓力,並且能使更多新車隊加入。 'Had these regulations not been so strongly opposed by a number of team principals, the withdrawal of BMW and further such announcements in the future might have been avoided.' 如果這些措施沒有受到某些車隊強烈反對,或許可以避免未來BMW退出的事重演。 BMW應該算是金融海嘯裡,少數還能賺錢的車廠吧...... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ThePianist 來自: (07/29 19:08) ※ 編輯: ThePianist 來自: (07/29 19:09) ※ 編輯: ThePianist 來自: (07/29 19:10)

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金融海嘯:30% FIA:70%
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CF: coming soon
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這樣還有當季的hp BMW Suber的白色筆電可以買嗎?想說以後有錢
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要買一台說...現在連買法拉利的貼紙貼acer的錢都沒有 T.T
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君不見Moto GP也在想方設法節省開支......( ̄﹁ ̄||)
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