Re: [情報] 馬薩將赴邁阿密檢查傷勢 萊科寧另類祝먠…

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (豪)時間15年前 (2009/08/26 12:38), 編輯推噓10(1003)
留言13則, 11人參與, 最新討論串1/1
其實這篇新聞有錯 原文在這 其中這兩段 Though Ferrari did not win, Massa was thrilled to see Brawn driver Barrichello back on top of the podium after almost five years away, and following the race was straight on the phone to his friend and compatriot, who carried a best wishes message to Massa on his helmet. “My first attempt (to call) failed because he was debriefing with his Brawn GP people,” explained Massa. “But later I could manage to talk to him and congratulated him for his fantastic victory. Of course, I also thanked him for everything he’s done and said about me during the whole weekend. In fact, I felt very emotional when I saw his helmet with a design intended to homage me.” 翻譯一下 雖然法拉利沒有獲勝,但是Massa卻非常興奮的看到了Brawn車手Barrichello在睽違幾乎 五年之後再度登上頒獎台的最高點,而在賽後他也直接打電話給他的好友兼同胞,同時也 在安全帽上面帶著給他祝福的Barrichello。 "我的第一通電話沒有成功因為他正在聽取車隊人員的報告","但是之後我有跟他講到話 並恭喜他得到這個了不起的勝利。當然,我也感謝他在整個週末為我做的事以及為我說的 話。事實上,我感到非常的激動當我看到他的安全帽上有向我表達敬意的設計。" 所以說,這其實是原文刪減之後產生的誤解.........KIMI沒有啥設計的安全帽...... (這我自己翻的,翻的不好請見諒) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/26 12:43, , 1F
08/26 12:43, 1F

08/26 12:50, , 2F
08/26 12:50, 2F

08/26 13:55, , 3F
呵呵 非自願的"禍首"當然得要做得多一點囉 何況還是同胞呢
08/26 13:55, 3F

08/26 14:01, , 4F
可是Kimi送了張卡片到醫院給Massa 這是Massa告訴記者的
08/26 14:01, 4F

08/26 14:02, , 5F
相比之下 冰人送卡片更雷人吧 XD
08/26 14:02, 5F

08/26 14:07, , 6F
應該的。 零件可是由老巴的車上掉出來的
08/26 14:07, 6F

08/26 16:01, , 7F
卡片內容:Let's wait and see.........
08/26 16:01, 7F

08/26 17:06, , 8F
有個電影不是說賽車手都不去醫院探病 湯姆克魯斯演的
08/26 17:06, 8F

08/26 18:51, , 9F
08/26 18:51, 9F

08/26 21:17, , 10F
08/26 21:17, 10F

08/26 21:35, , 11F
不准在我學長前提到"老"這個字!!! (被拖走)
08/26 21:35, 11F

08/26 22:35, , 12F
08/26 22:35, 12F

08/27 00:04, , 13F
小胖 不好意思 差一樓喔 ( ′-`)y-~
08/27 00:04, 13F
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文章代碼(AID): #1AbBnYYa (FORMULA1)