[情報] Kimi暗示離開法拉利

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (Duke Hsu)時間15年前 (2009/08/29 10:33), 編輯推噓15(15024)
留言39則, 23人參與, 最新討論串1/1
Raikkonen hints at Ferrari departure, eyes other seats Kimi Raikkonen on Friday admitted for the first time the possibility he will leave Ferrari at the end of the season. KIMI在本周五首次提及他有可能在賽季末離開法拉利 And interestingly, although his potential departure has been linked with a full-time switch to rallying, the 29-year-old Finn said no matter what happens, he is staying in formula one. Kimi稱 無論發生什麼事 他都將待在F1 "If for some reason I am not at Ferrari next season I know I'll have a seat at another team in the paddock," he is quoted as saying by Britain's Daily Telegraph. "It's not a problem. Other teams want me." "如果有什麼原因 使我明年不待在法拉利, 我也會有為其他車隊效力的機會" "這不是問題 其他車隊也會要我" His comments coincide with increasing speculation that Ferrari has now signed a binding contract with Fernando Alonso and needs to part with either of its existing contracted drivers for 2010: Raikkonen, or the recovering Felipe Massa. It is believed an amicable split between Ferrari and Raikkonen is likely, but it will cost the Italian team millions as his engagement next year would have earned him in excess of $45m. "I'm too young to retire. I have a contract with Ferrari for next season. If I didn't want to race next season I would not have signed a contract," he added. 我還不到退休的年紀 我和法拉利明年還有合約 如果我明年不想比賽 我根本不會去簽它 Alonso's move would obviously create a gap at Renault, but arguably the better vacant seat is at McLaren, who are openly considering parting with Heikki Kovalainen. It may have been a Freudian slip, but the BBC quoted team boss Martin Whitmarsh as saying at Valencia last weekend: "Kimi's really raised his game and all weekend has done a great job and Heikki has always been a fantastic team player and a good asset in our team but his race pace hasn't been good enough." 麥拉崙頭頭說:KIMI是個好車手 每個周末都能做好他的工作 Heikki一直以來都是個好車手 不過最近的比賽節奏不太好 Lewis Hamilton was asked on Friday about the prospect of having a new teammate for 2010, but deflected the question in the direction of his bosses before remarking that he's "happy with Heikki". Raikkonen drove for McLaren between 2002 and 2006. -------- 主要翻KIMI說的 翻得也不太好XD 恩 大意是 KIMI被記者問到明年可不可能退休 或是離開法拉利之類的 KIMI說退休或改跑WRC是不可能的 既然他跟法拉利的約簽到明年 當然就是想繼續跑 如果想退休為啥要簽到明年 (編按:笑) KIMI自認為還太年輕 不到退休的年紀 如果真如記者所說的 有什麼"意外"的話 他就算離開法拉利 也不擔心找不到其他位子 --------------- KIMI回麥拉拉吧!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

08/29 10:34, , 1F
08/29 10:34, 1F

08/29 10:39, , 2F
08/29 10:39, 2F

08/29 10:40, , 3F
假如Alonso到Ferrari 那Massa的地位......
08/29 10:40, 3F

08/29 10:42, , 4F
ALO跟MAS 兩個如果當隊友... 我覺得... 看看07麥隊吧...
08/29 10:42, 4F

08/29 10:46, , 5F
08/29 10:46, 5F

08/29 11:11, , 6F
08/29 11:11, 6F

08/29 11:26, , 7F
Ham+Kimi的話應該和當初Ham+Nano差不多吧... 只是Kimi應該會
08/29 11:26, 7F

08/29 11:26, , 8F
08/29 11:26, 8F

08/29 11:28, , 9F
Kimi去雷諾 Alonso到法拉利?
08/29 11:28, 9F

08/29 11:44, , 10F
08/29 11:44, 10F

08/29 12:01, , 11F
08/29 12:01, 11F

08/29 12:22, , 12F
08/29 12:22, 12F

08/29 12:22, , 13F
kimi可是有明年的合約 再怎樣都不可能換掉kimi
08/29 12:22, 13F

08/29 12:28, , 14F
回zebirlin 又不是每個人在麥隊都會找罪受....
08/29 12:28, 14F

08/29 12:29, , 15F
麥隊只要給同車 季末再來決定誰幫誰就好啦
08/29 12:29, 15F

08/29 12:30, , 16F
一開始就決定誰是一號車手 根本是拿自己的錢開玩笑...
08/29 12:30, 16F

08/29 12:30, , 17F
07年 我就不想討論了.... 反正討論不出東西....
08/29 12:30, 17F

08/29 12:49, , 18F
08/29 12:49, 18F

08/29 13:01, , 19F
又有人在自我感覺良好 ╮(′~‵〞)╭
08/29 13:01, 19F

08/29 13:02, , 20F
08/29 13:02, 20F

08/29 13:03, , 21F
原來07年兩人不合都是小黑的錯啊?! 小新真的很NICE耶~
08/29 13:03, 21F

08/29 13:07, , 22F
有沒有人要做個比較 把 小黑跟科科VS小新跟FISI 來做個比較
08/29 13:07, 22F

08/29 13:32, , 23F
08/29 13:32, 23F

08/29 13:56, , 24F
08/29 13:56, 24F

08/29 13:57, , 25F
08/29 13:57, 25F

08/29 13:58, , 26F
08/29 13:58, 26F

08/29 14:35, , 27F
08/29 14:35, 27F

08/29 15:03, , 28F
08/29 15:03, 28F

08/29 15:21, , 29F
08/29 15:21, 29F

08/29 15:50, , 30F
對阿 07年邁隊到季末沒搞ALO阿 只是全力支持HAM罷了
08/29 15:50, 30F

08/29 16:13, , 31F
誰沒事要花一兩千萬美金找個世界冠軍來 卻又不想用他??
08/29 16:13, 31F

08/29 16:16, , 32F
不用在討論了 各說各話而已
08/29 16:16, 32F

08/29 16:18, , 33F
那就不要再說誰對不起誰之類的話.. 也不要說誰難相處....
08/29 16:18, 33F

08/29 16:19, , 34F
就算有 也是半斤八兩而已.....
08/29 16:19, 34F

08/29 16:23, , 35F
08/29 16:23, 35F

08/29 16:59, , 36F
自己引戰還叫別人止戰 好威風 好煞氣 且反ALO的ID真眼熟
08/29 16:59, 36F

08/29 17:13, , 37F
樓上再說我嗎?! 你自己講的話就很夠戰了阿
08/29 17:13, 37F

08/29 18:26, , 38F
08/29 18:26, 38F

08/29 20:02, , 39F
08/29 20:02, 39F
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