[情報] Renault handed suspended F1 ban

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (紅利獵人)時間15年前 (2009/09/21 20:24), 編輯推噓45(45036)
留言81則, 38人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/motorsport/formula_one/8266090.stm 剛才看到BBC電視的 Breaking News Renault have been given a two-year suspended ban for their role in fixing last year's Singapore Grand Prix. The team were called before governing body the FIA to answer charges they had asked driver Nelson Piquet Jr to crash to help team-mate Fernando Alonso win. Former team boss Flavio Briatore has been banned from FIA sanctioned events for an unlimited period. Renault's ex-engineering director Pat Symonds has also been excluded from F1 for five years. The plan to deliberately crash was their idea, Piquet told the FIA. Briatore and Symonds parted company with Renault last week at the same time as the French car giant said they would not contest the charges. At a hearing in Paris on Monday, the ruling World Motor Sport Council hearing found Renault "in breach of the International Sporting Code and Sporting Regulations." A statement by the FIA added: "The council considers Renault F1's breaches relating to the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix to be of unparalleled severity. "They not only compromised the integrity of the sport but also endangered the lives of spectators, officials, other competitors and Nelson Piquet Jr. himself. "The WMSC considers that offences of this severity merit permanent disqualification from the FIA Formula One World Championship. "However, in particular the steps taken by Renault F1 to identify and address the failings within its team and condemn the actions of the individuals involved, the WMSC has decided to suspend Renault F1's disqualification until the end of the 2011 season." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/21 20:28, , 1F
兩年喔 那F1都不知道會變成什麼形狀囉!
09/21 20:28, 1F

09/21 20:28, , 2F
Flavio終身禁賽、Pat Symonds禁賽五年。( ̄﹁ ̄||)
09/21 20:28, 2F

09/21 20:29, , 3F
Briatore形同被FIA永久禁賽 那他要不要考慮一下轉戰Indy?
09/21 20:29, 3F

09/21 20:29, , 4F
09/21 20:29, 4F

09/21 20:29, , 5F
緩刑啦Lipatti lol 這算是河蟹了吧?( ̄﹁ ̄||)
09/21 20:29, 5F

09/21 20:31, , 6F
09/21 20:31, 6F

09/21 20:32, , 7F
緩刑 ? 我看到新浪的怎麼是說禁賽2年 ?
09/21 20:32, 7F

09/21 20:32, , 8F
哈 眼殘沒看到關鍵字'suspended' 不過這樣Renault就沒辦法
09/21 20:32, 8F

09/21 20:33, , 9F
09/21 20:33, 9F

09/21 20:35, , 10F
http://ppt.cc/38oY 新聞稿。
09/21 20:35, 10F

09/21 20:36, , 11F
09/21 20:36, 11F

09/21 20:37, , 12F
-也就是緩刑兩年。( ̄﹁ ̄||) 若兩年內再犯類似勾當的
09/21 20:37, 12F

09/21 20:37, , 13F
09/21 20:37, 13F

09/21 20:40, , 14F
09/21 20:40, 14F

09/21 20:41, , 15F
09/21 20:41, 15F

09/21 20:42, , 16F
09/21 20:42, 16F

09/21 20:48, , 17F
09/21 20:48, 17F

09/21 20:48, , 18F
................超級輕判。( ̄  ̄|||)
09/21 20:48, 18F

09/21 20:52, , 19F
FIA也太沒驚喜了吧 大家傳河蟹傳成這樣 真的就河蟹
09/21 20:52, 19F

09/21 20:58, , 20F
這年代河蟹當道,每個人都向"錢"看 ,俗話說"和氣生財"嘛!
09/21 20:58, 20F

09/21 20:58, , 21F
09/21 20:58, 21F

09/21 21:00, , 22F
09/21 21:00, 22F

09/21 21:05, , 23F
秋天河蟹正肥美 來唷 有一批好肥好便宜的河蟹要不要
09/21 21:05, 23F

09/21 21:14, , 24F
09/21 21:14, 24F

09/21 21:14, , 25F
09/21 21:14, 25F

09/21 21:16, , 26F
科科 果然河蟹了 秋天嘛~FIA也要應應景~
09/21 21:16, 26F

09/21 21:16, , 27F
sucks 一點魄力都沒有...麥拉拉罰一億,這個什麼都沒有
09/21 21:16, 27F

09/21 21:16, , 28F
fXXk U FIA sucks
09/21 21:16, 28F

09/21 21:19, , 29F
09/21 21:19, 29F

09/21 21:21, , 30F
09/21 21:21, 30F

09/21 21:23, , 31F
真的事有夠爛的判決....alonso沒事? 他不知道嗎?
09/21 21:23, 31F

09/21 21:27, , 32F
FIA: 「感謝Alonso協助我們調查。」囧
09/21 21:27, 32F

09/21 21:29, , 33F
恩 這篇想學英文的可看度很高。 判決單字不少 XD
09/21 21:29, 33F

09/21 21:39, , 34F
09/21 21:39, 34F

09/21 21:39, , 35F
09/21 21:39, 35F

09/21 21:44, , 36F
大閘蟹今天才撈上岸 FIA就已經端上桌了
09/21 21:44, 36F

09/21 21:48, , 37F
09/21 21:48, 37F

09/21 21:49, , 38F
09/21 21:49, 38F

09/21 22:00, , 39F
我覺得 要罰多重有困難 但是沒判禁賽個五六場 也太輕
09/21 22:00, 39F

09/21 22:07, , 40F
09/21 22:07, 40F

09/21 22:09, , 41F
Suspended Ban! ( ̄﹏ ̄|||)(不用我英翻中了吧?)
09/21 22:09, 41F

09/21 22:12, , 42F
09/21 22:12, 42F

09/21 22:12, , 43F
09/21 22:12, 43F

09/21 22:13, , 44F
緩刑超爽的 FIA這兩年內 超好控制雷諾 (麥隊去年也超乖)
09/21 22:13, 44F

09/21 22:15, , 45F
老闆 陽澄湖的來一鍋 我要肥一點的
09/21 22:15, 45F

09/21 22:18, , 46F
09/21 22:18, 46F

09/21 22:19, , 47F
車隊切割的滿乾淨的 而且擺出沒錢大不了走人的姿態 頗成功
09/21 22:19, 47F

09/21 22:19, , 48F
09/21 22:19, 48F

09/21 22:19, , 49F
老布被判終身禁令 是真的有罰到了 以後大概只能喬一些事
09/21 22:19, 49F

09/21 22:19, , 50F
09/21 22:19, 50F

09/21 22:20, , 51F
Alonso + Webbo + Kovalainen + Grosjean: 糟糕了!囧>
09/21 22:20, 51F

09/21 22:24, , 52F
FB = 名雲京志郎?!(我是來亂的CF控沒錯XD)
09/21 22:24, 52F

09/21 22:26, , 53F
09/21 22:26, 53F

09/21 22:26, , 54F
09/21 22:26, 54F

09/21 22:27, , 55F
09/21 22:27, 55F

09/21 22:28, , 56F
絕對是因為雷諾對整個賽事還有價值 幹掉雷諾會跟七傷拳一樣
09/21 22:28, 56F

09/21 22:29, , 57F
09/21 22:29, 57F

09/21 22:29, , 58F
09/21 22:29, 58F

09/21 22:29, , 59F
是阿 所以只好秋天肥美的河蟹來一卡車 XD
09/21 22:29, 59F

09/21 22:30, , 60F
雷諾全身而退。( ̄﹁ ̄||)
09/21 22:30, 60F

09/21 22:30, , 61F
政治考量一定要的 黑面蔡可以去找丹丹敘敘舊了聊聊怎麼
09/21 22:30, 61F

09/21 22:30, , 62F
09/21 22:30, 62F

09/21 22:30, , 63F
09/21 22:30, 63F

09/21 22:31, , 64F
對照雷諾,看樣子麥拉拉會嘔到死..... XD
09/21 22:31, 64F

09/21 23:00, , 65F
09/21 23:00, 65F

09/21 23:00, , 66F
09/21 23:00, 66F

09/21 23:02, , 67F
秋天來了 吃蟹囉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
09/21 23:02, 67F

09/21 23:03, , 68F
09/21 23:03, 68F

09/21 23:06, , 69F
小新:雷諾被禁賽兩年??那我怎麼辦??(心裡有譜...) (誤)
09/21 23:06, 69F

09/21 23:16, , 70F
09/21 23:16, 70F

09/21 23:50, , 71F
two-year suspended ban = 緩刑兩年
09/21 23:50, 71F

09/22 00:04, , 72F
連飛碟新聞沒再理F1都報這篇了 可見應該事情蠻大條的
09/22 00:04, 72F

09/22 04:47, , 73F
09/22 04:47, 73F

09/22 04:48, , 74F
09/22 04:48, 74F

09/22 08:08, , 75F
FIA reaction: Alonso not involved in scandal
09/22 08:08, 75F

09/22 13:15, , 76F
09/22 13:15, 76F

09/22 16:25, , 77F
緩刑2年 沒有罰金跟禁賽...不就等於沒罰?
09/22 16:25, 77F

09/22 17:48, , 78F
打假求的終生禁賽 跑假車的沒啥事XD
09/22 17:48, 78F

09/22 18:21, , 79F
09/22 18:21, 79F

09/22 18:47, , 80F
09/22 18:47, 80F

09/22 18:59, , 81F
小龜是確定的 至於小新只有他自己心知肚明XDD
09/22 18:59, 81F
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