[情報] Hamilton批評新加坡賽道"危險"

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (萬事通自然捲阿銀)時間15年前 (2009/09/27 19:29), 編輯推噓15(1509)
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昨天的新聞了... Hamilton criticises 'dangerous' Singapore circuit The reigning Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton took a swipe at Singapore's street circuit before qualifying today, calling the city-state's track "very dangerous". 排位賽前,Hamilton抨擊新加坡賽道很危險 The McLaren driver, out of contention for this year’s title, complained that the road circuit was dusty and bumpy and that improvements promised last year had not been implemented. 賽道又髒又顛簸,去年承諾的改進並沒有做到 “It’s such a bumpy track and the ride on our car was quite poor,” Hamilton told reporters in the paddock at the Singapore Grand Prix. “It’s shaking so much. The car is bumping and bouncing and sliding. It’s still very bad. I don’t really think it’s changed at all to be honest.” 賽道對於車高不高的F1來說實在太顛簸,車子彈跳嚴重又側滑,完全沒改善 Hamilton also hit out at changes made to the chicane on turn 10, where curbs had been built up. “It’s a lot worse than last year,” Hamilton said. “Last year, it was a weird little corner anyway but it was quite good — a quick left, right, left. Now it’s big, fat curbs and there’s no runoff, so it’s very dangerous. “I’m sure in the race someone will crash there. If someone blew a tyre and had an oversteer moment and slid and hit one of those curbs, they would fly. It’s not very safe.” 尤其是T10連續彎的"改進",甚至比去年還差,路肩更大坨,又沒有緩衝區 比賽中一定會有人在這邊撞車,如果進彎時有點轉向過度壓上路肩,你會飛起來! Hamilton said these issues had been raised at the drivers’ meeting on Friday, and the sport’s governing body the FIA would be asked for further improvements for 2010. 這是車手周五會議提出的問題,FIA要求新加坡賽道明年必須再改進 -- 鐵口直斷是吧,人客下注喔 ( ′-`)y-~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/27 19:30, , 1F
09/27 19:30, 1F

09/27 19:30, , 2F
會有hell in a cell的感覺
09/27 19:30, 2F

09/27 19:31, , 3F
09/27 19:31, 3F

09/27 19:32, , 4F
在台灣騎機車都騎到三字經滿天飛了 更何況F1
09/27 19:32, 4F
※ 編輯: raei22 來自: (09/27 19:32)

09/27 19:36, , 5F
09/27 19:36, 5F

09/27 19:37, , 6F
車手 至於路面顛簸的程度車手自己開起來最清楚吧
09/27 19:37, 6F

09/27 19:37, , 7F
昨天大家都吃很多阿~ 你看老巴吃到都飽了... XD
09/27 19:37, 7F

09/27 19:37, , 8F
09/27 19:37, 8F

09/27 19:38, , 9F
09/27 19:38, 9F

09/27 19:41, , 10F
放心有斑鳩加持 當然_______
09/27 19:41, 10F

09/27 19:42, , 11F
小黑 你別忘了還有斑鳩的詛咒..
09/27 19:42, 11F

09/27 19:45, , 12F
09/27 19:45, 12F

09/27 19:47, , 13F
09/27 19:47, 13F

09/27 19:48, , 14F
09/27 19:48, 14F

09/27 19:52, , 15F
班字輩的讚聲 總會有意外驚喜
09/27 19:52, 15F

09/27 19:52, , 16F
對不起 不過萬一等等可以看另一台麥隊的車是不是招換SC
09/27 19:52, 16F

09/27 19:54, , 17F
09/27 19:54, 17F

09/27 19:55, , 18F
09/27 19:55, 18F

09/27 20:05, , 19F
小黑講得很正確阿 又髒又顛
09/27 20:05, 19F

09/27 20:05, , 20F
09/27 20:05, 20F

09/27 22:55, , 21F
09/27 22:55, 21F

09/27 22:57, , 22F
像SF SAGA裡面說的.要作禮讓的安全駕駛的話.還是回去﹍﹍吧
09/27 22:57, 22F

09/28 23:45, , 23F
在台灣比的話 跑完一圈應該都有問題
09/28 23:45, 23F

09/29 22:45, , 24F
09/29 22:45, 24F
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