[情報] Briatore要送FIA上法庭

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (桑坦德)時間15年前 (2009/10/19 02:20), 編輯推噓3(302)
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Briatore takes FIA to court http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/79569 Former Renault boss Flavio Briatore will begin his fightback against a lifetime ban from motor racing on Monday when he takes the matter to the French courts. (大略翻譯,有遺漏也請幫我補充 thx) 前雷諾老闆Briatore將會開始他的反擊,對於FIA將他終身禁賽的處罰一事在法國 巴黎的最高法院週一提起上訴。 Briatore is set to lodge papers at the Tribunal de Grand Instance in Paris to try and cancel the lifetime ban that was handed to him by the FIA as the result of his involvement in Renault's race-fix controversy at last year's Singapore Grand Prix. In a statement issued on Sunday, Briatore stated that he believes the FIA had acted incorrectly in the way it dealt with its hearing into the race-fix case, and the punishment handed down. 老布相信FIA做出了不正確的裁罰,就像對他下達的處罰~ "In this case, the FIA has been used as a tool to exact vengeance on behalf of one man," said Briatore in the statement. "This decision is a legal absurdity and I have every confidence that the French courts will resolve the matter justly and impartially." 在這種情況下,FIA已經被一名男子當作為一種工具,以用來來真正報復他, 對他公報私仇~ 「這一個決定是法律上荒謬的事情,我相信法國法庭將會解決公正的問題」老布這麼說。 Briatore has stated that the grounds for his action were that there was a delay in the issue of the summons, a failure to state the charges in advance and a lack of access provided to prosecution document and to the key witness. 老布表示,他的行動的理由是有延誤問題的傳票,這次的指控缺乏獲得控方提供的文件 和關鍵證人~ Briatore also stated that there had been a 'breach of the natural rules of justice' including a lack of impartiality of the body passing judgement, the secret negotiation of the decision before the hearing and the granting of selective immunities. He also claims that the FIA has abused its power by imposing a penalty on a non-licensee of the FIA, the disproportionate and illegal nature of an indefinite ban and the threat to refuse to renew FIA licences to any driver or entity involved with Briatore. As well as trying to overthrow his punishment, Briatore is also demanding compensation for the damage caused to his reputation - with a report in the Journal du Dimanche suggesting he is seeking as much as one million euros. 根據老布的律師的說明,這項無限期的處罰是和歐盟法律以及歐洲人權法庭的合 法性相矛盾的。還有,對老布的召喚中也不曾提到這麼做的理由或者對他的指 控。 最後一條,前雷諾車隊老板沒有受到公平公正的判決, 而是讓FIA主席Max Mosley本人親自掌控掌握的, Mosley因2009年中老布帶頭的一次要求的離職事件而有意個人報復? 最後老布要求FIA對其的名譽受損索賠100萬歐元。 If the judges in Paris rule that there is a valid case, then the matter could go to trial in around one month's time, with a decision possible before the end of the year. 年終,巴黎法院將會對於此上訴做出決定。 說明白了是老布要求法庭還他一個清白撤銷對他的處罰, 以及更重要的是名譽上受損,想討回來~ 或許沉冤了,或許不是~ 看看開庭後能提出什麼證據吧 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Santander 來自: (10/19 02:25)

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