[情報] Mercedes: 我們沒有想要"全德化",我們 …

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (Kimi go~~~~)時間15年前 (2009/11/17 03:55), 編輯推噓15(1507)
留言22則, 19人參與, 最新討論串1/1
豪格出來面對(?)了....= =||| http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/80175 Q & A with Mercedes GP chiefs http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,18954,3213_5698696,00.html Merc: We Don't Want To Be All German Q: Can you tell us if the look and feel of the Brawn will change to be Silver Arrows next year? Dieter Zetsch: The answer is yes. Without any detail so far of how this will look, we are on the way to develop that, but it will clearly be Silver Arrows. Daimler集團執行長、賓士老闆Dieter Zetsche博士明年要讓布朗變身銀箭 Q: Could you comment on driver line-up? DZ: Not yet, we are working diligently on that topic but there is no final decision there therefore I cannot comment on it. 博士說Mercedes車隊明年的車手還沒決定 Q: Will you continue to supply Mercedes engines next season to McLaren? DZ: Yes, we will and not only next season but we agreed that we will do that ultimately - of course, for a price - to 2015. 梅賽德斯雖然自立門戶,還是會繼續供應麥隊引擎的.....至少到2015年 Q: You mentioned that McLaren has agreed to buy out the shareholding - is there any other penalty clause that you have to honour? DZ: There is no penalty whatsoever. There are contractual obligations that we will of course fulfil, but there is no penalty. 麥隊買回股份,賓士繼續履行契約,沒有外加罰則條款。(和平分手?) Q: There has been a lot of speculation that the new Mercedes team may field two German drivers next season? DZ: What we would like to see would be the best drivers in the two seats. We certainly would not be opposed if one were German, but that is not a pre requisite which we would give the team. 問:很多人臆測你們的車手將全德化? 博士:我們想要的是最好的車手。當然有個德國車手是很好啊,不過我們不會給車隊 預設必定的立場。 Norbert Haug: I read some speculation and I understand this because we could not give this information earlier. But this will be an international team for Mercedes-Benz is a global player. If you look back in our history we have very often been criticised for not having a German driver, so we were always open and we took the driver decision always together with McLaren. This will be the same in the future. We want to have the best ones and we definitely do not want to have the pure German team - it's an international Silver Arrows team and we want to have the best drivers in the car. 豪格(忽然嘩啦啦一串):梅賽迪斯是一支國際化、全球化的車隊。如果你回顧我們過去 的歷史,我們其實常因為沒有起用德國車手而受到批評,所以我們(在遴選車手方面)一直 是公開無私的,也都是和麥隊一起做決定。這在未來也是一樣。我們想要最好的傢伙, 而不是想要一支純德國車隊。我們是國際化的銀箭車隊,希望有最好的車手為我們駕車。 Q: It seems to be general knowledge that Nico Rosberg has already been hired and that because you've hired him you might be running scared of taking on Jenson Button? DZ: First of all, we have just announced that we will acquire a share in the Brawn team so we haven't done anything so far. Whatever could have been done would have been done by Ross Brawn, so with that I would like to leave the speculation of drivers. Q Would you not want to have Jenson Button in the team next year? NH: We are in negotiations but all the accurate information is around and we are talking. That's why we are not able to announcement driver line-up. We cannot comment on the drivers. 關於車手名單,兩位大老口風都很緊 博士似乎不想煩這個,言明反正該弄的Ross Brawn會去搞定。 豪格則說不是不說,時候未到,一切還在協商中,沒法comment Q: Has Ross Brawn given you a commitment for a certain number of years that he will stay in change? DZ: Yes, he has made a certain commitment and that was very valuable to us. 布朗答應會長久留下來,這承諾對梅賽迪斯車隊相當寶貴 Q: Can you put a figure on how much this is costing Daimler? DZ: No. 博士拒答搞一支廠隊將會削掉Daimler多少摳摳 Q: What about commercial sponsors? DZ: The only thing we can say is that a number of discussions are underway which are promising. 博士說有一些死幫色正在洽談中。他只能告訴你這樣。 Q: Ross Brawn is committed - will Nick Fry remain in his current role? DZ: Without going through the entire team in general I think the team has proved that it can be very competitive and successful, so from a shareholders perspective, there's no reason to change a winning team. 問:布朗留下來了,Fry咧? 博士:沒有理由改變一支冠軍車隊。 Will the team remain in the UK? DZ: Yes. That is obviously a great advantage because Mercedes-Benz High Performance Engines are close neighbours and this is logistically highly welcome. 車隊會繼續留在原來英國的據點,不會搬家到德國去。 You said there is no reason to change a winning team and Jenson Button is a key element as a winning driver. There's confusion as to why someone is asking for a salary that is smaller than some world champions are getting hasn't been snapped up? DZ: It seems that you have more information than I do. 問:你說沒理由改變一支冠軍車隊,那應該也包括冠軍車手傑森鈕扣了。 這就讓人大惑不解了,那為啥當某某人要求比某些世界冠軍車手還低的薪水時, 卻似乎得不到關愛呢? 博士:看來你知道的好像比我還多。(...冷) To continue with that, the negotiations between Button and Brawn have been with Ross, but now Mercedes is in charge that presumably changes the financial landscape - will that mean you take over the negotiations? DZ: No. It's very similar to what we used to have in our partnership before. Very clearly, Ross Brawn is the team principal he runs the team together with his management team. I am involved as the responsible guy in Mercedes Motorsport, but he is the boss of the team and we have to report to Stuttgart so we are co-ordinated. So in reality if you have discussions and you are a racer you will not find most of the time five different names on the list, you will find two or three so you come to agreement. Very clearly Ross Brawn is the team principal, we are co-ordinated and that's it. 博士這一大串等於一句話....."車手的事別問我" Norbert, when will you be able to name your drivers? NH: I would rather hope next week, but don't kill me if it [takes] a couple of weeks longer. 問:豪老大到底啥時可以知道車手名單?? 豪哥:啊~~我希望是下禮拜啦,不過如果不小心又多拖幾個禮拜,別殺偶啊~顆顆 What are the strategic objectives? DZ: First of all the brand of motor racing goes back to motor racing. You do motor racing in order to promote your brand in the world market – there's no other platform in sport - or perhaps even beyond - with such a strong presence around the globe and in emerging markets. With the history of Mercedes we have the best opportunity to use that programme for the improvement of our brand. 問:目標? 博士:...基哩瓜拉.....總而言之言而總之, 就是希望能在這塊賽車運動的世界頂尖舞台上,沿革咱們優良的歷史傳統, 繼續擦亮咱們賓士的招牌! You mentioned McLaren branching into road cars as being part of the reason – were the big scandals that the team was involved in a factor? DZ: We are looking forward. We gave you the clear information, we had a very successful common history with four championships and many victories and now we continue as engine partner. 最後一題自己看唄 博士非常剛正不阿的答非所問了XD -------------- Haug那段"非德化"發言,看來又可以引發一陣揣測 所謂"國際化的車隊,最好的車手"云云 看似寓意深遠、難以捉摸 其實我覺得豪胖根本是對媒體打爛仗的一代高手啊~~~~ (再對照上一篇豪格表示"和兵長正在談"的新聞...) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

11/17 04:27, , 1F
11/17 04:27, 1F

11/17 06:14, , 2F
11/17 06:14, 2F

11/17 08:31, , 3F
看 現在好刺激!!
11/17 08:31, 3F

11/17 09:47, , 4F
11/17 09:47, 4F

11/17 10:32, , 5F
11/17 10:32, 5F

11/17 11:00, , 6F
11/17 11:00, 6F

11/17 11:24, , 7F
國際歌都出現了阿XD 從來就沒有什麼救世主...
11/17 11:24, 7F

11/17 12:42, , 8F
全聚德... 烤鴨車隊?
11/17 12:42, 8F

11/17 12:56, , 9F
問Button那段 不錯XD
11/17 12:56, 9F

11/17 12:56, , 10F
不過沒正面回到 = =
11/17 12:56, 10F

11/17 14:30, , 11F
看完了 謝謝原PO的翻譯 豪格真的越來越會玩弄媒體了
11/17 14:30, 11F

11/17 14:31, , 12F
把媒體耍的團團轉啊 我也被他說的話耍的團團轉 XD
11/17 14:31, 12F

11/17 14:39, , 13F
全聚德.... XD
11/17 14:39, 13F

11/17 15:16, , 14F
邊跑邊放一隻鴨在車室烤嗎? 囧
11/17 15:16, 14F

11/17 15:47, , 15F
11/17 15:47, 15F

11/17 19:20, , 16F
全聚德真的很好笑 XDDDD
11/17 19:20, 16F

11/17 20:39, , 17F
11/17 20:39, 17F

11/18 07:55, , 18F
11/18 07:55, 18F

11/18 08:58, , 19F
11/18 08:58, 19F

11/18 17:06, , 20F
11/18 17:06, 20F

11/18 23:49, , 21F
11/18 23:49, 21F

11/19 00:16, , 22F
11/19 00:16, 22F
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