[情報] F1 team Williams positions for VW al …

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F1 team Williams positions for VW alliance According to the latest reports from Germany, Williams could be a candidate to team up with the country's carmaker giant Volkswagen. 據最新德國報載 Williams可能跟VW結盟 The Sport Bild weekly suggested that Sir Frank Williams, who has already sold a 20 per cent share in his once great Grove based team to Austrian Toto Wolff, could sell another stake to Wolfsburg based VW. "We are stronger with a manufacturer than as a private team. No question," 67-year-old Williams is quoted as saying. "當廠隊當然比較猛吼,這還要問~" 67歲的威伯說 "And of course we have an affinity with Germany. I remember well, quite early on, we went to the races with VW buses -- we sometimes even slept in them!" he added. "我們當然很"甲意"德國吼,我還記得,早年我們都是搭福斯巴士去比賽的捏,有時候還 睡在裡面" "German cars are great," Williams continued. "With Mercedes, Brawn won the title last year, and with McLaren in the previous year. And now they (Mercedes) are up there with their own team." "德國車很正點" "布朗去年跟一起賓士拿到頭銜,麥拉倫則是前年,而現在賓士自己搞 一隊自己的來玩" Williams, now powered by engines supplied by the British independent company Cosworth, last won a race in 2004 with works BMW power. Williams 現在是用Cosworth的引擎 上次贏得比賽則是用BMW的 The team has also won titles in the past amid works relationships with the carmakers Honda and Renault. Williams也贏過頭銜 跟Honda Renault這些車廠合作過 Said VW's motor racing representative Hans-Joachim Stuck: "At the moment F1 is not a topic for us. If, however, the conditions change, we would have to think about it." VW的賽事主管:"現在我們還不想玩F1拉 不過 如果情勢改變了 我們會考慮" Volkswagen is openly keen on the FIA's proposal to instigate 'world engine' regulations from 2013. Former F1 driver Stuck agreed that rules of that type would result in "huge savings". http://tinyurl.com/ycnoq9c ------------------------ 亂翻一通 有些不知怎麼翻 還請板友補完 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

03/19 04:11, , 1F
有新聞、有翻譯有推 感恩
03/19 04:11, 1F

03/19 07:17, , 2F
VW表示:時機若到 我一定加入
03/19 07:17, 2F

03/19 09:26, , 3F
03/19 09:26, 3F

03/19 09:27, , 4F
03/19 09:27, 4F

03/19 21:29, , 5F
沒想到Sir Frank窮到這種地步了...連這種鬼話也說的出口XDrz
03/19 21:29, 5F

03/20 14:20, , 6F
03/20 14:20, 6F
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