[乳摸] 美國GP將換到Jersey City舉辦(2012~2016)

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from http://ppt.cc/EJMR pics http://ppt.cc/6,mJ http://ppt.cc/Xt1t Liberty State Park in Jersey City, New Jersey, has emerged as the potential site for a United States grand prix between 2012 and 2016. 紐澤西的 Liberty State Park 有可能成為 2012~2016 年美國 GP 的場地。 Local reports said talks for a race amid the backdrop of the New York skyline are underway, with a city spokeswoman confirming that "preliminary discussions" with F1 officials started three weeks ago. 雙方已經在進行初步討論... The story emerged after documents obtained (pdf) by opposition group Friends of Liberty State Park showed plans for a 3.6 mile track within the 1200 acre park providing "the least impact to city functions". 3.6 英哩長的賽道加上 1,200 英畝的園區,對城市的運作影響最小。 "It is a marketing tool to bring people to Jersey City such as foot traffic and revenue to local businesses," the spokeswoman is quoted as saying by hudsonreporter.com. 這對 Jersey City 是個相當好的行銷工具。 Mayor Jerramiah Healy issued a statement clarifying that Jersey City was approached by formula one. 市長 Jerramiah Healy 表示,Jersey City 越來越接近 F1 了! "Jersey City is one of several cities they (F1) are pursuing," said mayor Healy. "There have been a few, preliminary conversations and this is very much in the exploratory phase. Jersey City 是 F1 感興趣的幾個城市之一,目前還有很多議題要協商。 "However, this may not be something that is in the best interest of Jersey City or Liberty State Park," he added. 但無論如何,這並不是 Jersey City 或 Liberty State Park 唯一目標。 F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone's London office could not be reached for comment. 目前無法連絡上 Bernie Ecclestone 的辦公室以獲得更詳細的資訊。 -- 克 拉 克 名 車 獵 艷 http://ppt.cc/Vn9R Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/05 10:41, , 1F
05/05 10:41, 1F

05/06 10:18, , 2F
05/06 10:18, 2F
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