[情報] Tilke將會設計Austin賽道

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Tilke to design Austin circuit http://en.espnf1.com/f1/motorsport/story/18305.html F1's favoured track designer Hermann Tilke will pen the new US Grand Prix circuit in Austin, Texas and a site for the track has been decided on but not made public. F1御用賽道設計師Hermann Tilke將會為在Austin的美國GP賽道執筆 賽道用地已經決定,不過還不能公開 A lawyer for the race's promoter Full Throttle Productions is quoted by the local American-Statesman newspaper revealing that land has been secured. "We're just not ready to disclose it [the actual location] yet," said Richard Suttle. He also said regular F1 circuit designer Hermann Tilke has been appointed. 當地報社American-Statesman從主辦Full Throttle Production的律師得知賽道用地 已經被確保 Richard Suttle:「我們還沒準備好把賽道真實位置曝光」 他也表示正規F1賽道設計師Tilke已經被指派設計 But even with the new details, doubts about the project remain, including insider sentiment that it resembles past negotiating moves deployed by F1 chief executive Bernie Ecclestone. Until the shock news of the Austin deal emerged, Monticello Motor Club in New York was considered the front runner for a contract. Club president Ari Straus said the 2012 start-date was the biggest surprise. 直到Austin取得主辦權前,位在紐約的Monticello Motor Club一直被認為是贏得合約 呼聲最大的單位。俱樂部主席Ari Straus表示,能在2012年舉辦比賽是一大驚喜 "Somebody starting from scratch would not be able to do it until 2013," he said. 「不過要把生米煮成熟飯得要煮到2013年」,Ari Straus如此表示 The implication could be that if Austin is unable to be ready for 2012, Monticello could be back in the frame for a project the following year. 這段話暗示假如Austin無法在2012年準備好, Monticello將會回到美國GP的計畫裡 "If Bernie comes back to the table," Straus said, "Monticello is ready." 「如果Bernie打算回到談判桌,那Monticello已經準備好」,Straus表示 But Austin promoter Tavo Hellmund, reportedly a friend of Ecclestone's for decades, said he is not worried about the tight schedule for 2012. 但根據報導,Austin主辦者Tavo Hellmund和Ecclestone已經是10年的老交情 Hellmund並不擔心2012的期限 "If it [the date] slides back, it slides back," he said. Hellmund表示:「假如無法如期舉辦的話,那就會延期」 Although mainly funded privately, the project will also enjoy some state input, with a letter to Ecclestone signed by Texas governor Rick Perry pledging $25 million per year from the state's Mayor Event Trust Fund. 雖然資金來源現在還未公開,不過計畫已經獲得州政府的支持 德州州長Rick Perry承諾將會動用Mayor Event Trust Fund基金 每年挹注2千5百萬美金在賽事上面 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: metalfinally 來自: (05/29 07:45)

05/29 08:09, , 1F
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05/29 09:40, , 2F
科科 可以不用熬夜了
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※ 編輯: metalfinally 來自: (05/29 10:21)

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Formula Tilke
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美國站以前都是最晚的,是凌晨三點起跑 -.-
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