[閒聊] 法拉利車隊聲明

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (MDF)時間2天前 (2025/03/23 22:54), 編輯推噓14(15117)
留言33則, 22人參與, 23小時前最新討論串1/1
聲明 經FIA賽後技術檢查,我們的兩輛賽車因不同原因被判定不符合規定。 Car 16 的車重被發現少了1公斤,而 Car 44 的後方滑板磨損則比規定下限少了0.5毫米 。 Charles 本場比賽採取一停策略,導致輪胎磨損嚴重,進而影響車重,最終導致重量不足 。 至於 Lewis 的滑板磨損,我們在耗損評估上出現了些微誤差。 我們從未有任何意圖藉此獲取不當優勢。我們會從這次事件中深刻檢討,確保未來不再重 蹈覆轍。 顯然,這並不是我們對始終支持我們的粉絲所期望的交代,也不是我們希望的中國大獎賽 週末收場方式。 中國上海 — 2025年3月23日 STATEMENT Following the FIA post-race scrutineering both our cars were found not to conf orm to the regulations for different reasons. Car 16 was found to be underweight by 1 kg and car 44's rearward skid wear was found to be 0.5mm below the limit. Charles was on a one-stop strategy today and this meant his tyre wear was very high, causing the car to be underweight. With regard to Lewis' skid wear, we misjudged the consumption by a small margi n. There was no intention to gain any advantage. We will learn from what happened today and make sure we don't make the same mi stakes again. Clearly it's not the way we wanted to end our Chinese GP weekend , neither for ourselves, nor for our fans whose support for us is unwavering. SHANGHAI, CHINA - March 23 2025 https://i.imgur.com/22Lj87g.jpeg
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FORMULA1/M.1742741695.A.702.html

03/23 22:56, 2天前 , 1F
03/23 22:56, 1F

03/23 23:09, 1天前 , 2F
老漢我覺得比較單純 就倍耐力胎壓有調整 法拉利重調設定
03/23 23:09, 2F

03/23 23:09, 1天前 , 3F
03/23 23:09, 3F

03/23 23:09, 1天前 , 4F
(懸吊吧) 底板高度估算錯誤導致磨耗太多
03/23 23:09, 4F

03/23 23:10, 1天前 , 5F
樂樂這個就有點玄了? 去年RUS還可以說沒黏胎膠之類的
03/23 23:10, 5F

03/23 23:10, 1天前 , 6F
(他排位車重有過 正賽沒過)
03/23 23:10, 6F

03/23 23:12, 1天前 , 7F
03/23 23:12, 7F

03/23 23:13, 1天前 , 8F
03/23 23:13, 8F

03/23 23:13, 1天前 , 9F
排位後 還是可以調車...
03/23 23:13, 9F

03/23 23:13, 1天前 , 10F
03/23 23:13, 10F

03/23 23:16, 1天前 , 11F
03/23 23:16, 11F

03/23 23:17, 1天前 , 12F
03/23 23:17, 12F

03/23 23:17, 1天前 , 13F
03/23 23:17, 13F

03/23 23:25, 1天前 , 14F
排位後可以調 但是可以調整的部位有限制而且很有限
03/23 23:25, 14F

03/23 23:26, 1天前 , 15F
你要調到FIA不允許的部分就是pit-lane start
03/23 23:26, 15F

03/24 00:05, 1天前 , 16F
去年不是也有裝上新胎秤重 今年沒有?
03/24 00:05, 16F

03/24 00:07, 1天前 , 17F
去年rus 也是因為少一停懷疑輪胎不是?後來印象說裝新
03/24 00:07, 17F

03/24 00:07, 1天前 , 18F
03/24 00:07, 18F

03/24 00:45, 1天前 , 19F
03/24 00:45, 19F

03/24 00:45, 1天前 , 20F
03/24 00:45, 20F

03/24 01:45, 1天前 , 21F
Vettel和Kimi的絕望感 Ham也要體驗一下
03/24 01:45, 21F

03/24 07:08, 1天前 , 22F
03/24 07:08, 22F

03/24 07:38, 1天前 , 23F
Haas有發生過 但5566全沒了 只有法拉利
03/24 07:38, 23F

03/24 08:17, 1天前 , 24F
03/24 08:17, 24F

03/24 08:23, 1天前 , 25F
一次被dq兩個真的超瞎 不愧是我法
03/24 08:23, 25F

03/24 08:44, 1天前 , 26F
03/24 08:44, 26F

03/24 08:46, 1天前 , 27F
03/24 08:46, 27F

03/24 08:53, 1天前 , 28F
03/24 08:53, 28F

03/24 09:19, 1天前 , 29F
03/24 09:19, 29F

03/24 11:11, 1天前 , 30F
老漢:啊哈 這都是個啥啊
03/24 11:11, 30F

03/24 12:46, 1天前 , 31F
哈哈 笑死
03/24 12:46, 31F

03/24 12:57, 1天前 , 32F
03/24 12:57, 32F

03/24 23:48, 23小時前 , 33F
03/24 23:48, 33F
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文章代碼(AID): #1du22_S2 (FORMULA1)