Re: 賢者整理個語錄吧

看板FORMULA1 (F1 賽車)作者 (F2003-GA)時間21年前 (2003/12/22 23:38), 編輯推噓2(200)
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是這個嗎 "Finishing second means you are the first person to lose" -Gilles Villeneuve 跑第二名就表示你是第一個輸掉的人! 還有... "These are stories of classic drives, not classic cars, of races won by drivers on rare talent alone, not by men in superior cars, but by men against superior cars which made their task look impossible"- Ayrton Senna - A Tribute, Ivan Rendall 被傳頌的都是一流車手而不是優秀車子的故事,他們所贏得的比賽展現了過人的天份,往往不是因為他擁有好車,而是他能對抗較優異的車,所以才顯得像是完成不可能的任務 "Winning is like a drug. I cannot justify in any circumstances coming second or third." -Ayrton Senna 獲勝的滋味就像吸毒,一旦上癮就再也無法忍受第二或是第三! "Winning isn't everything - it's the ONLY thing" - Vince Lombardi 贏不是最重要的事--祇不過是唯一的目標而已! "Know your limits, then break them" - Juan Alesi's T-Shirt 知道你的極限,然後打破它! "To finish first you first have to finish!" Nelson Piquet after his last F1 win in Montreal 1991, refering to N.Mansell retirement 1 km before the chequered flag 想要跑第一的首要條件是你得要跑回終點! "Drivers are just interchangeable light bulbs - you plug them in and they do the job" -Teddy Mayer,McLaren 車手就像可替換的燈泡-你把他們放進去,他就知道該作什麼事了! "If I have a serious crash,I rather lose my life in it than be stuck in a wheelchair...I have such an intense life and I feel myself like a hole..." -Ayrton Senna 如果我發生了嚴重的撞擊車禍,我寧願死也不願被禁錮在輪椅上…但我是如此的熱愛生命,這真是讓我感到處境為難! "I have never got out of a car and said I could have tried harder," -Gilles Villeneuve 我從不在跳出車子之後說我還可以做的更好,因為既然要盡力就得隨時隨地。 "It's know...basically s*it happens" -Juan Pablo Montoya 這個嘛…你知道的…基本上就是他X的就發生了… "If flying a jet airplane feels like angels pushing you, then driving a formula one car feels like the devil kicking you're a**" -Eddie Irvine 如果開噴射機感覺就像天使在推促著你,那麼開F1就像是撒旦在踢你的屁股! 以上轉載於SPX討論區 ※ 引述《sunhow (我只是個過客)》之銘言: : 謝謝 : P了這麼久 : 終於聽到聲音了!!! : ※ 引述《hakkinen1 (Mika)》之銘言: : : 史上最偉大賽車手之一Ayrton Senna曾說: : : 「車,是我自己的延伸。」 (The car is a continuation of myself) : : 車手和車之間,組合成了一個獨特的機器,完美,絕不可能再被複製。 : : 這是我在別得bbs的f1版看到的 -- "Finishing second means you are the first person to lose" -Gilles Villeneuve 跑第二名就表示你是第一個輸掉的人! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

推 12/23, , 1F
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推JPM的Shxt Happens....
推 12/23, 2F
※ 編輯: gunbible 來自: (12/26 08:46)
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文章代碼(AID): #_vm_nDJ (FORMULA1)