Re: Davis Cup
MICHAEL LLODRA: We can drink wine tonight even if we lose.
ARNAUD CLEMENT: That's what he told me during the match. It was 7-6 for the
Bryans, 3-All in the second set. We're going to drink Chateaux Margaux even if
we lose. During the match he tells me this kind of thing. He's crazy, this guy.
MICHAEL LLODRA: Chateaux Margaux.
Q. For us, too?
MICHAEL LLODRA: We'll see. It's expensive. We have to win the tie. Then I
promise you we have Chateaux Margaux here.
Q. During the match he said that?
ARNAUD CLEMENT: We're not lying. Come on.
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04/14 20:17, , 1F
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