[Rogi] Roger參加Nadal網球學校開幕式

看板Federer作者 (加州‧陽光)時間8年前 (2016/10/20 08:20), 8年前編輯推噓21(2105)
留言26則, 22人參與, 最新討論串1/1
剛好看到的新聞;Rogi and Nadal 真是哥倆好耶~:DD Roger Federer is in Mallorca to attend the inauguration ceremony of Rafa Nadal Tennis Academy. http://tinyurl.com/zghxzvn Roger Federer: "I have been pushing Rafa to initiate this Academy. I know where I will send my kids if they want to learn tennis." Rafa Nadal: "Thank you Roger from the bottom of my heart to be here. You represent the values & example for kids at our Academy!" http://tinyurl.com/h4mypsq Journalist: "Rafa, after finishing your career, how much time you gonna spend here as a coach?" Federer: "Coaching me, maybe".XD http://tinyurl.com/h2fz5oa http://tinyurl.com/hblr9fn http://tinyurl.com/jzgyzh2 Federer & Nadal with the kids of the Rafa Nadal Academy! http://tinyurl.com/zgxclpv ============================================================================== Source From : https://www.facebook.com/Rafa-Nadal-Academy-1643111582570644/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1476922848.A.CE3.html

10/20 10:15, , 1F
10/20 10:15, 1F

10/20 13:39, , 2F
10/20 13:39, 2F

10/20 15:17, , 3F
10/20 15:17, 3F

10/20 15:31, , 4F
10/20 15:31, 4F

10/20 17:00, , 5F
10/20 17:00, 5F

10/20 17:27, , 6F
Coaching me XDDDD 超帥!
10/20 17:27, 6F

10/20 17:38, , 7F
哇 想到Andre Agassi College Preparatory Academy 感動推
10/20 17:38, 7F

10/20 19:01, , 8F
<3 <3 <3 超帥 <3 <3 <3
10/20 19:01, 8F

10/20 20:20, , 9F
10/20 20:20, 9F

10/20 20:25, , 10F
10/20 20:25, 10F

10/20 20:49, , 11F
10/20 20:49, 11F

10/20 21:20, , 12F
10/20 21:20, 12F

10/20 21:46, , 13F
10/20 21:46, 13F
http://tinyurl.com/hghnw4e 真的超帥!英雄惜英雄!!XDDD ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 10/20/2016 22:18:00

10/20 22:37, , 14F
10/20 22:37, 14F

10/21 00:32, , 15F
10/21 00:32, 15F

10/21 00:39, , 16F
10/21 00:39, 16F

10/21 00:42, , 17F
假的嗎? 剛剛差點嚇死...
10/21 00:42, 17F

10/21 00:45, , 18F
http://tinyurl.com/hjp2ss4 今天應該搭飛機吧?
10/21 00:45, 18F

10/21 01:19, , 19F
10/21 01:19, 19F

10/21 01:26, , 20F
10/21 01:26, 20F
http://tinyurl.com/jkam3tk 超忙碌的~XDD

10/21 01:45, , 21F
10/21 01:45, 21F
------------------------------------------------------------------ 以下應該也是出席 Nadal網球學校開幕式中記者所問的話; Roger Federer: "I know that life can be nice without tennis, but I have a strong feeling that I can still achieve something more at the game." "2017 season? Hopman Cup, Australian Open, Dubai & Indian Wells are surely fixed. For other tournaments, I haven't registered yet." "If the IPTL is tomorrow, I wouldn't play. It all depends on how I feel when the time comes. But first, I need to spend more hours on the court." "Funny story happened this summer: me & my family were hiking on the Switzerland hills. After 6 hours of downhill trekking, I know my knee would hold the next day but my parents, Mirka and the kids had muscle soreness. So, my body is doing fine." XD http://tinyurl.com/zu3twte ------------------------------------------------------------------ ※ 編輯: deehsu (, 10/21/2016 02:16:35

10/21 14:01, , 22F
10/21 14:01, 22F

10/21 14:19, , 23F
10/21 14:19, 23F

10/21 18:09, , 24F
10/21 18:09, 24F

10/24 02:16, , 25F
10/24 02:16, 25F

10/25 02:21, , 26F
http://tinyurl.com/hdl5lnn Rogi這張太可愛了!!!XD
10/25 02:21, 26F
文章代碼(AID): #1O20tWpZ (Federer)
文章代碼(AID): #1O20tWpZ (Federer)