[情報] 2016 ATP World Tour Award (獲獎感言)

看板Federer作者 (Arjen Robben is life)時間7年前 (2016/11/10 21:27), 7年前編輯推噓18(1809)
留言27則, 20人參與, 最新討論串1/1
2016年ATPWORLDTOUR最受球迷歡迎球員獎由Moet&Chandon贊助。羅傑費德勒是最受球迷歡 迎球員獎得主,連續14年,瑞士傳奇收獲ATPWORLDTOUR.COM球迷的最高投票支持,受到各 地網球愛好者的喜愛,這位六屆年終冠軍在再次獲得此項珍貴殊榮。 羅傑費德勒也獲得埃德柏格體育精神獎,由球員投票選出,瑞士人第12次獲得此獎。他在 一整年保持在最高水平的職業精神與正直誠實、以最大的公平精神與他的對手競爭、在場 外致力於網球運動的推廣。恭喜羅傑,我們期待在2017年重返賽場! 獲獎感言 Hello everybody sorry I can't be with you tonight, but of course I wish I could have and play them been on court, but I'm doing my training and trying to get strong as possible for next year to come back so I can play again at the world tour finals, I just wanted to thank all the fans who have voted for me for ATP fan's favourite. Roger: 哈囉大家好,抱歉我今晚不能到場和你們一起。當然我很希望我能在那,回到賽場上打球 。但我正在進行訓練,希望能盡快恢復強壯,並於明年回歸巡迴賽上打球。我想感謝所有 投票給我的球迷們。 this is probably the toughest year and had on tour by far with the injuries, and the only if I think seven to ten times that I was able to play this year, so this award this year mean the most to me just because of the virtue of tough year, that I have had to thank you everybody for going out to vote for me. 這可能是目前為止我在巡迴賽上經歷最艱難的一年。因為受傷,我今年只能打7-10項賽事 。由於這艱難的一年,今年的這個獎對我來說意味著很多,所以謝謝所有投票給我的人。 and also at the same time winning stuff on Edberg sportsmanship awards, were voted by the players is fantastic I really appreciated, I try to be a good sport on the court, and then of course that the players think I'm a good role model, or a good guy against that’s cool that’s really cool, but there 's a lot of other good guys out there, who do exactly the same, if not better. so thank those guys as well and of course I will be following the world tour finals on TV as close as possible, because I think it's one of best tournaments we have on tour and I think it's gonna be really really exciting, so I hope I see you next year, thanks for all your support thanks for all your votes, and take care, bye. 我還贏得了埃德柏格體育精神獎,由球員投票選出。這真的太棒了,我真的很感謝大家。 我試著在場上做好一個運動家,而其他球員認為我是個典範以及不錯的對手。這很酷,真 的很酷。但還有很多好球員在那,即使不是做的比我更好,起碼做到了和我一樣好。所以 也很感謝這些夥伴們。當然我會盡可能從電視上關注倫敦年終賽,因為我認為這是巡迴賽 中最好的賽事之一。我想它會非常精彩刺激,我希望明年能見到大家,謝謝你們的支持和 投票,一切安好,BYE。 推特更新 http://i.imgur.com/UnHuo3s.jpg
Roger Federer It's nice to know that I might be out of sight but not out of mind thank you to all the fans! 哪怕淡出視線也沒有退出你們的記憶中,這真的很棒。謝謝所有球迷! -- Federer has been selected by fellow players as winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for a 12th time and by fans as the ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite presented by Moët & Chandon for a 14th straight year. Since 2003, Federer has won a record total of 33 ATP World Tour Awards. 費德勒由球員共同票選出為埃德柏格體育精神獎的12屆得主,以及連續14年蟬聯最受球迷 歡迎球員獎。自從2003年,費德勒已經贏下33座ATP World Tour獎。 Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship 埃德柏格體育精神獎 (voted by ATP players) (由球員投票選出) Roger Federer: Fellow players voted the Swiss as the winner of the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for the 12th time and sixth year in a row. He also won the award six straight years from 2004-09. Andy Murray, 2010 winner Rafael Nadal and Stan Wawrinka were also nominated in this category. 2004-2009, 2011-2016獲獎 Andy Murray, Rafael Nadal, Stan Wawrinka也被提名該獎項。 ATPWorldTour.com Fans' Favourite presented by Moët & Chandon (Singles) (voted by fans) 最受球迷歡迎獎 (由球迷投票選出) Roger Federer: The 35-year-old Swiss has been voted ATPWorldTour.com Fans’ Favourite presented by Moët & Chandon for a record 14th straight year, receiving 56 per cent of all votes cast. Andy Murray finished second, followed by Rafael Nadal, Novak Djokovic and Kei Nishikori. 連續第十四次獲獎,得票率56% 2. Andy Murray 3. Rafael Nadal 4. Novak Djokovic 5. Kei Nishikori 其他獎項 明日之星 ATP Star of Tomorrow Award presented by Emirates (determined by Emirates ATP Rankings) Taylor Fritz 最佳復出獎 Comeback Player of the Year (voted by ATP players) Juan Martin del Potro 最佳進步獎 Most Improved Player of the Year (voted by ATP players) Lucas Pouille Arthur Ashe人道主義獎 Arthur Ashe Humanitarian of the Year (awarded by ATP) Marin Cilic 年度教練獎 ATP Coach of the Year (voted by ATP coaches) Magnus Norman 雙打最受球迷歡迎獎 ATPWorldTour.com Fans' Favourite presented by Moët & Chandon (Doubles) (voted by fans) Bob Bryan and Mike Bryan Ron Bookman Media Excellence Award (awarded by ATP) Mike Dickson 詳情 http://tinyurl.com/j8vw6tu -- did you say it make a plan, set a goal, work towards it I love you but every now and then, look around I don't ever wanna live without you Drink it in you changed my life        'cause this is it did you say it          it might all be gone tomorrow -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1478784428.A.CBF.html

11/10 21:45, , 1F
11/10 21:45, 1F

11/10 21:47, , 2F
不知道Roger會不會去倫敦領獎 XD
11/10 21:47, 2F

11/10 22:42, , 3F
得票率下滑XDD 不過神隱大半年還是穩居第一~~~
11/10 22:42, 3F

11/10 22:48, , 4F
11/10 22:48, 4F

11/10 22:49, , 5F
11/10 22:49, 5F

11/10 23:01, , 6F
11/10 23:01, 6F

11/10 23:40, , 7F
樓上 退休吧
11/10 23:40, 7F

11/11 00:27, , 8F
11/11 00:27, 8F

11/11 00:32, , 9F
11/11 00:32, 9F

11/11 01:36, , 10F
11/11 01:36, 10F

11/11 02:34, , 11F
11/11 02:34, 11F

11/11 03:20, , 12F
大爺親自發推感謝 好
11/11 03:20, 12F

11/11 03:20, , 13F
傻 連感謝文都完美
11/11 03:20, 13F

11/11 05:59, , 14F
11/11 05:59, 14F

11/11 07:52, , 15F
推 實至名歸
11/11 07:52, 15F

11/11 08:39, , 16F
11/11 08:39, 16F

11/11 09:27, , 17F
11/11 09:27, 17F

11/11 10:21, , 18F
11/11 10:21, 18F

11/11 13:03, , 19F
對啊 要怎樣才不會得啊 XD
11/11 13:03, 19F

11/11 15:56, , 20F
11/11 15:56, 20F

11/11 15:59, , 21F
11/11 15:59, 21F

11/11 16:24, , 22F
他真的很會說話 很甜 難怪大家都那麼愛他
11/11 16:24, 22F

11/11 19:55, , 23F
Rogi 好會說話!
11/11 19:55, 23F

11/12 01:36, , 24F
11/12 01:36, 24F

11/12 01:37, , 25F
11/12 01:37, 25F

11/12 17:37, , 26F
https://goo.gl/H8PW0F 感謝影片,好帥喔>///<
11/12 17:37, 26F

11/12 21:56, , 27F
11/12 21:56, 27F
※ 編輯: allyp7985 (, 11/13/2016 02:25:33
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