[情報] 周四Roger將直播訓練

看板Federer作者 (Arjen Robben is life)時間7年前 (2016/12/20 00:35), 編輯推噓21(21013)
留言34則, 18人參與, 最新討論串1/1
https://www.periscope.tv/rogerfederer I know you all haven’t heard much from me while I’ve been recovering from injury. I’ve missed you! I’m thrilled to be returning to the tour starting in January at the Hopman Cup in Perth, Australia. I’m feeling healthy and ready to be back! Since it’s been awhile, I wanted to do something special for all my fans who’ve been supporting me this whole time. This Thursday, Dec. 22, at 2:00pm Dubai time, I’m going to broadcast my practice live on Twitter and Periscope from @RogerFederer. I’ll bring you along as I head to my practice court, and will stream some of my practice (warmup, drills, and even some points) live, and will leave some time for Q&A afterwards as well. I missed seeing you all in the second half of 2016. But hopefully you can join one of my last practices in 2016 live before 2017 kicks off! All you need to do is follow me on Periscope or visit my Twitter page at 2pm Dubai time to tune in. Thanks for your support, Roger 我知道在我從傷病中恢復的過程中,你們沒有接收很多來自於我的消息。我非常想念你們 ,我非常興奮能在一月份在霍普曼杯(澳洲/伯斯)的巡迴賽中啟程。我現在感覺很健康並準 備好要回歸了! 鑒於長時間沒有與大家互動,我想為一直支持我的球迷們做些特別的事,這周四,12/22 ,迪拜時間下午兩點,我會在推特以及 Periscope的帳戶@rogerfederer 直播我的訓練。 我會讓你們觀賞我的訓練場,看看我的訓練(暖身、訓練、以及一些對打),也會在訓練結 束後留下一些時間進行Q&A(問答)。 我在2016下半年失去了和大家會面的機會,但希望你們都能參與我在2017賽季開打前、 2016年的最後訓練。你們需要做的就是,在Periscope上關注我,並在迪拜下午兩點時看 看我的推特主頁並打開直播觀賞它。 謝謝你的支持, Roger -- 超級想念大爺啊QQ 可以看到你打網球了真好 -- Sometimes you're just happy playing. Some people, some media unfortunately don't understand that it's okay just to play tennis and enjoy it. They always think you have to win everything, it always needs to be a success story, and if it's not obviously what is the point. Maybe you have to go back and think, Why have I started playing tennis? Because I just like it. It's actually sort of a dream hobby that became somewhat of a job. - Roger Federer -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1482165338.A.F6A.html

12/20 00:37, , 1F
推推 想念大爺Q___________Q
12/20 00:37, 1F

12/20 00:52, , 2F
12/20 00:52, 2F

12/20 03:55, , 3F
感謝翻譯 超想費爸的
12/20 03:55, 3F

12/20 07:57, , 4F
12/20 07:57, 4F

12/20 08:50, , 5F
12/20 08:50, 5F

12/20 09:43, , 6F
12/20 09:43, 6F

12/20 14:41, , 7F
12/20 14:41, 7F

12/20 16:46, , 8F
12/20 16:46, 8F

12/20 21:21, , 9F
12/20 21:21, 9F

12/22 08:22, , 10F
推 想費神
12/22 08:22, 10F

12/22 18:08, , 11F
12/22 18:08, 11F

12/22 18:09, , 12F
12/22 18:09, 12F

12/22 18:28, , 13F
大爺邊打球邊不知道在碎碎唸什麼 XD
12/22 18:28, 13F

12/22 18:35, , 14F
12/22 18:35, 14F

12/22 18:38, , 15F
這人太完美了應該是我看過最好的Periscope直播 還自帶
12/22 18:38, 15F

12/22 18:38, , 16F
12/22 18:38, 16F

12/22 18:41, , 17F
12/22 18:41, 17F

12/22 18:42, , 18F
12/22 18:42, 18F

12/22 18:43, , 19F
超專業直播 有攝影團隊吧
12/22 18:43, 19F

12/22 18:43, , 20F
不要再講解一發二發的重要性了啦哈哈哈哈 內心小劇場XD
12/22 18:43, 20F

12/22 18:43, , 21F
好有臨場感XDDD 喘氣超大聲
12/22 18:43, 21F

12/22 18:43, , 22F
12/22 18:43, 22F

12/22 18:43, , 23F
12/22 18:43, 23F

12/22 18:44, , 24F
Lucas Pouille
12/22 18:44, 24F

12/22 18:47, , 25F
他一直在講解各種技戰術 把自己平常的內心劇場都講出來
12/22 18:47, 25F

12/22 18:47, , 26F
了 太有趣了哈哈哈
12/22 18:47, 26F

12/22 18:48, , 27F
他在跟Pouille聊天 說時間過的好快XDD
12/22 18:48, 27F

12/22 18:51, , 28F
12/22 18:51, 28F

12/22 19:05, , 29F
他知道GQ投票了 太好笑了
12/22 19:05, 29F

12/22 19:09, , 30F
12/22 19:09, 30F

12/22 20:04, , 31F
12/22 20:04, 31F

12/22 21:47, , 32F
12/22 21:47, 32F

12/23 21:39, , 33F
12/23 21:39, 33F

12/23 22:45, , 34F
12/23 22:45, 34F
文章代碼(AID): #1OM0nQzg (Federer)
文章代碼(AID): #1OM0nQzg (Federer)