[情報] "Retirement can wait,I'm still hungry"

看板Federer作者 (Korver我腦公>//<)時間7年前 (2016/12/21 01:00), 編輯推噓6(602)
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原文網址: https://goo.gl/PpNWs0 Roger Federer's last six months have been unusual. The Swiss tennis player stayed at home for a long time as he was busy with rehab, after injuring his knee after the 2016 Australian Open. Roger最近這六個月以來過得相當不一樣, 這位來自瑞士的網球選手在2016澳網傷到膝蓋以後, 因為投入於復健而在家待了相當長的時間。 "I did get that taste of retirement', Federer admitted from Dubai to New York Times. 'All of the sudden, I could be organized and say: ‘O.K., we’re going to be four weeks at home in a row in the same place. Who do you want to go for dinner with, Mirka? Or who shall we catch up with? I think that was really exciting and good for us to have that time. It did feel good, but it can totally wait. No problem for me. It can totally wait. I'm still hungry." 「我的確多少嚐到了要退休的滋味」,Roger承認。 「在一瞬間我可以馬上整理好思緒, 然後對自己說『好,我們將要在每個月都待在家中、 Mirka,有哪些人你想和他們一起吃晚餐呢?或者是想想我們可以和誰聊聊近況。 我當然認為能擁有這樣的時光是相當讓人興奮的。 而這種感覺也不錯,可是這完全可以等到以後再說。 我完全沒問題了,而這樣的時光可以等待以後再說, 我仍然對於回到場上相當渴望。』」 It was a tough season for Federer, who first had a break from February to April after his knee surgery. Speaking about his lengthy break, he said, "I just think the knee and the body needed a break, and taking six months off, I could take the time the body and knee required to heal. Now I can look back and say: ‘Look, if now it doesn’t go well, I did everything I possibly could. There are no regrets." 對於Roger來說今年是個相當艱困的賽季, 在2-4月因為膝蓋手術的關係而休息了一陣子。 而談到這麼長時間的休息,Roger表示, 「我只是任為膝蓋和身體都需要休息一下, 而休了這六個月能給膝蓋和身體充分的時間去復原。 而現在我可以回首說,『如果傷勢沒有轉好, 至少我已經盡力了,我不後悔我做的決定。』」 -- 非常迅速的翻譯 有錯請糾正感謝~ 看到這消息太振奮了就急著分享給大家 也相信Roger絕對會健康回歸的 <3 -- José Fernandez (1992-2016) NL RoY(2013) ASG(2013,2016) CYA-3(2013) Team Age G ERA W L IP H R ER HR BB SO ERA+ WHIP H/9 BB/9 SO/9 MIA 20 28 2.19 12 6 172.2 111 47 42 10 58 187 176 0.98 5.8 3.0 9.7 MIA 21 8 2.44 4 2 51.2 36 19 14 4 13 70 153 0.95 6.3 2.3 12.2 MIA 22 11 2.92 6 1 64.2 61 21 21 4 14 79 131 1.16 8.5 1.9 11.0 MIA 23 29 2.86 16 8 182.1 149 63 58 13 55 253 137 1.12 7.4 2.7 12.5 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1482253248.A.64F.html

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