[情報] Roger和 Andy Murray慈善表演賽

看板Federer作者 (BEL18VED)時間7年前 (2017/02/09 21:33), 7年前編輯推噓4(400)
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補充一下Andy對Roger澳網奪冠的看法 "It's incredible what he did in Australia after such a long break," Murray said. "We play so much -- a lot of the year. Sometimes coming to events fresh can have some huge advantages. "Him and Rafa were both coming back from a pretty significant period of time out and they both played extremely well. Maybe that's something we can all learn from moving forwards." Federer -- who claimed the 18th Grand Slam title of his career in Melbourne -- will join Murray at the second instalment of the Andy Murray Live exhibition event, which will be held at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow on Nov. 7. Murray added: "It's really good he's doing it. He's just extremely popular. He's one of the best players that's ever played the game. It's not just how much he's won, but the way he plays and how he carries himself. "He said a few years ago he wants to go to places he's not been. It's great." 記者問到Roger是第一次要來蘇格蘭,有什麼建議給他嗎? Andy說:別嘗試蘇格蘭炸巧克力棒(fried Mars bars),我去年第一次吃了,那非常糟糕。 記者再問那你要教他穿蘇格蘭裙嗎? Andy說:他穿了,我有看了他的宣傳影片,那非常不錯。 (It's worth looking at actually, it's quite good.) Roger的Match For Africa 3 這次請到了Andy Murray來參與 當時Roger穿著蘇格蘭裙拍了一段影片,很可愛 Don't wait. Buy tickets for "The Match for Africa 3" now at ticketcorner.ch. I promise you'll have fun with me & @andy_murray (影片) https://twitter.com/rogerfederer/status/798529039384182790 2017/04/10 在瑞士的Zurich On April 10, 2017, Roger Federer and Andy Murray will face off against each other in the Zurich Hallenstadion to raise money for the Roger Federer Foundation. 之後Roger在杜拜訓練時Q&A就有提到可能會"禮尚往來"也去蘇格蘭打一場 今天小Andy的推特上宣布了 Excited to announce @AndyMurrayLive 2017, looking forward to welcoming @rogerfederer to Glasgow! Visit https://goo.gl/xrUzP7 2017/11/7在蘇格蘭的Glasgow Roger也沒去過蘇格蘭,到時候可以看一下這倆人的互動應該蠻有趣的XD -- Be free in your head, be free in your shots, go for it. The brave will be rewarded here. “隨心的全力出擊,自由地揮舞球拍,為之奮鬥,勇敢將會得到獎賞。” -Roger Federer (29-01-2017) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1486647197.A.190.html

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