[心得] 6/29直播練習Q&A翻譯

看板Federer作者 (怡寧)時間7年前 (2017/06/30 23:18), 編輯推噓13(1301)
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這是我第一次po文,而且還是翻譯,若有排版問題或是翻譯錯誤,請大家多多見諒 是昨天Rogi直播的Q&A時間 Q:What are your plans for Wimbledon? Who do you see as your biggest opponent? 問:關於溫布頓的計畫是什麼? 你認為誰是你的最大勁敵? A:Well, I mean I think Rafa starts a great. Andy is the defending champion here again , so I think he's gonna to play very well.I think Novak is gonna to pick up his game very soon, and then honestly, there are a bunch of players like Thomas, Nishikori Thiem, Wawrinka, Zverev, Kyrgios, a lot of guys. And I think they can do really great things here maybe go all the way, of course. So I think it's a really open draw and for me, personally, I'm very happy to be here healthy this time rather than last year was quite complicated and I probably forgot guys like Pouille won Stuttgart, Lopez just won the Queens, and Cilic just playing very well. 答: Rafa 開季時表現得很好,Andy又再一次是衛冕冠軍,我相信他會有 好的表現,Novak也會很快找到他的比賽節奏。也有其他很多球員像是Thomas, 阿圭, Thiem, 小卡, Zverev, Kyrgios, 我相信他們也都能有很棒的表現。對我來說, 我非常高興今年能保持健康來到這裡,相較於去年較複雜的狀況。喔!我忘記提到 一些也很優秀的球員,像是Pouille贏了Stuttgart, Lopez贏了Queens,Cilic狀況 也相當不錯! Q:What is your favourite de-stress activity during the grand slam weeks? 問: 在大滿貫期間,你最喜歡的紓壓方式是什麼? A:I guess I like enjoying time with my friends, my family, my kids, you know, nice dinners, I do enjoy watching the matches, to be honest. I'm here in Wimbledon for reasons, I'm like a fan when I'm not playing. I enjoy just seeing other guys outdoors look for the closest score, so I tried to follow that, not so much as a player, rival, try to read into matches at all, I'm just sitting back to enjoy the show. Of course, Wimbledon is so unique and so many levels. Centre Court, atmosphere is always incredible there, always sold out, people stand at their seats and I stand in front of my TV. That's it! 答: 我喜歡跟朋友、家人、小孩在一起,吃好吃的晚餐,我也很喜歡看比賽 我沒比賽時就像個球迷一樣,看著其他球員打著很接近的比賽(這句原文不太確定~) 不像是球員時,要嘗試解讀分析他們的比賽,我就是很放鬆的欣賞。當然,溫布頓 是非常獨特的,中央球場的氛圍一直都很棒,門票幾乎都賣光,大家在看比賽時, 我也是在電視機前follow! Q:What extra have you done to get back in your top form? 問: 為了重返巔峰你做了什麼努力?(翻的稍微誇張,哈哈) A:Well, I mean I just took my time, really. After last year's Wimbledon, I realize that my knee wasn't well, my back needed some more work, some strengthening, same for the legs. So, it was good to take time. I wasn't sure what it was gonna do to me, you know, if I was ever comeback, but I did, which was great! The comeback would be any better was like the most unbelievable comeback ever for me, totally surpass all the expectations, like to be 100% when the Wimbledon came around but to be already play that well, that consistently well in the Australia and also well in Miami. So I'll take it, though. The season for me really starts from here on now and I hope I can stay healthy and play well. But I did pull it a lot of hard work and I'm happy I got rewards for it. 答: 其實就是慢慢來,去年溫布頓之後,我發覺我的膝蓋不太舒服, 我的背跟腿都還需要強化,所以慢慢來是件好事。其實我不太確定這樣的休息對我 有什麼影響,畢竟之前都沒有休息那麼久,但我成功了!!!這次重返球場的表現 非常不可思議,完全超過預期的目標,本來是打算在溫布頓前回復100%的身手的! 澳網後的好狀況也有一直維持到Miami(開心)。我希望我能保持健康(拜託一定要) 然後有好的表現,但這期間我也一直努力訓練,所以我也很開心有這樣的收穫! Q:Show my your winning pose! 推薦大家去看這段,Roger超可愛 Q:What are you going to do if you win the Wimbledon and US Open? 問: 如果贏了溫布頓跟美網你會做什麼? A:I'll be so happy, probably take a nice vacation, just rest because I'll be so so tired, but in the moment itself, I'll probably throw a big huge massive party and have a great time. 答: 我會非常高興,應該會渡個假休息,因為我會非常非常累! 但如果 是當下,我應該會舉辦個非常大的party(連用三個形容詞是有多盛大,哈哈), 然後有個好時光。 Q:Do you keep all your trophies in one room and can you tell which trophies at which tournament and what year you won them in? 問: 你是把所有獎盃放在一間房間裡嗎?在哪一年哪個比賽最讓你印象 深刻? A:I have a trophy room at home, keep most trophies all together. Every trophy tells a story to me, of course. Regardless of it was my first or second win, back into 2001, 2002 or just last week in Halle. Every one of them was a bit about that some stage during the tournament maybe before or maybe during a match, that so many matches play that close that you just remember those moments. I know in the press you see maybe the score 6-3, 6-4, you thought that was routine, but inside you know you were feeling totally stress, you won't feeling well and somehow got the job done. It's nice to remind all those great wins from time to time. But one room, that's it. I don't want to see more of my accomplishment throughout the house stuff. 答: 在家的確有個放獎盃的房間,每個獎盃對我來說都是一個故事, 不管這是我第一次贏的或是第二次,像是2001年、2002年或是上個禮拜的哈雷 冠軍。(這邊原文聽不太清楚)有太多場比賽是非常接近的,而這些獎盃可以讓你 記得這些回憶。我知道在比數上大家可能覺得6-3,6-4沒什麼特別的,但你會知道 在當下,內心可能是充滿壓力的,可能覺得狀態不太好,但不知道為什麼就贏了 比賽。能夠回憶起這些贏球時刻是相當美好的,但有一間房間放獎盃就夠了! Q:To be a successful top tennis player 問: 如何成為成功的網球選手? A:I think you'd just practice a lot, hit against walls, hit against the garage doors, try not to break too many things. And then, you just gonna like it. And then of course support from parents is really key I think, almost any professional athletes, incredibly support by their parents or by their siblings or by their coach. I think that's we are saying how important those people are throughout your career. 答: 要一直訓練,對著牆打、對著車庫的門打,盡量不要打破太多東西 然後你就會愛上網球了。當然我認為父母的支持是非常關鍵的,幾乎所有職業運動 員都有父母、兄弟姊妹或是教練的支持。這也是常在說這些人對職業生涯的重要 性。 Q:Best one of the back hand 問: 誰有最好的反拍? A:I probably pick Stan. I think he got great chip and then he can really hit the ball huge on that side. 答: 真愛小卡(哈哈),他有非常好的切球而且可以把球打得很暴力(誤) Q:Favourite match in life 問: 在生涯中最喜歡的比賽? A:Hmm, it's hard to pick one. Maybe Australian Open just this year, against Rafa, I think it's just so much on that match, it was perfect. And here, at Wimbledon, had many, but maybe the Sampras match or Roddick match for me. I know the Rafa's was special, too. But Sampras in 2001, it was my first time on Centre Court at Wimbledon. And Roddick one, it was just special because of the all-time grand slam record, legends were sitting in the Centre Court and I had lost a year before, the epic match against Nadal, I wanted it so badly and so did Andy, I don't know, somebody has to win. 答: 嗯...這真的很難挑耶,或許是今年的澳網吧!那場比賽很完美, 充滿很多內容。在溫布頓的話...也有很多,但或許是對Sampras或是Roddick的 比賽吧!我知道對Rafa的也很特別,但2001年對上Sampras,這是我第一次在溫布 頓的中央球場;而對Roddick那場也是非常特別,因為那時要突破大滿貫冠軍的紀 錄,許多傳奇人物就坐在場邊,而且前一年才輸給Nadal,我非常想要那個冠軍, 我相信Andy也是,我不知道,但一定有個人要贏。 今天籤表也出來了,Rogi溫網加油加油!!BEL19VE -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1498835931.A.FC4.html

06/30 23:25, , 1F
06/30 23:25, 1F

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07/01 05:18, , 7F
推感謝用心翻譯!Rogi 加油!!健康打球!!:DDDDD
07/01 05:18, 7F

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07/01 13:21, 8F

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07/02 22:19, , 12F
感謝翻譯~Rogi go for 19
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07/03 20:32, 14F
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文章代碼(AID): #1PLclR_4 (Federer)