[新聞] 放鬆的羅傑準備創造歷史

看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間7年前 (2017/07/15 22:38), 7年前編輯推噓16(1600)
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http://goo.gl/BSytsj Relaxed Roger ready to make history By Alix Ramsay He makes it sound so simple. Roger Federer was heading home to prepare for his 11th (yes, you did read that right: 11th) Wimbledon final in the hope that on Sunday afternoon he could beat Marin Cilic and become the first man in history to win an eighth Gentlemen’s Singles title. 話從他嘴裡說出來都好簡單。羅傑費德勒正回家準備他的第11個(沒錯,你眼睛沒被 蛤仔肉糊到,就是第11個)溫布頓決賽,希望週日下午他能夠打敗馬林犀利奇並成為 歷史上第一個贏得八座男單金杯的人。 What would he do? Would he be nervous? Would he be able to sleep? How would he spend the next couple of days? As it turns out, Federer would do what Federer usually does – and when he does that, he usually wins (not that he would be so forward as to suggest that it was a given he was going to beat Cilic). 他會做些什麼呢?他會不會緊張?他會不會睡不著?接下來幾天他會做什麼事情? 事實上,費德勒會做他平常做的事情,而當他這麼做的時候他通常會贏球(並不是說 他很秋條說他一定會打敗犀利奇啦)。 “I guess you do the routine you've been doing here during this fortnight,” he said simply. “That's what you're probably going to be looking forward to do. 「我想你就做這兩週平常該做的事情就好」,他簡單說道,「這大概就是你會想去做 的事情。」 “I just got to try to rest the maximum now. Just make sure I sleep well, even just tonight and tomorrow, really take it easy, so when I do come out on court on Sunday, I have all the energy and all the resources in my mind to play inspired and creative tennis. That's what I've got to do.” 「我現在得試著得到最大量的休息。確保我睡得好、就算只有今明兩晚,然後心情放 輕鬆,讓我在週日出場的時候,能夠充飽電且在腦子裡面有清明的思緒可以打出積極 且有創意的網球。嗯,這就是我該做的啦。」 Ah, the simple business of being creative and inspired at the same time while dealing with the weight of history leaning on your shoulders. What could possibly go wrong? But the man with 18 Grand Slam trophies sitting on his mantelpiece has no other formula to follow: he has been doing this since his first title here in 2003 and it seems to have served him well so far. 喔喔喔,當歷史的重量壓在你肩膀上時同時充滿創意和正面能量,聽起來好簡單哪。 怎麼可能出錯呢?但這個手握18座大滿貫金杯的男子坐在火爐旁的時候,並沒有第二 套公式:他從2003年拿下第一座大滿貫的時候就這麼做了,目前看來效果挺不賴的。 There was one word of caution for any Cilic fans in the room, though. The mighty Swiss may be a matter of weeks away from his 36th birthday, but he is feeling fitter than he has in years thanks to skipping the whole of the clay court season. Free of injury and full of running, he is eager to get started on the final but he knows how to keep himself calm and unflustered between now and the first ball. 不過在場所有的犀利奇粉絲,可能有一個提醒要給你們。這強大的瑞士人雖然再過幾 個禮拜就要慶祝36歲生日了,但他現在身體狀況可能是幾年來最佳的,歸功於跳過整 個紅土賽季。無傷痛且滿場飛奔,他簡直等不及要開始打決賽,但同時他也知道在現 在與週日第一球開打之間,他該怎麼保持冷靜自制。 “But I think in the past Grand Slam finals, the semi to final days helps me, is just to stay calm throughout the process,” he said. “The good thing is that I'm not carrying an injury like I did a little bit in Australia, where I had a hamstring problem, or in other years, I don't know what I was having. But this year I'm feeling good, so that really relaxes you in a major way.” 「我想在過去的大滿貫決賽中,在準決賽和決賽中間的休息日幫助了我,就穩穩地走 完整個過程,」他說。「好消息是我現在沒有像在澳洲的時候有一點傷痛,那時候我 有膕繩肌(hamstring,大腿後方的肌束)的問題,或者在其他年的時候我都不知道 哪邊痛痛。但今年我真的(自我)感覺良好,所以那讓我大大鬆了口氣哩。」 That must make Cilic feel confident: Federer is fit, he is calm and he has Been here so many times before that nothing can faze him. That will make Cilic sleep easy, then. 喔,犀利奇聽到這個一定充滿信心的啦:費德勒身體狀況良好、冷靜、而且見過太多 大風大浪的他不會被任何事情迷惑。犀利奇一定睡很好的。 But the very fact that the history is there to be made makes Federer happy. Other players may be crushed by the moment – the dreaded “don’t-muck-this- up-it-is-your-only-chance” jitters – but Federer revels in it. 歷史是由人創造的,這點讓費德勒非常高興。其他選手可能會在關鍵時刻崩潰,那種 『喂-你-只-有-這-唯-一-的-機-會-他-喵-的-別-搞-砸-了』的緊張閃尿,但是這位 費先省相當享受這個感覺(我猜除了在法網碰到you-know-who)。 One inquisitive soul asked him how it felt to be going into his 11th final. “It's nice,” Federer said, beaming with that Cheshire cat smile that suggested his interrogator might want to check back with him on Sunday night. There might be another record to discuss then. 有人問他,進入第十一個決賽感覺如何。「很棒啊!」費德勒說著,一邊放射柴郡貓 (愛麗絲夢遊仙境裡面那隻)的賊笑,暗示提問者搞不好星期天晚上可以再問一次, 屆時可能會有另一個記錄可以討論討論。 “It makes me really happy, marking history here at Wimbledon,” he said. “It's a big deal. I love this tournament. All my dreams came true here as a player. To have another chance to go for number eight now, be kind of so close now at this stage, is a great feeling. 「能夠在溫布頓創造歷史真的讓我非常高興,」他說。「這超大條的好嗎。我愛這個 錦標賽。身為選手,我所有的夢想在這裡實現。能夠有另一個機會攻取第八冠、在這 麼接近的此時,感覺相當棒。」 “Yeah, unbelievably excited. I hope I can play one more good match. Eleven finals here, all these records, it's great. But it doesn't give me the title quite yet. That's why I came here this year. I'm so close now, so I just got to stay focused.” 「就跟你說灰熊激動咩。我希望我可以再打一場好比賽。十一次決賽、所有的記錄, 那些都很棒。但那些都不能把獎杯送到我手上。我今年是來奪冠的。現在如此接近, 我得要保持專注才行。」 Happy, relaxed and playing out of his skin – the mighty Federer makes it all look so easy. 咖燻、放鬆、狀態破表,萬能費德勒讓所有事情看起來都好輕鬆呀。 -- 原來澳網的時候腳有問題!難怪準決賽完賽訪他說就算接下來五個月不能走路也沒關係! 好險沒事。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1500129490.A.BA0.html ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/15/2017 22:38:44 ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/15/2017 22:39:28

07/15 23:51, , 1F
07/15 23:51, 1F

07/16 00:22, , 2F
07/16 00:22, 2F

07/16 00:38, , 3F
07/16 00:38, 3F

07/16 00:58, , 4F
07/16 00:58, 4F

07/16 01:19, , 5F
感謝原PO生動翻譯,好可愛~ :DDD
07/16 01:19, 5F

07/16 02:32, , 6F
推翻譯 咖燻XD
07/16 02:32, 6F

07/16 03:11, , 7F
哈哈哈 有趣捏 費拔加油!!
07/16 03:11, 7F

07/16 08:02, , 8F
大推翻譯 Rogi 加油
07/16 08:02, 8F

07/16 08:29, , 9F
翻譯好棒棒& gogo rogi
07/16 08:29, 9F

07/16 09:15, , 10F
07/16 09:15, 10F

07/16 11:23, , 11F
07/16 11:23, 11F

07/16 11:41, , 12F
Roger XDDD
07/16 11:41, 12F

07/16 14:09, , 13F
07/16 14:09, 13F

07/16 14:13, , 14F
07/16 14:13, 14F

07/16 14:19, , 15F
07/16 14:19, 15F

07/16 17:59, , 16F
哈哈哈哈哈 XD
07/16 17:59, 16F
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文章代碼(AID): #1PQYZIkW (Federer)