[新聞] Roger Federer: 'Winning US Open? It would be a joke'

看板Federer作者 (加州‧陽光~熱浪來襲!)時間7年前 (2017/07/21 10:58), 7年前編輯推噓29(29019)
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* News from : http://tinyurl.com/y8e5ktjx [NEWS] Roger Federer: 'Winning US Open? It would be a joke' 20 Jul 2017 by Gatto Luigi Seeing how his rivals are playing and how he is doing such well at the moment, it seems very difficult to think past Roger Federer as the favourite at the US Open that starts on August 28th. Speaking about his chances to triumph at Flushing Meadows for the first time since 2008, Federer told CNN: 'It's like the dream scenario that you hope happens but you're so cautious that you never really want to go there mentally. That would be a joke, if I won three slams this year out of nowhere. I know if I stay in shape there are chances for me to do well at the US Open, but to win it? Yeah, at some stage I almost feel like I have to be realistic. I am not 25 anymore. I'm not sure I can win three slams in one year. Winning two is already pretty crazy and plenty good enough for me.' And yet numbers show that he can do it: every time he won Australian Open and Wimbledon titles in the same season, he has also won the US Open. It happened in 2004, 2006 and 2007. 'I'll definitely try and get myself organized, prepared and ready so that I'll have the best chance to do well at the US Open,' assured Roger, who won five times in New York. ---------------------------------- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1500605894.A.373.html

07/21 11:06, , 1F
07/21 11:06, 1F

07/21 11:07, , 2F
07/21 11:07, 2F

07/21 11:12, , 3F
07/21 11:12, 3F

07/21 11:25, , 4F
07/21 11:25, 4F

07/21 11:41, , 5F
不要再bel20ve了 字形根本對不上阿XD
07/21 11:41, 5F

07/21 11:43, , 6F
07/21 11:43, 6F

07/21 12:19, , 7F
07/21 12:19, 7F

07/21 12:26, , 8F
20外國論壇也不會這麼寫啦,會嵌在 2OGER 裡面之類的
07/21 12:26, 8F

07/21 12:31, , 9F
http://imgur.com/a/5h4In 我看到的有這樣...
07/21 12:31, 9F

07/21 12:34, , 10F
07/21 12:34, 10F

07/21 12:42, , 11F
07/21 12:42, 11F

07/21 12:42, , 12F
07/21 12:42, 12F

07/21 13:08, , 13F
07/21 13:08, 13F

07/21 13:09, , 14F
20ger Federer 也不錯阿
07/21 13:09, 14F

07/21 13:09, , 15F
07/21 13:09, 15F

07/21 13:56, , 16F
想看費拔被打臉XDDD 他溫網最被看好拿冠時 也說: 怎
07/21 13:56, 16F

07/21 13:56, , 17F
07/21 13:56, 17F
※ 編輯: deehsu (, 07/21/2017 15:20:43

07/21 15:30, , 18F
07/21 15:30, 18F

07/21 15:31, , 19F
07/21 15:31, 19F

07/21 15:35, , 20F
剛才看懂20ger Federer,以為20個是什麼XD
07/21 15:35, 20F

07/21 15:52, , 21F
07/21 15:52, 21F

07/21 16:18, , 22F
不要養大費迷的胃口啦 :P
07/21 16:18, 22F

07/21 16:26, , 23F
Federer 20ne
07/21 16:26, 23F

07/21 16:33, , 24F
目前看過是U20pen 最順眼XD 雖然比不過19 @sw19
07/21 16:33, 24F

07/21 16:43, , 25F
費爸 in 20NE @US Open
07/21 16:43, 25F

07/21 17:18, , 26F
07/21 17:18, 26F

07/21 18:03, , 27F
07/21 18:03, 27F

07/21 18:04, , 28F
除13年的低潮意外第四輪 美網成績非常穩定 奪冠機會很大
07/21 18:04, 28F

07/21 18:16, , 29F
07/21 18:16, 29F

07/21 18:26, , 30F
30ger 謝謝
07/21 18:26, 30F

07/22 00:50, , 31F
07/22 00:50, 31F

07/22 00:51, , 32F
07/22 00:51, 32F

07/22 00:51, , 33F
07/22 00:51, 33F

07/22 00:52, , 34F
07/22 00:52, 34F

07/22 00:53, , 35F
07/22 00:53, 35F

07/22 01:15, , 36F
07/22 01:15, 36F

07/22 08:41, , 37F
衝衝衝 費神 20
07/22 08:41, 37F

07/22 08:42, , 38F
今年如果能達成20 根本夢幻 十年之前跟十年之後 依然是
07/22 08:42, 38F

07/22 08:42, , 39F
07/22 08:42, 39F

07/22 14:04, , 40F
07/22 14:04, 40F

07/22 14:06, , 41F
以實力,費爸絕對是第一順位 看整體調整了
07/22 14:06, 41F

07/22 14:06, , 42F
20這個數字讓費爸多了企圖心 應該是更好的動力
07/22 14:06, 42F

07/22 14:16, , 43F
07/22 14:16, 43F

07/22 14:16, , 44F
總之 Rogi 保持身體健康!加油啊~XDDDDD
07/22 14:16, 44F

07/23 00:36, , 45F
保守估計比較好 草地讓很多選手不能發揮平時訓練的能耐
07/23 00:36, 45F

07/23 00:37, , 46F
平時能在草地上練習的機會有多少? 比如不能滑步
07/23 00:37, 46F

07/23 00:38, , 47F
回到美網的話不僅場地快 大家都可以打得很拚
07/23 00:38, 47F

07/23 00:40, , 48F
當然很希望費爸20 低調奪冠打我臉 >w<
07/23 00:40, 48F
文章代碼(AID): #1PSMt6Dp (Federer)
文章代碼(AID): #1PSMt6Dp (Federer)