
看板Federer作者 (sherman)時間7年前 (2017/07/21 23:48), 7年前編輯推噓19(1902)
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這一篇切入點很不錯,又用了些電視電影梗(true grit, will & grace之類的) 亂翻一下 --- https://www.si.com/tennis/2017/07/19/roger-federer-wimbledon-venus-williams Grace and Grit: Roger Federer wins Wimbledon thanks to work away from spotlight by Jon Wertheim It's easy to marvel at Roger Federer, who didn't lose a set (and barely broke a sweat) in his record-setting romp at Wimbledon. But what's more amazing--and more vital--is all his hard work behind the scenes. 看著費德勒一盤未失拿下溫網(汗都沒流幾滴),好像輕鬆到很神奇。但更神的 (也更重要的)是他在鎂光燈照不到的地方所付出的努力。 The highlight is dying and the reel is dead, but, at least figuratively, this was a shot for the highlight reel. It was late in the first set of Sunday's Wimbledon men's final when Roger Federer, who turns 36 next month, went all out. Dashing across what was left of the Centre Court grass, Federer caught up to the ball beyond the baseline, coiled his arm and flicked an angled backhand. His shot hummed past the opponent, Marin Cilic, before kissing the court near the sideline. It was still another he-did-not-just-do-that bit of shotmaking for the Federer compendium. The crowd went wild. As it always does. 聚光燈慢慢熄滅、膠卷已經停止,但至少用比喻法來說的話,那是值得放入精采 好球的一球。那是在星期天所舉行的溫布敦男單決賽中,第一盤後半時,即將滿 三十六歲的費德勒跟你拼了的一擊。在中央球場僅存的草皮上來回急奔,費德勒 趕上了底線後的一球、捲回手臂再輕甩手腕,打出一計大角度的反手拍。這球掠 過他的對手,馬林犀利奇,並在邊線前輕吻了草皮。這又是得以記入「靠-不-會 -吧-也-太-豪-洨-了-吧!」的費氏神球大全中的一球。群眾瘋狂。一如既往。 Barely a minute later, Federer played another critical point. This one featured no magic, no obvious display of his lavish talent. This time he tacked between offense and defense, stubbornly refusing to give ground, patiently and steadily driving the ball deep into the court—grinding, in tennis locution—until Cilic capitulated and committed a forehand unforced error. There was no frothing from the commentators, no oohs or ahhhs or other sonic rewards from the fans. Still, this point mattered just as much as the previous one, and it was perhaps more central to the plot. 不到一分鐘,費德勒又打了一球關鍵分。這一球平常無奇,看不出什麼驚人的天 賦。這一次他在攻擊和防守之間切換,拗著脾氣一分不讓,耐心且穩定地把球送 到對方球場深處(在網球術語中這叫做磨),直到犀利哥受不了了而送出個非受 迫性失誤。球評沒吭什麼聲,球迷也沒有「哇~」或「喔喔喔喔」之類的喝采。 但這一分跟前一分一樣重要,而且對劇本來說搞不好更關鍵。 This interval encapsulated one of the great truths of tennis, sports, life. For all the gushing—not wrongly—about grace, it's often another one- syllable gr word that is just as responsible for success: grit. We fix our gaze on the bells and whistles of talent, not the effort to extract it. We're so seduced by the outcome that it distracts us from admiring the process. Grit is the real engine of greatness. Grit balances elegance and lavishness. Grit is what enables the winners to alchemize their native gifts into results. 這幾分之間,蘊含著網球、體育、人生的重要真理。即使大家都對於優雅趨之若 騖(理所當然),另一個對於成功的重要性也不遑多讓的特質是:堅忍。我們習 於把目光放在奪目的天份上面,而不是該怎麼去萃取它。我們對於結果如此著迷 而分心忽略了過程。堅忍是驅動輝煌成果的引擎。堅忍是優雅和奢華間的平衡。 是堅忍讓王者能把天賦鍊成結果。 It has become a voguish concept, grit has. It's easy to discuss and harder to define. In her best-selling book, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, University of Pennsylvania psychologist Angela Duckworth lands here: "[Grit] is a combination of passion and perseverance for a singularly important goal." Duckworth even goes so far as to put forth an equation: "Talent × Effort = Skill. Skill × Effort = Achievement." In writing her book, Duckworth studied everyone from elite Army units to National Spelling Bee winners to Warren Buffett. She could just as easily have focused her research on tennis, and specifically the 2017 Wimbledon champions. 堅忍,已經變成了時尚的概念了。它很容易討論、但難以定義。賓大心理師Angela Duckworth在她的暢銷書「堅忍:熱情與毅力的威力」中,提到:「堅忍是熱情和 毅力為了單一重要目標的結合」。她甚至寫了個方程式來表示:(是數學很好膩?) 天份x努力=技巧 技巧x努力=成就 在寫書的過程中,Duckworth對許多對象做了研究,從菁英軍隊到全國拼字大賽 冠軍到華倫巴菲特。她真該把研究擴及到網球,特別是2017年的溫網冠軍。 Already considered the GOAT of men's tennis, Federer added to his credentials at the All England Club. A ridiculous 14 years removed from his first title there, he defeated Cilic 6–3, 6–1, 6–4 for his eighth championship as well as his 19th career major, padding his lead over Rafael Nadal's 15. Federer did it without dropping a set, the first man to accomplish that on the grass in 41 years. 費德勒雖然已經被許多人認為是男網的山羊,他的履歷表關於全英俱樂部還可以 再加一條。從他在此獲得第一座冠軍獎杯至今已經14年過去了,但他仍以6-3, 6-1, 6-4 的比數擊敗犀利哥,奪得第八座溫網以及生涯第十九個大滿貫冠軍, 拉開他和納豆之間的差距(15),你說誇不誇張.. 費德勒晉級得過程中未失一 盤,這又是另一個41年來首次有人草地上辦到的大件事。 Federer's talents for manipulating a tennis ball are—and have always been—abundant. When he plays, almost reflexively he draws comparisons to art and music. He is alternately a maestro, a virtuoso, an impresario, a pointillist, a stylist. To quote the sign of one fan attending a Federer practice session last week, QUIET: GENIUS AT WORK. 費先生在操控小黃球上的天份一直是顯而易見的。當他比賽的時候,很多人膝反 射地拿出藝術和音樂來比較。他同時可以具備音樂指揮家、樂手、贊助者、點描 畫家、美髮師等多重身分。這麼說好了,有個球迷上週在觀賞費德勒練球的時候 手上拿的標語正中:「噓~天才工作中」 But if Federer is an artiste, so, too, is he an artisan. He'll go in the basement and tinker with his game, adding new elements and testing new equipment. His switch to a larger racket this year has allowed him to take bigger cuts on his one-handed backhand. During play, perhaps more than ever, he's happy to slog through points with persistence, willing to prolong rallies and hit as many balls as necessary to prevail, aesthetics be damned. 但如果費德勒是個表演者,那他同時也是個工匠。他會到地下室好好調整他的作 戰方式,加點新元素、測試新裝備之類的。今年他的大拍面球拍讓他可以在單手 反拍做出更大的變化。在球賽中,他很願意跟你執著對轟,拉長戰線,只要能贏 不管打幾球都行,打球漂不漂亮沒在管的啦。 His mental state during competition also epitomizes grit. Without histrionics or drama, he pushes through the inevitable lapses. "Roger Federer's best trait is the same exact best trait of Rafa Nadal—with two totally different personalities," says Paul Annacone, a longtime Federer coach (and a colleague of the writer at the Tennis Channel). "He doesn't let the emotion of the moment, pro or con, sway him. He has this incredibly short memory. What just happened doesn't matter. Roger hits an incredible shot—or he makes a mistake. Doesn't matter. He just moves on without a huge amount of emotion and just plays the next point." 他在比賽當中的心理狀態也是堅忍的具現化。當他在場上狀態不好的時候,他想 辦法撐過去而沒有任何戲劇化的表現。「羅傑最棒的特質跟納豆的最佳特質一樣, 只是他們的個性完全不同,」費德勒的前教練保羅安納孔說,「他不會讓當下的 情緒影響他,不管那個情緒是好的還是不好的。他的短期記憶跟金魚一樣,秒忘。 剛發生的事情對下一球沒有影響。就算他打了一記絕妙好球,或者發生失誤,都 沒差。球來就打,他不會讓你看到劇烈的情緒變化。」 Granted, Federer seldom calls attention to his doggedness, what in Switzerland would be called sitzfleisch. He performs in silence, not grunting or moaning. He seldom sweats or snarls. While peers complain about the rigors of the circuit and demands of travel, Federer—blessed with the means to afford private planes—flies around with his wife, Mirka, and their four kids and talks proudly of being "a citizen of the world." He doesn't exude stress. 也很正常啦,費德勒很少主動說明他緊咬不放特質,這在瑞士叫做sitzfleisch。 大多數時候他打球不會吼叫或呻吟。他很少流汗或齜牙裂嘴。當同儕抱怨著巡迴 賽的密集和大量旅行的疲憊時,費德勒(因為買得起私人飛機)高高興興帶著米 爾卡大人和四個小孩,以身為「世界公民」為傲。他不會展現壓力給你看的。 So it is that we don't always see the sacrifice his success requires. We don't see him decline to go skiing, for fear he might tweak his knee or land on his right arm. We don't see him monitor his diet—save the balls of Swiss chocolate scattered throughout the home he rented for July in Wimbledon Village—to maintain his 187-pound playing weight. We don't see him hold "training blocks" during the season on the back courts of hotel complexes in Dubai. There, in striking anonymity and searing heat, he goes through elaborate stretching and flexibility routines with his longtime trainer, Pierre Paganini, in the mornings. In the afternoons he hits with players who have differing skills and styles, rotating them in and out, as a champion boxer would sparring partners. 所以我們不見得看得到他的成功背後所要付出的犧牲。我們不會看到他婉拒滑雪 因為怕傷到他的膝蓋或用右手著地,看不到他控制飲食(除了七月租溫布頓村時 屋內到處都有的瑞士巧克力以外)以維持他 187磅的體重,也看不到他在季中在 杜拜的旅館後方網球場所進行的嚴格訓練。在炙暑和無人圍觀的時候,早上他和 他的體能教練Pierre Paganini 進行高強度的伸展和彈性訓練課程,下午則和各 種風格技巧的球員對打,就像冠軍拳擊手找不同的訓練對手一樣。 The yield on this investment—the payoff of this grit—has never been more apparent. Federer isn't just competitive, and he isn't just winning. He is playing at the dizzyingly high level that he displayed when he was in his supposed prime. "Honestly," he says, "I'm incredibly surprised how well this year is going, how well I'm feeling, how I'm managing tougher situations, where my level of play is on a daily basis." 這些投資所產生的報酬(堅忍行動的回報)非常明顯。費德勒不只是很有競爭力 也不只是一直贏球而已,他的競技水準之高簡直直追顛峰時期。「我說真的啦, 今年能夠這麼順實在是猜不透,不管是我現在身體的感覺、在賽場上逆風時的對 策、每天比賽時我能打出的水準,都是。」他說。 Call it a revival of will and grace. 阿你乾脆說是Will and Grace絕地復生好了(按:原意是意志力和優雅再臨,但 今年剛好有一齣老電視劇Will & Grace在中斷11年之後又要出第九季)。 (中間轉到Venus所以不翻) Federer's commitment has never wavered. He's still flourishing, still passionate and persistent. Here we are in 2017, and Federer has won two majors and the 31-year-old Nadal—Federer's comparably gritty foil—has won the other. More than a decade into their rivalry, they are one-two in ranking points this year. It's all a reminder that potential is one thing. Realizing it is quite another. 費德勒對於網球的投入從沒動搖過。他還在開花、依然保持著熱情和堅持。現在 是2017年,這老頭贏了兩個大滿貫,而他那一樣堅忍的老對手真愛31歲納豆則拿 下了另一個。這個世紀對決已經超過10年了,然後在今年的即時積分榜上他們又 佔據了前兩名。老師在講你有沒有在聽,天份是一件事,如何把天份轉換成實績 是另一件事。 It was around 7 p.m. on Sunday when Federer—still working his way through his media assignations, three hours after the match—addressed this very point. "Yes, I was blessed with a lot of talent," he says. "But I also had to work for it. Talent only gets you that far." 那個時候是星期天下午七點,比賽已經結束三個小時了而費德勒還在接受各個媒 體的訪問,他說道:「某毋丟,我很幸運被賦予很多天份,但是我也很打拼。光 有天份實在走不了多遠。」 The rest? That's grit. True grit. 其他的部份勒?就是堅忍,你也可以說那是真實的勇氣。 (按:2011年拿下奧斯卡的「真實的勇氣」英文片名就叫做True Grit。Grit這個 字原意是不會屈服的精神,翻成勇氣好像還差了一點什麼) -- 的確,費爸走下坡也算有三次大的(08, 13, 16),但又一次一次爬回來,這種堅持 下去咬牙苦幹的毅力真的不輸納豆,可是大家好像看他在場上打球好輕鬆優雅就覺 得他就是天份高其他什麼都不用做。天曉得。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Federer/M.1500652111.A.E26.html ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/21/2017 23:48:57 ※ 編輯: shermanmt (, 07/21/2017 23:55:06

07/22 00:49, , 1F
07/22 00:49, 1F

07/22 00:55, , 2F
07/22 00:55, 2F

07/22 01:23, , 3F
Will and Grace! XDDD
07/22 01:23, 3F

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07/22 01:31, 4F

07/22 01:50, , 5F
07/22 01:50, 5F

07/22 01:54, , 6F
07/22 01:54, 6F

07/22 02:13, , 7F
推好棒好生動的翻譯~ :DD 謝謝!:DD
07/22 02:13, 7F

07/22 02:15, , 8F
07/22 02:15, 8F

07/22 08:22, , 9F
07/22 08:22, 9F

07/22 09:04, , 10F
推 !
07/22 09:04, 10F

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07/22 10:47, 11F

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07/22 11:36, 12F

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07/22 14:06, 15F

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07/22 14:22, 16F

07/22 17:30, , 17F
非 常 好
07/22 17:30, 17F

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07/23 09:25, 18F

07/24 09:28, , 19F
07/24 09:28, 19F

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07/25 10:18, 21F
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