[新聞] IOC建議俄、白俄運動員與官員別參賽

看板FigureSkate (花式滑冰)作者 (海海人蔘)時間2年前 (2022/03/01 00:13), 編輯推噓63(630112)
留言175則, 28人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
https://reurl.cc/X49EZM IOC EB recommends no participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes andofficials 28 Feb 2022 The Executive Board (EB) of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) discussed again today the dilemma the Olympic Movement is currently facing after the breach of the Olympic Truce by the Russian government and the government of Belarus through its support in this. The Olympic Movement is united in its mission to contribute to peace through sport and to unite the world in peaceful competition beyond all political disputes. The Olympic Games, the Paralympic Games, World Championships and World Cups and many other sports events unite athletes of countries which are in confrontation and sometimes even war. At the same time, the Olympic Movement is united in its sense of fairness not to punish athletes for the decisions of their government if they are not actively participating in them. We are committed to fair competitions for everybody without any discrimination. The current war in Ukraine, however, puts the Olympic Movement in a dilemma. While athletes from Russia and Belarus would be able to continue to participate in sports events, many athletes from Ukraine are prevented from doing so because of the attack on their country. This is a dilemma which cannot be solved. The IOC EB has therefore today carefully considered the situation and, with a heavy heart, issued the following resolution: 1.In order to protect the integrity of global sports competitions and for the safety of all the participants, the IOC EB recommends that Internatonal Sport Federations and sports event organisers not invite or allow the paricipation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in international competitions. 為了保護全球體育比賽的完整性和所有參與者的安全, 國際奧委會執行局建議國際體育聯會和體育賽事組織者不要邀請或允許俄羅斯和 白俄羅斯的運動員和官員參加國際比賽。 2.Wherever this is not possible on short notice for organisational or legal reasons, the IOC EB strongly urges International Sports Federations and organisers of sports events worldwide to do everything in their power to enure that no athlete or sports official from Russia or Belarus be allowed take part under the name of Russia or Belarus. Russian or Belarusian ntionals, be it as individuals or teams, should be accepted only as neutral athletes or neutral teams. No national symbols, colours, flags or anthems should be displayed. 如果由於組織或法律原因無法在短時間內做到這一點,國際奧委會執行局強烈敦促 國際體育聯合會和世界各地的體育賽事組織者盡其所能,確保不允許俄羅斯或白俄羅斯 的運動員或體育官員以俄羅斯或白俄羅斯的名義參賽。俄羅斯或白俄羅斯的國民,無論 個人還是團隊,都只能作為中立的運動員或中立團隊被接受。不應展示任何國家標誌、 顏色、旗幟或國歌。 Wherever, in very extreme circumstances, even this is not possible on short notice for organisational or legal reasons, the IOC EB leaves it to the relevant organisation to find its own way to effectively address the dilemma described above. 如果在非常極端的情況下,由於組織或法律方面的原因,甚至不可能在短時間內 做到這一點,國際奧委會執行局就會讓相關組織找到自己的方式來有效地解決上述困境。 In this context, the IOC EB considered in particular the upcoming Paralympic inter Games Beijing 2022 and reiterated its full support for the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and the Games. 在這種情況下,國際奧委會執行局特別審議了即將舉行的北京2022年冬季殘奧會, 並重申其對國際殘奧委員會(IPC)和該運動會的全力支持。 3. The IOC EB maintains its urgent recommendation not to organise any sports event in Russia or Belarus, issued on 25 February 2022. 國際奧委會執行局堅持其2022年2月25日發布的不在俄羅斯或白俄羅斯組織 任何體育賽事的緊急建議。 4.The IOC EB has, based on the exceptional circumstances of the situation and considering the extremely grave violation of the Olympic Truce and othe violations of the Olympic Charter by the Russian government in the past, taken the ad hoc decision to withdraw the Olympic Order from all persons who currently have an important function in the government of the Russian Federation or other government-related high-ranking position,including the following: 國際奧委會執行局根據情況的特殊性,並考慮到俄羅斯政府過去對奧林匹克休戰 和其他違反奧林匹克憲章的行為極為嚴重,臨時決定撤銷所有目前在俄羅斯聯邦 擔任重要職務或其他與政府有關的高級職位的人的奧林匹克勳章,包括以下人員。 Mr Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (Gold, 2001) 俄羅斯聯邦總統普京先生 Mr Dmitry Chernyshenko, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (Gold 2014)俄羅斯聯邦副總理車爾尼申科先生 Mr Dmitry Kozak, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office(Gold, 2014)俄羅斯總統辦公廳副主任科扎克先生 5.The IOC EB welcomes and appreciates the many calls for peace by athletes, sports officials and members of the worldwide Olympic Community.TheIOC admires and supports in particular the calls for peace by Russian athletes 國際奧委會執行局歡迎並讚賞運動員、體育官員和世界奧林匹克大家庭成員 發出的許多和平呼籲。國際奧委會特別欣賞並支持俄羅斯運動員的和平呼籲。 6.The IOC EB reaffirms its full solidarity with the Ukrainian Olympic Community.They are in our hearts and thoughts. The IOC EB commits to conttinue and strengthen its efforts for humanitarian assistance. Therefore,the IOC EB has today established a solidarity fund. In this contex, the IOC expressests its gratitude to the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and International Sports Federations that are already supporting Ukrainian athletes and their families. 國際奧委會執行局重申其對烏克蘭奧林匹克社區的充分聲援。 他們在我們的心中,在我們的思想中。國際奧委會執行局承諾將繼續並加強其 人道主義援助的努力。因此,國際奧委會執行局今天設立了一個聲援基金。 在這種情況下,國際奧委會對已經在支持烏克蘭運動員及其家人的國家奧林匹克 委員會(NOCs)和國際體育聯合會表示感謝。 The IOC EB, assisted by the IOC Task Force, continues to closely monitor the situation. It may adapt its recommendations and measures according to future developments. Today’s IOC statement builds on the IOC statements made on 24 February 2022 and 25 February 2022. The IOC reaffirms the call of the IOC President: “Give peace a chance.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/FigureSkate/M.1646064833.A.1FE.html

03/01 01:04, 2年前 , 1F
03/01 01:04, 1F

03/01 01:33, 2年前 , 2F
應該會被執行 很大程度
03/01 01:33, 2F

03/01 01:37, 2年前 , 3F
03/01 01:37, 3F

03/01 02:23, 2年前 , 4F
哀 如果不是布丁大力推動奧運項目 排擠其他藝術如芭蕾 說
03/01 02:23, 4F

03/01 02:23, 2年前 , 5F
03/01 02:23, 5F

03/01 04:51, 2年前 , 6F
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03/01 09:01, 2年前 , 9F
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03/01 09:47, 2年前 , 10F
AS的金牌運跟他的大賽心臟一樣w GPF一直去不了
03/01 09:47, 10F

03/01 09:47, 2年前 , 11F
強制續約lol 以及究竟會不會補到歐錦這塊呢(地獄感
03/01 09:47, 11F

03/01 10:16, 2年前 , 12F
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03/01 15:39, 2年前 , 27F

03/01 15:57, 2年前 , 28F
哇 媽啊 這屆世錦賽…
03/01 15:57, 28F

03/01 16:02, 2年前 , 29F
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03/01 16:21, 2年前 , 38F
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03/01 16:22, 2年前 , 39F
03/01 16:22, 39F
還有 96 則推文
03/02 19:45, 2年前 , 136F
但比賽在三月下旬 如果戰爭結束 會不會有反轉
03/02 19:45, 136F

03/02 19:47, 2年前 , 137F
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03/02 19:48, 2年前 , 139F
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03/02 19:54, 2年前 , 140F
AK真的沒有骨質疏鬆嗎 手也太會骨折了吧
03/02 19:54, 140F

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03/03 14:07, 2年前 , 156F
@Komova 林姍回美國的話國籍換得回去嗎XDDDD 記得她跟
03/03 14:07, 156F

03/03 14:07, 2年前 , 157F
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03/03 15:34, 2年前 , 168F
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03/03 16:53, 2年前 , 169F
結果連帕運都禁止了 我還以為中國這麼有Guts呢
03/03 16:53, 169F

03/03 20:12, 2年前 , 170F
03/03 20:12, 170F

03/03 22:07, 2年前 , 171F
我常覺得如果可以的話請普少說話= =
03/03 22:07, 171F

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03/04 22:47, 2年前 , 174F

03/04 23:31, 2年前 , 175F
啊 俄羅斯的體操也是很強的呢
03/04 23:31, 175F
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