[討論] 勇士準備失去K湯

看板G-S-WARRIORS (金洲 勇士)作者 (對的事情做一千次)時間2天前 (2024/06/30 10:29), 2天前編輯推噓399(4001523)
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https://reurl.cc/2YRKzE Warriors preparing to lose Klay Thompson in free agency 勇士準備失去K湯 https://i.imgur.com/tsTAiRA.jpeg
The Golden State Warriors are preparing to lose four-time NBA champion Klay Th ompson in free agency, an expected parting of ways between a legendary dynasty and one of its legacy players, league sources told The Athletic. 金州勇士正準備在自由球員市場失去四冠核心Klay Thompson,這是這個傳奇王朝與其傳 奇球員之一的預期分手。 Thompson and the Warriors have had close to no communication since the negotia ting period opened for incumbent free agents nearly two weeks ago and no offer has been made, team and league sources said. The Warriors, after other busine ss, have wanted to circle back and negotiate with Thompson. But he isn’t expe cted to be there waiting as a willing secondary priority in their summer plan, with his side feeling that the Warriors’ interest in a reunion has been disi ngenuous. The five-time All-Star guard is determined to find a new home elsewh ere for his 14th NBA season and beyond, with both sides believing their 13-yea r run together is over, league sources said. 自從兩週前自由球員談判期開始以來,Thompson與勇士之間幾乎沒有任何溝通,且勇士也 沒有提出任何報價。勇士在處理其他事務後,想回過頭來與Thompson談判。但他不會願意 在夏季計畫中作為次要優先考量等待,因為他方認為勇士對重聚的興趣是不真誠的。這位 五次入選全明星賽的後衛決心在他的第14個NBA賽季及以後尋找新家,雙方都認為他們13 年的合作已經結束。 The Los Angeles Lakers, LA Clippers and Dallas Mavericks are expected to be am ong strong suitors for Thompson, according to league sources. Multiple teams w ith salary cap space are expected to show interest in Thompson as well. Throug h the Tim Hardaway Jr. salary dump, the Mavericks have already generated enoug h room to offer the full projected $12.9 million midlevel on the market. The L akers have the ability to generate the same, depending on where LeBron James’ next deal lands and other business. 湖人、快艇和獨行俠預計將成為Thompson的強力追求者。多支擁有薪資空間的球隊也預計 會對Thompson表示興趣。通過清除Tim Hardaway Jr.的薪資,獨行俠已經騰出足夠的空間 在市場上提供預計的1290萬美元的全額中產特例。湖人也有能力提供相同的合約,這取決 於LeBron James下一份簽約的金額及其他事務。 Golden State is operating in the marketplace as a full nontaxpayer midlevel ex ception team for the first time in approximately a decade due to the anticipat ed departure of Thompson and the potential departure of Chris Paul’s $30 mill ion non-guaranteed deal, league sources said, which sheds $73.2 million from i ts books. 由於預計Thompson的離開和Chris Paul 3000萬美元非保障合同的潛在離開,勇士大約十 年來首次以全額非納稅中產特例球隊身份在市場運作,這將減少7320萬美元。 The Warriors are open to participating in a sign-and-trade with Thompson to ai d in his earning potential, those sources said. 勇士願意參與Thompson的先簽後換,以提高他的價值潛力。 This split is a major stunner across the league, given the deep history betwee n the Warriors and Thompson, but it’s been trending this direction for a coup le seasons, as Thompson’s extension talks stalled, his role shifted, the team failed to make the playoffs, the Warriors drafted (Moses Moody, Brandin Podzi emski) and extended (Jordan Poole) possible replacements under him and he neve r felt reciprocated love from management about his firm place in the franchise ’s plans, league sources said. 這次分手在聯盟內部引起了巨大震動,因為勇士和Thompson之間有著深厚的歷史,但這種 趨勢已經持續了幾個賽季,因為Thompson的續約談判停滯不前,他的角色發生變化,球隊 未能進入季後賽,勇士選中了(Moses Moody、Brandin Podziemski)並續約了(Jordan Poo le)可能替代他的位置,而他從未感受到管理層對他在球隊計畫中的堅定地位的回報。 That continued into this summer. The Warriors maintained an outward desire to keep Thompson as part of the core, but they’ve made it clear it’d have to co me at the right price, in the right role and he’d have to wait for the right time. 這種情況一直持續到這個夏天。勇士表面上保持著希望Thompson成為核心的一部分,但他 們明確表示這必須以合適的價格、合適的角色來實現,而且他必須等待合適的時機。 In a desperate search to upgrade the talent of an underperforming supporting c ast around Stephen Curry, they had spent the last couple of weeks actively exp loring the trade market, including an improbable run at free-agent-to-be Paul George, a pursuit the team knows is now dead. 為了急於提升Stephen Curry身邊表現不佳的支持陣容的天賦,他們在過去幾週內積極探 索交易市場,包括一次對將成為自由球員的Paul George的不可能追求,球隊知道這一追 求現在已經死去。 Thompson, feeling the cold wind blowing from the only franchise he’s ever kno wn, reciprocated in kind, limiting communication and planning for an NBA futur e outside the Bay Area. 感受到唯一熟知的球隊傳來的冷風,Thompson也做出了回應,限制了溝通並計劃未來離開 灣區的NBA生涯。 終究是到要分離的一天了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (日本) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/G-S-WARRIORS/M.1719714589.A.584.html ※ 編輯: XXXaBg ( 日本), 06/30/2024 10:29:58

06/30 10:31, 2天前 , 1F
06/30 10:31, 1F

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06/30 10:36, 2天前 , 4F
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06/30 10:36, 2天前 , 5F
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06/30 10:37, 2天前 , 6F
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06/30 10:37, 2天前 , 7F
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06/30 10:37, 2天前 , 8F
06/30 10:37, 8F

06/30 10:38, 2天前 , 9F
只能說沒辦法 2邊都踩很硬
06/30 10:38, 9F

06/30 10:38, 2天前 , 10F
06/30 10:38, 10F

06/30 10:39, 2天前 , 11F
886 終於啊
06/30 10:39, 11F

06/30 10:39, 2天前 , 12F
06/30 10:39, 12F

06/30 10:39, 2天前 , 13F
06/30 10:39, 13F

06/30 10:39, 2天前 , 14F
如果他真的全額中產去別隊 那IG大概就是自己操作的
06/30 10:39, 14F

06/30 10:40, 2天前 , 15F
了 真的硬
06/30 10:40, 15F

06/30 10:40, 2天前 , 16F
06/30 10:40, 16F

06/30 10:40, 2天前 , 17F
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06/30 10:49, 2天前 , 24F
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06/30 10:49, 2天前 , 25F
06/30 10:49, 25F

06/30 10:49, 2天前 , 26F
06/30 10:49, 26F

06/30 10:50, 2天前 , 27F
蛤 才33歲不是最後一張約?你以為人人都是LBJ?
06/30 10:50, 27F

06/30 10:50, 2天前 , 28F
06/30 10:50, 28F

06/30 10:50, 2天前 , 29F
反正我的想法就是有大約就去追 祝福這樣也不用在糾纏
06/30 10:50, 29F

06/30 10:50, 2天前 , 30F
06/30 10:50, 30F

06/30 10:51, 2天前 , 31F
06/30 10:51, 31F

06/30 10:51, 2天前 , 32F
06/30 10:51, 32F

06/30 10:52, 2天前 , 33F
保重 還是希望K湯能健康到退休 曾經的四冠功臣
06/30 10:52, 33F

06/30 10:52, 2天前 , 34F
Kerr給他那麼多時間證明自己 我覺得夠尊重了啦 該把
06/30 10:52, 34F

06/30 10:52, 2天前 , 35F
06/30 10:52, 35F

06/30 10:53, 2天前 , 36F
交給年輕人吧 反正也不是多湯就能如何如何
06/30 10:53, 36F

06/30 10:53, 2天前 , 37F
Free Moody. Free Kuminga.
06/30 10:53, 37F

06/30 10:54, 2天前 , 38F
06/30 10:54, 38F

06/30 10:55, 2天前 , 39F
說實話就是簽回來了又能怎樣? 終歸還不是賭年輕人
06/30 10:55, 39F
還有 845 則推文
07/01 13:08, 1天前 , 885F
07/01 13:08, 885F

07/01 13:10, 1天前 , 886F
我覺得快艇會寧願PG變空氣 主要也是他們當初為了PG 付
07/01 13:10, 886F

07/01 13:10, 1天前 , 887F
出的太多 為了PG再去撞第二層 一旦健康出問題會直接被
07/01 13:10, 887F

07/01 13:10, 1天前 , 888F
07/01 13:10, 888F

07/01 13:11, 1天前 , 889F
07/01 13:11, 889F

07/01 13:15, 1天前 , 890F
換個角度想 就是新人會有更多球權 我也想看阿明 PODZ多
07/01 13:15, 890F

07/01 13:16, 1天前 , 891F
發揮一點 再把球權灌給老人就跟今年一樣
07/01 13:16, 891F

07/01 13:16, 1天前 , 892F
隊阿 說到這還有籃網 只是KT會不會想去就不知道了
07/01 13:16, 892F

07/01 13:19, 1天前 , 893F
07/01 13:19, 893F

07/01 13:19, 1天前 , 894F
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07/01 13:20, 1天前 , 895F
07/01 13:20, 895F

07/01 13:21, 1天前 , 896F
籃網本來也是我希望能打劫一下的隊伍。 但KT應該不
07/01 13:21, 896F

07/01 13:21, 1天前 , 897F
kt現在就只想比5 一定是去強隊 除非爛隊給肥約
07/01 13:21, 897F

07/01 13:21, 1天前 , 898F
07/01 13:21, 898F

07/01 13:21, 1天前 , 899F
07/01 13:21, 899F

07/01 13:21, 1天前 , 900F
以目前KT想去的4隊 還真的想不出來有什麼好換的
07/01 13:21, 900F

07/01 13:23, 1天前 , 901F
拉三方吧 如果小犢哈迪放出來也可以
07/01 13:23, 901F

07/01 13:23, 1天前 , 902F
07/01 13:23, 902F

07/01 13:24, 1天前 , 903F
有點難 不過還真不好說
07/01 13:24, 903F

07/01 13:28, 1天前 , 904F
07/01 13:28, 904F

07/01 13:30, 1天前 , 905F
小犢就出Josh Green+老鄉吧
07/01 13:30, 905F

07/01 13:32, 1天前 , 906F
要就搶劫 PJW
07/01 13:32, 906F

07/01 13:33, 1天前 , 907F
坦個大物哪來那麼簡單 多少隊坦了幾年別說冠軍連第二
07/01 13:33, 907F

07/01 13:33, 1天前 , 908F
輪的地板都碰不到 更別說等咖哩退役後有關咖哩的一切
07/01 13:33, 908F

07/01 13:33, 1天前 , 909F
體系可能都會不見 到時候整個隊伍都不知道怎麼樣
07/01 13:33, 909F

07/01 13:39, 1天前 , 910F
說到中鋒 Bitadze應該可以賭看看吧
07/01 13:39, 910F

07/01 13:45, 1天前 , 911F
07/01 13:45, 911F

07/01 13:51, 1天前 , 912F
07/01 13:51, 912F

07/01 13:51, 1天前 , 913F
07/01 13:51, 913F

07/01 13:51, 1天前 , 914F
07/01 13:51, 914F

07/01 13:55, 1天前 , 915F
07/01 13:55, 915F

07/01 17:24, 20小時前 , 916F
交易KT換籤很可以啊 籤兩年後可以拿來交易第三明星
07/01 17:24, 916F

07/01 17:24, 20小時前 , 917F
07/01 17:24, 917F

07/01 18:09, 19小時前 , 918F
07/01 18:09, 918F

07/01 18:10, 19小時前 , 919F
07/01 18:10, 919F

07/01 19:15, 18小時前 , 920F
湖人 凹八村啊
07/01 19:15, 920F

07/01 19:15, 18小時前 , 921F
KT變綠+老鄉 再把小手套跟魯尼的到期約加籤換個普通綠
07/01 19:15, 921F

07/01 19:15, 18小時前 , 922F
葉 某方面來說也是升級這兩個位置了
07/01 19:15, 922F

07/01 19:17, 18小時前 , 923F
小犢的薪資包 但比勇士那兩隻有用多了
07/01 19:17, 923F

07/02 01:07, 13小時前 , 924F
其實我真的覺得勇士的配置不適合KT, 小牛或湖人我都會追
07/02 01:07, 924F