[外電] Hill finding peace of mind

看板GrantHill作者 (洪大少)時間15年前 (2010/04/30 16:10), 編輯推噓4(401)
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※ [本文轉錄自 PHX-Suns 看板] 作者: neak (neak) 看板: PHX-Suns 標題: [外電] Hill finding peace of mind 時間: Fri Apr 30 15:10:03 2010 ESPN 現在 NBA 主頁是Hill,有篇非常非常長的專訪,我今天有點懶惰,所以就只翻Hill 自己的說法,如果要看全文,請至 http://0rz.tw/RP2vw Hill finding peace of mind Hill 找到了心靈的平靜了 By J.A. Adande ESPN.com During an earlier in-depth conversation, however, he was so effusive and descriptive about his career journey that I'll simply allow him to tell the story: 在之前的深入專訪中,我發現Hill對自己的籃球生涯的形容實在是太棒了,所以我想我還是 讓他自己說好了。 (以下是Hill的自白) You go from having the ball and having the green light, and you adjust. Here you're more of a role. Sometimes you get two or three shots; sometimes you get more. I took pride in making the adjustment, doing little things, playing defense, rebounding -- things that maybe I didn't have to do before or wasn't appreciated for before, I guess. To be able to change, that's not an easy thing. 你從一個拿著球,有如如入無人之地,到調整自己。在這你有該要做好的角色。有時候你投 兩三次球、有時投多點。我為我自己至今為止的調整 [多做些事、多防守、多搶籃板],這 些我以前不需做也從未感激的事,感到驕傲。要重新調整並不是一件簡單的事。 Someone like A.I., I think he had a hard time accepting that he's not what he was six, seven years ago. I think we all have a hard time accepting that. But you either don't accept it and you move on, or you accept it, change and you still try to be effective. I still want to play. 像A.I. 那樣的人,我想他大概很難接受他已經不是那六、七年前的他了。我想我們都很難 接受這項事實。但是你除了不接受然後離開球場,或著是接受了,試圖讓自己成為有用的人 。 而我還想打球 (非常有小三的FU)。 It's a different role. It takes thinking different, being a little more crafty. I don't have the luxury of missing seven shots in a row. 這是個全新的角色。需要不同的思路、更加的純熟。我已經不能再像以前一樣,可以連續七 球沒進了。 I was watching a game this past summer [of] my last year in Detroit. We played against Vince [Carter] in Toronto. I popped it in and was watching it. I missed my first nine shots. I was 1-for-10 going into the second quarter. I ended up with 37 [points], [shooting] maybe 50 percent. 這暑假我把我最後在底特律打球的比賽拿出來看。我們當時跟Vince Carter 在多倫多打。 我當年前九球都沒進,第二局投十中一。可是比賽結束時得了37分,命中率差不多有50%。 That was a whole 'nother lifetime ago. 那就像是前世一般。 Hill couldn't bring himself to watch his old games until the past five years. It wasn't the sight of those unfortunate teal Pistons jerseys of the mid-1990s. It was the difference between the player he was then and now. Hill 在這五年前都還無法看自己的舊賽。不是為了 90 年代中期那些不幸的鴨色活塞球衣 ,是為了那個已經不是他的球員。 It was too hard to do. I understand what's happened. I understand … I don't know if accepting is the right word, but what's happened has happened. And I'm at peace with it. I'm not bitter. I'm not mad at doctors or teams or anything like that. It happened. 這是很困難的。我知道發生了什麼事,我了解的... 我不知道接受是不是正確的字眼,但是 發生了就是發生了,我現在已經平和了,不再苦惱,對於醫生或是球隊也不氣惱。它就是發 生了。 If I could do it again, I wouldn't have played in that series in Miami. I had never really been seriously hurt before, didn't understand the consequences of playing. I would have demanded X-rays and films and things of that nature just to have peace of mind. But it happened. I've learned from it. I've gone through a lot of growth as a result of it, and in a weird way I'm kind of glad it did happen. 如果可以重來一次,我不會再打那個邁阿密的球賽。我在那之前從來沒有嚴重的受傷過,並 不了解上場的後果。現在我會要求X 光片跟影片類的東西,就讓自己安心點。但它已經發生 了,而我從中學到了。這件事讓我成長很多。說來奇怪,我有點高興這發生過。 I like who I am now. I like what it's revealed out of me, what it's forced me to take a look at. The values. This is who I am. I think I grew a lot stronger going through that. I feel a lot of good things came from that. 我喜歡現在的自己。喜歡在這件事中顯露的自己,它讓我檢視自己。我的價值觀。這就是我 。這件事磨練了我,讓我更加強壯。我覺得有帶來很多好事。 It humbles you a little bit. When you're in this fantasy and you're on top of the world, it's hard to get a dose of reality. It hit me, smacked me right in the middle of my prime. So I had to fight, had to fight to resume my career. When something's taken away from you and you get a second chance, or get a fourth chance … 它讓你更謙卑。當你活在自以為是站在世界的巔峰上的幻想中,是很難理解現實。這件事 衝擊了我、在我正年輕力壯時耍了我。我必須跟它抗爭,必須為了重返球場而決鬥。當你 可得到第二次、第四次機會拿回,這曾被從你手中拿走的東西... Even the feeling of dejection after [losing] Game 1, the extremes after Game 4, or after winning [Games] 2 and 3, how excited you are, I'm glad I'm doing it. At least I am experiencing that. I very easily could be watching and not experiencing. 在第一場比賽後的失落、第四場比賽的強力震盪 或贏了第二、三場比賽的興奮。我很高興 我正在做這事。至少我經歷了這些。一不留神我就只能光看而無法體驗。 I don't think before 2000, before all the injuries, I would have looked at it that way. But you know what? I'm living. I'm living this dream, I'm living in the NBA and having fun. It's not easy, it has challenges, but at least I'm going through it. 在2000年前,在那些傷前,我從不曾想過,從不曾以這角度看過。但你知道嗎?我活著,我 就是活在這個夢中。我在NBA裡活著,且過著有趣的生活。這不簡單,途中有些挑戰。但是 我已經突破這些了。 You [look at] from my last year in Detroit, Monty Williams, who's coaching in Portland. I played against him when he was in Orlando. The last game I played against him I scored 40 against him. Then when I went to Orlando and was not right, playing against him in practice he's dominating me. This all happened in five or six months. 你看看我在底特律的最後一年。波特蘭的教練Monty Williams ,我當年跟他在奧蘭多是隊 友。在最後一場比賽時,我從他手中得了40分。然後當我去奧蘭多,事情不對了,在練習時 ,他居然把我打趴。之間只差個五、六個月。 Most people look at guys. You look at Kobe as he's getting older or KG or Jordan or [Scottie] Pippen, whoever. As you get older, certain things athletically, physically start to change. But it's a gradual thing, and you're kind of able to adapt and figure things out. When you're 35 you're not the same as when you were 25. But it happens over a period of time. For me it happened like that. 很多人看這些人,像 Kobe、KG、Jordan 或Scottie Pippen就想說他老了。當你變老了,在 體能上開始改變。這過程是緩慢的,你有時間慢慢揣摩出來。當你已經35歲,不再是25歲 你時。但這過程需要一段時間。而在我身上,就只是一瞬間而已。 Since then, I've learned to regain some of the athleticism, regain some of the confidence in my body and adapt. I'm crafty now. You pick and choose your spots. You kind of figure it out. That was the hardest part, those two or three or four years when I was trying to play and wasn't right. It's like my body wasn't right, my ankle wasn't right; mentally and emotionally it was tougher than the physical part. It was like, man, things I'd taken for granted, things that were so natural and easy, now, you know, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 自從那時起,我學會如何重拾我的體育細胞、學會重拾對於自己身體的信任、學會適應。我 現在更有技巧,你選擇你站的位置。你摸索出。而這是最難的地方。有兩三或四年我都試 圖打球,但怎麼都不對。像是我身體不對,我腳踝不對,心理比身理更難。就像是...你知 道,我以前是覺得這些都是理所當然的這麼簡單。現在你知道的,雖然心中很想, 但已力不從心。 (作者的話) We can see now it's not about weakness at all. It's about toughness. The tough aspect isn't playing through an injury. The toughness is in playing after an injury. 我們可以看出來這是無關弱點的。這是關於堅強。帶傷打球並不是堅強,傷後打球才是堅強 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/30 15:12,
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04/30 15:14,
推Hill 即使角色跟以前有落差 但不變的是他永遠是球
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04/30 15:42,
結尾下的真好...突破第2輪吧!! Hill!!
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04/30 15:46,
推HILL 健康是福
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ripcord:轉錄至看板 NBA 04/30 15:48

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04/30 16:03,
好文借轉 Iverson 板
04/30 16:03
arkod:轉錄至看板 IVERSON 04/30 16:03

04/30 16:08,
Hill QoQ
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04/30 16:08,
第五段是說他第一節miss9球 以投十中一進入第二節
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04/30 16:10,
借轉Hill板.......Q______Q 我真的好喜歡他喔!!
04/30 16:10
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/30 16:47, , 1F
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05/06 13:43, , 5F
hill T_T
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文章代碼(AID): #1Bsf1u_x (GrantHill)
文章代碼(AID): #1Bsf1u_x (GrantHill)