[臉書] 韓娃臉書 2019/01/27

看板Hantuchova作者 (加州‧陽光~平安順心~)時間6年前 (2019/01/28 11:14), 編輯推噓0(000)
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From Daniela Hantuchova's FB 2019/01/27 6:15 PM So Appereantly im doing Weather reports next on the windy conditions around the country. jokes a side what an amazing two weeks it has been and thank u Foxsport and the entire team for all the hard work and dedication u all have put into this there is so much going on behind the scenes to run an event like this which as a player i had no idea About and Makes me appreciate everyone’s efforts even more. Australian Open see u next year! https://imgur.com/vDpktxA
Such an honour to b part of the legends luncheon ealier today before the ladies final. https://imgur.com/Ma044zf
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文章代碼(AID): #1SJdEOP6 (Hantuchova)