Re: [AP] NBA Takes Away Bob Sura's Triple-Double

看板Hawks作者 (為啥要封鎖我 ><)時間20年前 (2004/04/15 02:43), 編輯推噓0(000)
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好險之前r.davis 有人幫他下台階 XD 不過沒有影片阿,有誰可以分享一下的嗎 ^^ 搞不好真的是sura放槍放的太明顯啦,不過今年他打出這樣的成績, 不差這一次大三元來證明了說。至少今年這一支清出薪資空間又大幅測試 球員的球隊,先發除了terry 和jackson之外都換人了 ,但是以terry 的 球風來說,sura不是正好和他互補嗎,不過中鋒群真的太多隻了,該想辦 法把那壹堆白塔出清幾隻。這支球隊總算經由sura跌破眼鏡的表現帶來署 光,何況他們還有那麼多的薪資空間,不過不之到會不會那麼凱都拿來用 說。 ※ 引述《BIASONICA (my desired happiness)》之銘言: : : Bob Sura Triple-Double Disallowed : NEW YORK, April 13--The National Basketball Association today : disallowed a missed field goal attempt and ensuing rebound which : gave Atlanta Hawk guard Bob Sura a statistical "triple-double" in : the Hawks' 129-107 victory over the New Jersey Nets on April 12. : In the closing seconds of that game, Sura intentionally missed a : layup and grabbed the rebound. : The NBA rule book states that "A field goal attempt is a player's : attempt to shoot the ball into the basket for a field goal." : The league ruled that Sura did not attempt a field goal, and : therefore there was no rebound. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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