[新聞] 2012法網專訪
Justine Henin: I was like a machine, and I regret it
Justine, what is your biggest fear?
Being abandoned. I’m afraid of being alone, like most people I guess. But I’
m doing everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen (smiles).
Otherwise I don’t have any phobias, really, no specific fears to speak of.
。之後當我22歲時,我還去跳傘 ─ 那是其他我所夢想去做的事情。
What is the first dream you made come true?
When I was a kid, I lived for tennis, and there wasn’t much room for
anything else. When I was a teenager, I had posters of Steffi Graf in my
room, and I dreamt of winning the French Open. So when I met her and won
here, I made two big dreams come true. A bit later, when I was 22, I went
skydiving – that was something else I’d dreamed of doing.
那是在2004年的Amelia Island時,我和Conchita Martinez交手。那時我感覺身體不適,
後來才發現感染了病毒 ─ 有點像mono。Carlos那時不斷地在場邊斥責,因為打得實在很
When were you most angry with Carlos Rodriguez (her coach)?
I was angry a lot, but I usually managed to keep it in (smiles). I remember
one time when I really exploded. It was at Amelia Island, during a match
against Conchita Martinez in 2004. I wasn’t feeling very well and later we
found out that I had a virus – a bit like glandular fever. Carlos took me
aside and started bawling me out on the side of the court, because I was
playing so badly. I found that really unfair, so for once I yelled back. I
really got stuck into him and he left the court. He never did that again. He
was always pretty hard on me, but I knew it was for my own good. That
particular time, I resented it. Generally speaking, I was lucky to have
Carlos, but he was also lucky to have a player that put up with him for
fifteen years (smiles).
What were the first tears you shed as a player?
I didn’t cry very much and I wasn’t very good at showing I was happy, even
on momentous occasions. The only time I let myself go was when I was alone in
my hotel room after a difficult loss. But when I played, I kept my emotions
under control. Maybe too much. I was a machine, and now I regret it. It would
have been good to show how I felt more, like men do sometimes at the end of
tournaments. They keep it all in until the end, and after they win or lose in
the final, they show how they feel and it’s quite touching. Even if I won a
Grand Slam, I never let what I was feeling show.
我現在已經不會迷信了 ─ 現在我回想起來,我覺得當時很可笑(笑)。
What is your biggest superstition?
I always ate at the same restaurants during tournaments. I even had one
restaurant for rest days and another for match days. And I always wanted to
sit on the same side of the umpire and I never walked on the lines. I was
really superstitious (smiles). We pretty much all are on circuit. We know
that it doesn’t change anything, but it’s reassuring, it lets us get our
bearings and focus on details when things aren’t going well. Now I’m not at
all superstitious – I’ve taken a step back and I can see that it was
ridiculous (smiles).
When did you realise you were famous?
At an event that made a major impression on me and left me speechless – it
was when I went back to Brussels after winning the French Open in 2003. I was
21 and there were 10,000 people waiting on the Grand Place to celebrate and
cheer me on. You’re never really prepared for moments like those, especially
considering that ten minutes before I went out onto the hotel balcony there
was absolutely nobody out there. I’m pretty shy, and I was worried things
would go badly. Seeing so many people made me realise how things had changed
for me, but also how much impact I could have on people.
賽。溫網是我唯一沒能贏的大滿貫,但在我拿下第一盤 6-2 後,我心態上和體能上無法
If you could go back in time for an hour, what would you change?
I’d say goodbye to my mum. I didn’t think she’d leave us so quickly and I
regret that I wasn't able to talk to her more or take her in my arms. If we’
re talking sport, I’d go back to my Wimbledon final against Amelie Mauresmo
in 2006. Wimbledon is the only Grand Slam I didn’t win, but after taking the
first set 6-2, I didn’t have the mental or physical strength to finish the
match. I was one set away from winning Wimbledon and it slipped through my
fingers. It just wasn’t meant to be. I’m a great believer in destiny, so
that’s what I think. But if I could go back to that final and find the
energy to take another set, I’d do it in a heartbeat (smiles).
Have you ever cheated on court?
Honestly, never. There was that time playing Serena in 2003 when I raised my
hand to say I wasn’t ready for the serve (Justine Henin raised her hand to
indicate she wasn’t ready for Serena’s serve. However, she did not confirm
this to the umpire, and Serena was surprised to not be given the benefit of a
first serve. This made a few waves). But otherwise, honesty is very important
to me. I’m not capable of openly cheating. When young players cheat at my
academy, I put a stop to it immediately.
並樂於分享。我是個很極端的人 ─ 我願意分享任何事物,但友誼一刀兩斷時,我也不會
What is your worst character trait?
I have trouble keeping up friendships. I’m bad at keeping in touch with
friends who live far away, and it’s a real pity, because I like people and
sharing things. I’m a very intense person – when I give, I give everything.
But when I cut myself off and burn bridges, I’m not pretending. I’ve always
been really erratic in keeping up friendships, I’m not good at creating
long-term relationships. But I’m looking for a bit more stability and I’m
really working on it. In thirty years’ time, I hope I’ll be able to say
that I’ve known my friends for twenty years.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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