Hingis and Kournikova are back at Wimbledon!!!

看板Hingis作者 (踢馬)時間15年前 (2010/05/05 12:56), 編輯推噓10(1000)
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Hingis and Kournikova set to pair at Wimbledon legends WASHINGTON (AFP) – Retired tennis stars Martina Hingis and Anna Kournikova will team up to play in the legends doubles event at Wimbledon, their agents announced Tuesday. The Octagon agency announced the planned All-England Club reuniting of the 1999 and 2002 Australian Open women's doubles champions. Hingis, 29, won five Grand Slam singles crowns before retiring in 2007, when she was suspended two years for testing positive for cocaine at Wimbledon. She denied taking the drug but did not appeal the ban, which ended last September. Kournikova, 28, reached the Wimbledon singles semi-finals in 1997 but the Russian beuaty has not played regularly on the WTA Tour in seven years. http://ppt.cc/pA;C 夢幻組合 Hingis和Kournikova 要在溫布敦打邀請賽!!!!! so exciting!!! http://www.wtt.com/page.aspx?article_id=1946 然後這邊有篇WTT的訪問 他現在和Camile Pin一起練習 Actually I played [the other day] with [French pro] Camille Pin. 目前他沒有考慮要復出 Hingis: At this point I'm not considering coming back. I'll see how all of it goes first; the exhibitions, the team tennis, and then … singles would be very difficult. Maybe some doubles. 但似乎有機會和Lindsay一起打雙打:) Hingis: She sent an e-mail or two, yeah, "You're still playing good enough." At that time we were thinking about playing some doubles together, that's where it came from. We'll see. She's going to be playing team tennis. She [said], "Why don't we play for fun a doubles match or two at a tournament?" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tim2502 來自: (05/05 13:09)

05/05 13:20, , 1F
05/05 13:20, 1F

05/05 13:47, , 2F
05/05 13:47, 2F

05/05 20:54, , 3F
05/05 20:54, 3F

05/05 21:12, , 4F
05/05 21:12, 4F

05/06 22:53, , 5F
好高興啊!! 現在兩姐妹應該不會再互相爭寵了吧XD
05/06 22:53, 5F

05/07 09:58, , 6F
瘋了啦 史上最美麗搭檔!!
05/07 09:58, 6F

05/07 16:09, , 7F
乾脆連混雙也來一發啦~~~ XD 這樣才過癮!!
05/07 16:09, 7F

05/07 19:30, , 8F
看到這消息真的很開心呀 沒想到庫娃也能拉進來
05/07 19:30, 8F

05/07 21:01, , 9F
05/07 21:01, 9F

06/03 16:13, , 10F
06/03 16:13, 10F
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文章代碼(AID): #1BuFgIdz (Hingis)