[轉錄][外電] AI證明形象不是一切

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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: winterelf (ne pleure pas) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] AI證明形象不是一切 時間: Tue Dec 9 03:20:23 2008 Trendsetter Iverson does it his way and proves image isn't always everything 全勝王AI以自己的方式證明形象不是一切。 BY SHAWN WINDSOR o FREE PRESS SPORTS WRITER o DECEMBER 7, 2008 http://tinyurl.com/56arsb Allen Iverson has been called many things in his career: trendsetter, thug, gifted, tattooed, tough, quick, intimidating. The diminutive guard presents a kind of Rorschach test for many fans and followers of professional basketball. AI在生涯中有許多形容詞: 全勝王、暴徒、資優、紋身、堅韌、快速、威脅性。 他本身就像個羅沙哈測驗,他讓每個球迷都對他有不同看法。 (感謝freijaking板友。) In other words, with Iverson, people often see what they want to see. What makes him interesting, aside from his breathtaking talent, is that those projections often are at odds with one another. 換言之,AI帶給人們他們所想看的。除了球技以外,與預測相違背的特色讓他吸引人。 An example: On Nov. 28 at the Palace, Iverson didn't start against the Milwaukee Bucks because he'd skipped practice the day before, on Thanksgiving. When Pistons coach Michael Curry finally inserted Iverson with 2:24 left in the first quarter, boos could be heard. Clearly, some fans wanted him to know that skipping work wasn't acceptable. 舉例來說,十一月二十八號AI並沒有在對公鹿的比賽擔任先發,因為他翹掉感恩節的練 習。當MC在第一節末讓他上場時,場邊噓聲四起。明顯地,球迷想要讓他知道缺席是不 可被接受的。 Yet 25 seconds later, Iverson took an outlet pass from guard Arron Afflalo and immediately raced upcourt. Gaining momentum as he crossed midcourt, he glimpsed an opening in the lane and thrust himself toward the basket, scoring on a driving lay-up. 但在25秒後,AI接到Afflalo 的傳球,並開始加速。過了中場後,他瞥見場上有空隙, 便加速穿入禁區,上籃得分。 It was the kind of one-man rush, part speed and part fearlessness, that will one day get Iverson into the Hall of Fame. On this night, even accounting for the lost half-step in Iverson's game -- he is 33 -- the end-to-end blur was electrifying. So much so that the crowd that had booed him earlier now cheered him. 速度及無畏使他具有破壞力,將來有一天這兩個特質也會帶他進入名人堂。那場比賽他 上場一半的時間,在場上兩端來回奔馳。他已經三十三歲了,依然渾身是勁。許多先前 對他噓聲的觀眾轉以歡呼聲對待他。 (去代言電池吧!) Hasn't it always been that way with Iverson? AI是否一直都如此呢? From tattooed icon to cornrowed hipster to aging warrior, the nearly 6-foot, 170-pound basketball player has brought complexity to the way the NBA is perceived. On the one hand, said Todd Boyd, a professor of African-American studies at Southern Cal and a basketball historian, "the league didn't know what to do with him because he represented the guys in the penitentiary, the guys on the street corner. He abided thugs. And there is no abiding love in our culture for guys in the pen, for guys on the street." 帶著刺青圖案以及時髦辮子頭的成熟戰士,將近六呎170 磅的AI帶給NBA 複雜的可看性 。"換句話說,"Todd Boyd,一名籃球歷史學家說: "聯盟不知道該拿他如何是好,他代 表著間獄裡的暴徒,街頭上的球員。而我們的文化不接受監獄裡的囚犯,街頭上的流氓 。 On the other hand, said Boyd, who grew up in Detroit, "if you really watched Allen, you saw John Havlicek," the floor-diving Boston Celtic and 1970s poster boy of the lunch-pail ethos. If Iverson has shown nothing else, it is that from tip-off, he plays every game "as if it were my last." 在底特律成長的Boyd又說:"如果你仔細觀察AI,你會發現他很像Havlicek(70年代Celtic 球員)。AI把每一場比賽都當成最後一場比賽。 It didn't take long for these conflicting facets of Iverson's image to play out in Detroit. Miss a practice. Offer an apology. Get booed. Create a shot off the dribble. Get cheered. 這些AI的矛盾形象不會持續太久,練習缺席、道歉、飽受噓聲、盤球後得分、獲得掌聲 。 "That's the style God blessed me with," Iverson said. "這是上天所賜於我的風格。"AI說。 He was talking about his probing, relentless assaults on the court, like a wave pounding a rocky coast. He could've been talking about himself off the court, too -- his most emphatic mantra over the years is that he is who he is. 他說的是他的準則,球場上無情肆虐,就像是海浪拍打在岩岸上。他也在球場外談論自 己,他最有名的台詞是"I'm who I am" What that will mean for the Pistons the next five months is unclear. The team is 7-7 since he joined the lineup after Joe Dumars acquired him from the Denver Nuggets in a trade that included Chauncey Billups. Surely it is unfair to judge whether the experiment will work this soon as the team attempts to incorporate the veteran superstar. 活塞在今後五個月會有什麼改變還不清楚,自從JD以Billups 交易來AI以後,球隊的戰 績七勝七負。太早評論AI這經驗豐富的巨星加入是否成功是不公平的。 (現在是七勝八負了O_Q) But we do know a few things. We know that at the height of Iverson's athletic prime -- say four or five seasons ago -- he was a historically unique force and arguably the face of the post-Michael Jordan NBA. We know that he was the first true marriage of hip-hop and basketball, a cultural confluence in the '90s that became a global brand, sold jerseys, as he began carving out a reputation as the best little man since Isiah Thomas. 但我們知道一些事情。在四五季以前,全盛時期的AI曾自認他是聯盟裡獨一無二的,並 且可以和Jordan相提並論。我們知道他是第一個將嘻哈和籃球結合起來的人。自從 Isiah Thomas以來,他是全世界球衣賣最好的小個子。 Reminded Boyd, who wrote, "Young, Black, Rich and Famous: The Rise of the NBA, The Hip Hop Invasion and the Transformation of American Culture": "(Iverson) was the conversation. Like hip-hop culture, he never went out of his way to embrace the mainstream. Mainstream came to (him)." Reminded Boyd說:"AI總是話題人物。像是嘻哈文化,他從來不會改變自己的方式來擁抱 主流,主流自然會跟隨他。" (oh這本書名也太長了,翻譯還是留給專業的出版社吧!) Or, to put it more succinctly, said Stu Jackson, the NBA's director of league operations, Iverson "was a maverick." "更明確的說,AI是特立獨行的。"Stu Jackson說。 夜深了,先翻一半吧,剩下明天再來。 一樣有翻錯請指正,感謝大家辛苦閱讀。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/09 08:55,
Rorschach test: 羅沙哈測驗(叫人解釋墨水點繪的圖形以
12/09 08:55

12/09 08:56,
判斷其性格)-by Dr.eye, 應該是說AI的形象讓他的粉司和
12/09 08:56

12/09 08:56,
12/09 08:56

12/09 08:57,
12/09 08:57

12/09 09:00,
辛苦啦,半夜翻這個看起來很麻煩的一篇 XD
12/09 09:00

12/09 11:13,
原PO 樓上GJ 感謝
12/09 11:13

12/09 11:17,
12/09 11:17

12/09 11:35,
12/09 11:35

12/09 11:37,
12/09 11:37
※ 編輯: winterelf 來自: (12/09 17:07)

12/09 21:24,
"That's the style God blessed me with,"
12/09 21:24

12/10 10:56,
推 借轉AI版
12/10 10:56
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #19Fo_bK2 (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19Fo_bK2 (IVERSON)