[轉錄][外電] AI證明形象不是一切(續)

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2008/12/10 10:58), 編輯推噓1(101)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: winterelf (ne pleure pas) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] AI證明形象不是一切(續) 時間: Tue Dec 9 20:19:49 2008 Tall expectations 高度期望 The most startling thing about watching Iverson up close is realizing how small he is. If you count the weight of the ink on his arms, he might push 175 pounds. He possesses spindly legs, slight shoulders and favors a cut of uniform that makes him look like a preteen running around in his father's gym clothes. 當你近距離觀察AI時,你會對於他的矮小感到驚訝。如果加上他手臂上刺青的重量,他大 概有175 磅吧。他細長的腿,單薄的肩膀和剪裁過的制服,讓他看起來很像十三歲的小孩 穿著爸爸的運動服在跑步。 Under that baggy sheath is a layer of neoprene, a sort of rubbery, cottony body armor, designed to protect Iverson as he hurls himself into opposing masses nearly twice his weight. 在寬鬆球衣下有著層層護具,保護AI讓他在面對兩倍重的對手也能奮力一搏。 "I started wearing it about five, six years ago," he said. "I thought if I had the pads, they would help." "大概五六年前我就開始穿這些了。"AI說。"我想如果我有護墊,它們會有所幫助。" They haven't. At this point, he slips into them for psychological reasons, he said. In fact, against the Bucks last month, he was kneed in the thigh and suffered a contusion. The pad did nothing. 但它們並沒有達到效果,他因為心理因素疏忽了。事實上,在上周對抗公鹿的比賽他被 膝蓋撞擊,挫傷了大腿。護墊沒有發生功用。 That Iverson was back without a complaint two days later, rushing around the court, at least partly explains why he has the third-highest scoring average in NBA history, behind only Wilt Chamberlain and Jordan, why he was the league MVP in 2001 and why, at his size, he has been able to stake out a court presence suggesting someone much bigger. 兩天後AI毫無抱怨的回來,在球場上奔馳。這說明了為何他的平均得分能夠排名在史上 第三,僅次於Chamberlain 和Jordan;為何他能夠得到2001年的年度最有價值球員;以 及為何他能夠以他的矮小身材,在場上對抗體型遠大於他的對手。 "I hear people whispering when I'm out in public: 'He's short?!' It makes me feel good. I take that as a compliment," Iverson said. " 我常常在公眾場合聽到人們低聲談論我: 「天啊他真矮?!」。我把這話當做一種恭維 " AI說。 Straight shooter 強壯的射手 The differences between associations Iverson elicits and the reality of who he is present a consistent challenge in his life. He can be defiant, as he is when he says he's proud he has never sought out the NBA to ask how he might better blend in. He can be stubborn, as he is when he refuses to bow to any pressure he feels that doesn't fit into his sense of himself. 協會對他的愛恨情仇和他的真實樣貌間的差異,一直都是他生活中的挑戰。他可以違抗 協會,他曾驕傲的說他不用詢問如何融入NBA 。他固執於不屈服於壓力,他認為屈從並 不適合他自己。 Jackson concurs. Jackson 對此感到同意。 "You always knew where you stood with Allen," he said. "He's not political. He's not deceptive. He's not disingenuous." " 你知道每當你跟AI站在一起" Jackson說。"他對政治不感興趣,他不會騙人而且他不 虛偽。" Iverson willingly admits he has made mistakes. And he is mindful of his reputation, something he would like to change to some degree as his career winds down. AI願意坦承他所犯的錯。而且當事情會影響他的事業時,他願意改變。 "I understand that the negative publicity about me is going to sell a lot more than the positive," he said. "I do a lot of positive things as far as my community. Things I do off the basketball court. You don't hear about those things anyway. " 我知道我的負面新聞會比一般新聞更加引人注目。" 他說。" 我在我的社區做了許多 有意義的事情。那些在球場外所做的事,那些你不會知道的事。" "I don't go out of my way to make media people feel I'm some great guy, because they are not going to feel that way anyway." " 我不會改變我的做風來迎合媒體,讓他們覺得我是個典範,因為他們從來不會這麼如 此認為。" He said the biggest issue these days is to make sure his children know what he is about. 他說最近最重要的議題是,要讓他的小孩知道他是個怎麼樣的人。 "I explain to them when I make a mistake and when things are driven all out of proportion," he said. " 每當我做錯事情或者行為不如預期時,我會跟他們解釋。" In fact, for all the legal trouble that seemed to follow Iverson for part of his career, only one charge stuck: a gun-possession conviction in 1997 for which he performed community service. His most memorable dustup had nothing to do with legal issues. It had to do with practice. 事實上,他的職業生活中只有碰到一次法律問題。1997年他因持有槍械被懲罰社區服務 ,而他也完成了服務。他最令人議論紛紛的話題不是法律話題,而是練習。 It was after the 2002 season, and he was responding to coach Larry Brown's criticism that he kept missing it. In one, 4-minute rant, Iverson gave "SportsCenter" and talk radio an eternal sound bite. 在2002年球季後,他回應布朗爺對他持續缺席的批評。在四分鐘的聲明中,他給了世界 體育中心和電台一個茶餘飯後的話題。 (You're talking about practice!?) "A lot of that stuff I wish had never happened," he said. "But I'm not perfect. I'm human. When you stick a pin in me, I bleed. But without some of those incidents, I wouldn't be as strong as I am now." " 我希望那些蠢事從來沒發生過。" AI說。" 但我並不完美,我只是個人。當你用針刺 我,我就會流血。但沒有這些事情,我現在就不會如此堅強。" A big difference? Dumars is banking on that wise-to-the-world change Iverson exhibits these days to help the Pistons get back to the NBA Finals. JD以交易來AI下了賭注,希望他的表現可以帶領活塞贏得總冠軍。 "I think Allen has been like most players in this league; he has matured tremendously over the years," Dumars said. "He's a husband and a father, and he's expressed how important it is for him to be viewed in that light." " 我認為AI其他聯盟裡的球員一樣,多年來他成長了很多。" JD說。" 他是個父親,也 是個丈夫。他也表現出在鎂光燈的焦點下對他有多重要。" But he also wants to win. 但他同時也想勝利 "Just about every great player that I've seen over the years that has not won big becomes consumed with stamping their career as a winner," the Pistons president said. " 就像我過去所看過許許多多的偉大球員,那些沒有得過總冠軍的人開始被當成商品交 易。" 活塞總裁說。 Until the trade, you could make the case that Iverson was fading away in Denver. The team struggled out of the gate. His scoring average had been steadily dropping. 直到交易時,你可以發現AI在丹佛逐漸消失中。金塊正掙扎著走出困境,而AI的平均得 分也直線下滑。 "He'd been forgotten about," Boyd said of Iverson, overshadowed by younger stars, the next generation of trendsetters dominating nightly news clips. "People weren't talking about Allen Iverson anymore." " 他被人們遺忘了。" Boyd說。" AI正被新一代球星的光芒所掩蓋,人們不再談論他了 。" Coming to Detroit then was a chance to rejoin the conversation. This is why SLAM Magazine was here two weeks ago, shooting Iverson for its cover, a place his doe-eyed countenance has graced 11 times in 13 years, more than any other player in that span. 來到底特律是個重新加入話題的方法。這也是為何SLAM雜誌兩週前來拍攝AI,將他的照 片放在封面。他的母羊般的眼睛在十三年內在封面出現了十一次,也是十三年來出現最 多次的球星。 "He helped put us on the map," said Ben Osborne, the editor in chief of the publication dedicated to all things NBA. Had he stayed in Denver, the magazine had no plans to put him on a cover this season. " 他讓我們出名," Osborne 說。" 如果他留在丹佛,我們本季沒有打算讓他出現在封 面上。 Almost 10 years ago, Iverson posed for SLAM's cover with his cornrows blown out into an Afro. He held a red, white and blue ball. That iconic image helped launch a basketball superstar and partly set in motion a blend of style, sports and music. 大概十年以前,AI以他的圓蓬辮子頭登上SLAM封面。辮子上穿著紅、白以及藍色珠子。 這象徵性的形象讓他引領起一種混和體育及音樂的風格。 Iverson's latest cover shot hits the stands next month. He will be wearing the Pistons' red, white and blue colors. AI的最新封面照將在下個月被刊登,他將穿著著活塞隊紅、白、藍三色球衣。 But it will take a lot longer than January to see if it will be a good fit. 但一月將有很長的時間可以觀察他是否適合這件球衣。 這篇真的很長,我很怕分兩天翻會前後不連貫,所以板友有發現任何錯誤歡迎指正。 或者是有更好的翻法也可以告訴我,感謝大家的閱讀。 p.s.翻到一半ptt還斷線,加上我手殘把暫存檔洗掉,害我打到一半重打orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/09 20:24,
12/09 20:24

12/09 20:27,
 ̄ ̄
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12/09 21:29,
12/09 21:29

12/09 21:34,
推薦先copy到word或記事本 翻好再貼比較安全 雖然批幣少XD
12/09 21:34

12/09 21:47,
12/09 21:47

12/09 22:01,
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12/09 22:42,
12/09 22:42

12/10 00:11,
英文部分是放在word 中文用手打的 因為我很窮!
12/10 00:11
※ 編輯: winterelf 來自: (12/10 00:12)

12/10 00:14,
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12/10 01:05,
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12/10 07:33,
感謝翻譯! 除了球員、教練和Dumars等我們較熟悉的人
12/10 07:33

12/10 07:34,
之外 其他說話的人是誰或許也可以大概翻譯一下 整個文
12/10 07:34

12/10 07:34,
章的完整度會更高 小小建議啦
12/10 07:34

12/10 07:46,
Straight shooter依照後面的內容 或許可以翻成「直率
12/10 07:46

12/10 07:46,
12/10 07:46

12/10 10:36,
心酸呀 他其實是個滿偉大的球員
12/10 10:36

12/10 10:57,
12/10 10:57
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/10 15:31, , 1F
12/10 15:31, 1F

12/10 22:49, , 2F
12/10 22:49, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #19Fp1FXM (IVERSON)
文章代碼(AID): #19Fp1FXM (IVERSON)