[外電] AI 比 RIP, 更適合當第六人

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2009/01/15 22:46), 編輯推噓9(906)
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Source: http://www.freep.com/article/ ********************************************************************* A.I., not Rip, should come off the bench BY DREW SHARP ‧ FREE PRESS COLUMNIST ‧ January 13, 2009 ********************************************************************* The Pistons have an important decision coming. Either Rip Hamilton or Allen Iverson must become the sixth man. Neither will like the demotion, but there's no alternative. This is becoming Rodney Stuckey's team much faster than anybody envisioned. Michael Curry can no longer mess around, massaging massive egos with a three-guard starting lineup that simply isn't compatible with the physical defensive demands of Eastern Conference basketball. He's like the parent who is worried about disciplining his teenage kids. They might dislike what they're hearing so much that they'll yell, then sulk and maybe give you the silent treatment. But if you're the boss, you establish the ground rules regardless of the combustible ramifications. If the players don't like it, pack their bags and ship them elsewhere. Curry was the players' friend last year as an assistant. He can't have that relationship now. He must assert his authority because now is when the Pistons must determine what they are -- genuine championship contender or disinterested bystander. Curry remained coy Monday about his decision. But Iverson should come off the bench. It's not a slap against A.I. He and Stuckey meshed well together in the starting backcourt during Hamilton's stint on the injured list, recovering from a groin tear. But Iverson's game, as it pertains to these Pistons, better fits coming off the bench than Hamilton's. He dictates the flow of the game, whereas Hamilton's offensive style remains more reactionary. Rip's game demands more patience, working through screens and gradually developing an offensive rhythm. If Iverson is as serious about doing whatever's necessary for the team as he stated during his introductory press conference last November, he'll see the positives of becoming the best sixth man in the league. It's the politics that could kill the Pistons. Hamilton's become a diva. He told reporters recently that he's not coming off the bench. Somebody should remind Rip that it's not his call. He's openly challenged Curry on the bench, disagreeing with the rookie head coach's game rotation. There was one point during a Sunday Palace loss against Portland when Curry told Hamilton that if he didn't like his decision, he could stay on the bench. Such confrontations aren't uncommon in a league where ego isn't always compatible with emotion. It's an unavoidable aspect of a new coach's indoctrination, and Curry no longer has the Chauncey Billups buffer when dealing with Hamilton. Billups was always in Hamilton's ear when his emotions got the better of him. Curry cannot make any decision look like he's merely appeasing Hamilton because of his tenure in the locker room. He must sell whatever decision he makes as the best for the team's playoff interests. Stuckey's rapid improvement at point guard created this potential conflict. He's flourished in Hamilton's absence, taking advantage of the defensive attention that Iverson attracts. Stuckey reminds us of Billups' attack-the-basket game in his earlier days with the Pistons. They've got themselves a future star and, however the situation gets resolved -- it could even affect Amir Johnson -- it won't negatively impact Stuckey because his playing minutes aren't shrinking upon Hamilton's return. Decisions like these were how Joe Dumars justified turning the keys over to Curry. It's about communication today between coach and player. The coach must be clear and resolute. And he cannot fear standing up to them when he knows what's best for his team. Dumars has another option. If either Hamilton or Iverson strenuously objects to his new role, he could offer one of them on the trade market. But that'll also require the Pistons making another important decision: Are they more about building for tomorrow with all the available salary cap space with Iverson's $22-million contract expiring this summer, or do they believe there's a legitimate chance at catching Cleveland and Boston today? ********************************************************************* 我個人若是私心的話 當然希望AI能夠先發 但這幾場觀察下來 AI似乎比RIP更適合當第六人。會這樣說 不是因為AI打先發不好 而是我是認為 AI進攻方式把RIP多 簡言之 RIP比較需要一位PG來發動攻勢 而AI本身就比較 沒這個問題。 所以若是真的為球隊好的話 及時AI坐板凳 當第六人 雖然不捨 但重點不是要贏嗎? 當然 以上純屬各人意見 不要戰我~ 大家覺得如何呢? ********************************************************************* 附上留言版上一位球迷留的一段話: I support Curry. He has a very difficult balancing act to perform. He is trying to be supportive and get the best out of all his players. He didn't cave into the media who make issues out of awkward situations and want to run the team from the press box. This is a work in process. Unfortunately, two of the core leaders aren't pulling their weight and contributing to the team effort. Rasheed is out of control this year and Rip has become a sulking crybaby. McDyce should give them both counseling sessions on how to be true team players. AI is not the cancer. The cancer is two of our own, Rip & Rasheed. It is very noteworthy how well the team did without both of them. They both should wake up and join the program before it is too late! Curry will still be there long after Rip & Sheed are gone. Too bad the R & R boys don't get it. ********************************************************************* -- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/15 23:12, , 1F
01/15 23:12, 1F

01/15 23:14, , 2F
01/15 23:14, 2F

01/15 23:23, , 3F
01/15 23:23, 3F

01/15 23:52, , 4F
01/15 23:52, 4F

01/16 00:47, , 5F
01/16 00:47, 5F

01/16 03:45, , 6F
01/16 03:45, 6F

01/16 08:43, , 7F
不過說歸說 要AI坐板凳 很難吧XD
01/16 08:43, 7F

01/16 09:23, , 8F
01/16 09:23, 8F

01/16 09:39, , 9F
沒有那麼重要 最重要的還是贏球
01/16 09:39, 9F

01/16 11:50, , 10F
我覺得可以放板凳上試個幾場 如果效果很好就用吧
01/16 11:50, 10F

01/16 15:21, , 11F
01/16 15:21, 11F

01/16 16:41, , 12F
I hope not
01/16 16:41, 12F

01/16 22:50, , 13F
RIP放板凳蠻好的...出來用戰術讓他砍分 蠻OK的 命中也高
01/16 22:50, 13F

01/16 23:24, , 14F
其實我覺得這樣是不錯的選擇 起碼AI在場上的時候可以當AI
01/16 23:24, 14F

01/16 23:25, , 15F
提高效率 減少耗損 關鍵時刻在場上比較重要
01/16 23:25, 15F
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