[轉錄][外電] 把AI設定為板凳殺手也許是個轉機?

看板IVERSON作者 (巴拉圭)時間16年前 (2009/02/03 16:39), 編輯推噓0(002)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Pistons 看板] 作者: tc89 (StreetRock) 看板: Pistons 標題: [ 王 ] 把AI設定為板凳殺手也許是個轉機? 時間: Tue Feb 3 01:01:10 2009 Pistons' best chance? Bring A.I. off bench 讓AI從板凳出發,或許會是個新的轉機 原文鏈結:http://0rz.tw/Fm8qP BY MICHAEL ROSENBERG ‧ FREE PRESS COLUMNIST ‧ February 2, 2009 The Cavaliers beat the Pistons on Sunday, and this was predictable -- not just the what, but the how. The Cavs spread the floor and ran the pick-and-roll with LeBron James. 騎士在週日贏了,這不意外。 不是指活塞會輸不意外,而是輸的方式不意外。 --- 騎士利用LBJ打 PnR。 "The tough thing about it is you know what's coming," Tayshaun Prince said, "and you still can't do anything about it." 小王子說「最糟的是,你知道他們要做什麼但你卻只能眼睜睜看著他發生。」 Let that sentence sit for a moment. 恩,先擱下這個話題。 Now flip it around: When was the last time the Pistons were playing a good team and their opponent knew what was coming but couldn't stop it? It rarely happens anymore. 現在我們回想一下:上一次活塞讓對手無能為力是啥時了? 好像很久沒這麼過了... For years, you knew exactly how the Pistons were going to beat you. What is their bread and butter now? 這幾年來,你習慣的是一支隨時都將擊敗你的活塞。而現在,活塞的吃飯傢伙是什麼呢? I don't know. 我不知道。 But I'll tell you what I think it should be: Rodney Stuckey, Rip Hamilton and Prince. 但我告訴你我所想的答案是:小史 + RIP + 小王子 They should be starting and finishing games together. All the pieces should fit around them. And to explain why, let's go back to the moment this season changed, when they traded Chauncey Billups for Allen Iverson. 這個組合應該要是先發,也應該是最後用來讓對手安心上路的球員。 球隊目前所擁有的碎片似乎都適合他們。 我們來解釋一下為什麼,先暫且將時光回朔到AI交易案發生那時。 President Joe Dumars did it for two reasons. One -- which Dumars openly acknowledged at the time, and most people around here understood -- was for salary-cap space starting this summer. The other reason was to give the Pistons a better chance this season, or at least a "different chance". The plan was never to give up on this season. 老杜這麼做有兩個理由---首先第一點就是大家所知道的,為了清出今年暑假的薪資空間。 而另一個理由,是希望活塞在這季有更好的表現,或至少打出些新火花、新的化學效應。 本季,這個計畫至今從來沒有被放棄。  ̄ ̄ Dumars thought he had made his franchise better now and later. (For what it's worth, so did I.) 老杜認為,他讓這支球隊自此變得更好了。(我也和老杜相同看法,這是值得的。) Well, they have played more than half a season. And it seems clear to me that Stuckey, Hamilton and Prince give the Pistons the best chance to win now and later. 但是,這新的陣容至今打了超過半季的比賽。對我而言很明顯的,無論是現在或放眼未來 小史、RIP、小王子的組合給了活塞最棒的獲勝機會。 That is not a knock on Iverson, who is doing his best to win a championship, in the only way he knows how. But the Pistons look disjointed offensively. 這不是針對AI的指責,他本人也為了戒指正盡他所能、用他知道的方法在奮鬥。 但活塞的進攻看起來似乎有些不妙。 Iverson dominates the ball too much when he has other great players on the court with him. He and Stuckey can be electrifying in the open court, but as Prince said, "Whenever we play a team and their offense gets going, it shows that our offense slows down. They get their defense set, and that's where we struggle." 當他有其他很棒的隊友在場上併肩作戰時,AI似乎太過於主導球了。他與小史的組合在 開場似乎可以很有勁。但小王子說「當我們其他人剛到位,他們已經開始發動進攻了。 這讓我們的進攻看起來似乎有些遲緩。而攻守轉替時,這正是目前我們問題所在。」 Iverson should not be starting instead of Hamilton. He should be a change of pace, a lethal sixth man who destroys backup guards. He should be playing with unselfish, athletic players like Jason Maxiell and Amir Johnson, using all his energy in 25 minutes a game and looking for his shot as much as he'd like. AI不應該取代RIP成為先發。他應該扮演最佳第六人的角色從板凳出發來摧毀對方的替補 後場。他應該打得無私、像是Maxy、Amir,將小宇宙燃燒在那短短25分鐘的時間內左右, 並且盡其所能的進攻。 This would be a bitter pill for Iverson to swallow. He is starting the All-Star Game -- how can he come off the bench for his own team? But it is necessary. 這對AI來說也許是帖苦藥。他是明星賽的先發球員---他怎麼能在他的隊伍是板凳身分? 但這是必要的。 Stuckey, who shot poorly Sunday but might be the Pistons' best player, should have the ball when he is out there. Hamilton should play with Stuckey, the only true point guard in the rotation. 小史,在週日的投射表現很糟(投9中2),但他可能是活塞最好的球員,他應該持有球。 RIP應該與小史搭配,他是活塞球員表中唯一真正的純PG。 If it works, the Pistons can salvage something from this season. 如果這麼做可行,活塞也許還有機會在本季剩下的時間加減挽救些什麼。 And if it doesn't work? Then Iverson and Rasheed Wallace leave via free agency and the Pistons try to land a big man to play with Stuckey, Hamilton and Prince. And then it would have made even more sense to build around them anyway. 如果這麼做沒用? AI、溪蛙離開所創造的薪資空間可以讓活塞試著找個長人來搭配小史、 RIP、小王子。而這讓這組合成為活塞的核心,一切看起來更合理。 In the locker room Sunday, Iverson expressed hope. The Pistons are playing so far below their potential that it is actually encouraging -- he knows they can be better. But the contrast between Iverson and the longtime Pistons was striking. 週日的球員休息室,AI表示出希望。活塞目前打得遠不如他們該有的表現,這確實鼓勵 了他們--AI知道我們都可以打得更好。 但和AI對比的是長久以來總是強悍的活塞。 Iverson said, "I still feel confident in my squad and my coaching staff" and "we just have some letdowns here and there." AI說「我仍然對我的隊友、教練團隊有信心。」我們不過是有一些些小失望。 When Prince was asked about the Pistons' confidence, he said "Low. Frustrating. Whatever else falls into that category." 當小王子被問及活塞的信心時,他說 「Low. 挫折,盡是這類的狗屁東西。」 I asked Hamilton if he looks at the calendar, realizes it's February and worries his team is running out of time. 我問RIP,如果他看著日曆,了解到活塞的二月可能會是怎樣,而且為了他們的球隊 隨著日子一天天過去而煩惱。 ( 這位記者... ) "Oh, man," he said. "You don't want to lose, even though you're learning ... it shouldn't be like this." 他說「Oh, man,」 你不會想要輸球,即使你仍在失敗中試著從中學習。 也不會是你說的那樣子。 Yet Iverson remains confident. This makes sense, when you think about it. AI仍然很有信心。 這很合理,當你認為事情應該如此。 Iverson is the only Piston who is used to playing with Allen Iverson. And he is the only one who is used to floating around .500, hoping his team suddenly starts to click. AI是活塞陣中唯一一位總是和Allan Iverson在球場上作戰的球員。 他是唯一一個戰績總是5成勝率左右的球員,他希望著他的球隊能夠開始步上軌道。 -- 這篇有一點點長,一直輸球大家心情都很差 我自己難免討論有時也會戰意濃了些 先跟大家說聲抱歉 --- 對不起了 如果有翻譯錯誤請指正,避免不必要的戰文 XD 溫馨、專業的活塞板 Work Hard!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/03 01:08,
02/03 01:08

02/03 01:08,
最近戰意算還好 之前連贏球都能戰那才慘
02/03 01:08

02/03 01:08,
02/03 01:08

02/03 01:09,
02/03 01:09

02/03 01:09,
MC應該不會這麼做...AI也不想... 慘...
02/03 01:09

02/03 01:10,
02/03 01:10

02/03 01:10,
02/03 01:10

02/03 01:12,
怎麼調整都打不贏 換AI去打替補試試看 反正最差也是這樣
02/03 01:12

02/03 01:16,
02/03 01:16

02/03 01:17,
到時AI打太好 又瘋了來個1大4小 那我會被氣死...
02/03 01:17

02/03 01:18,
02/03 01:18

02/03 01:22,
史塔機不是純控球吧= =
02/03 01:22

02/03 02:04,
我也不覺得Stuckey是個純控球 可能以前是吧XD
02/03 02:04

02/03 02:08,
AI替補也好 不要三衛了....小王子這樣用不行啦
02/03 02:08

02/03 02:34,
推外電.MC操AI這麼兇.那開賽五分鐘就要換人 XD
02/03 02:34

02/03 02:38,
老實說 槍蜥剛在聯盟闖蕩也是疑似雙能衛 所以到處碰壁
02/03 02:38

02/03 02:39,
小史確實有些影子 而且更高更強壯 爆發力、切入能力更強
02/03 02:39

02/03 02:39,
但是重點是 腦子有沒有辦法成長到槍蜥的境界
02/03 02:39

02/03 02:43,
02/03 02:43

02/03 02:44,
02/03 02:44

02/03 02:44,
02/03 02:44

02/03 02:53,
小史的PG魂回歸活塞就多一份競爭力 AI在意的不是先發或替
02/03 02:53

02/03 02:54,
02/03 02:54

02/03 02:54,
補 而是關鍵時刻MC有沒有把他擺在場上 況且活塞教練也好
02/03 02:54

02/03 02:55,
02/03 02:55

02/03 02:55,
球員也好 甚至是球迷 都知道替補≠二軍 仍是球隊重要的一
02/03 02:55

02/03 02:56,
其實老將都帶傷這點也很不妙...Sheed RIP 王子好像
02/03 02:56

02/03 02:56,
環 這就是口中常喊的DETROIT BASKETBALL不是嗎? 令我們為
02/03 02:56

02/03 02:56,
02/03 02:56

02/03 02:57,
傷都沒好到一個程度 AI傷就不用管他了=__=
02/03 02:57

02/03 02:59,
呵呵 AI帶傷還是會死命嚷嚷著要上場吧
02/03 02:59

02/03 04:25,
槍西之所以交易走 不就是因為有小史能替代他嗎?
02/03 04:25

02/03 04:26,
槍西之前是活塞的心臟 小史知道這顆心臟該怎麼運作~
02/03 04:26

02/03 04:27,
偏偏 AI的到來 使得四支都換了 心臟要怎麼作用@@
02/03 04:27

02/03 04:30,
02/03 04:30

02/03 04:53,
怎麼運作 也是教練支配阿 其實球隊脾氣最差的是rip
02/03 04:53

02/03 04:54,
叫他當板凳 也是乖乖當板凳
02/03 04:54

02/03 04:58,
AI脾氣也很差吧XD Sheed我看是老油條了...剩臉兇而已
02/03 04:58

02/03 08:07,
AI不在意先發嗎 覺得在意 不過很在意上場時間就是...
02/03 08:07

02/03 08:08,
記得有一場AI在場邊做很久 第4節換他上來 他的動作就是
02/03 08:08

02/03 08:10,
表現出他的不爽... 要先發要場上時間要關鍵時刻
02/03 08:10

02/03 08:12,
什都要他 那RIP怎辦... AI場上又不穩定 還要人用他...
02/03 08:12

02/03 08:22,
SHEED現在感覺跟以前一樣 好像都管不動的樣子
02/03 08:22

02/03 08:49,
02/03 08:49

02/03 08:50,
02/03 08:50

02/03 10:11,
02/03 10:11

02/03 10:11,
02/03 10:11

02/03 10:12,
02/03 10:12

02/03 10:12,
02/03 10:12

02/03 10:38,
02/03 10:38

02/03 11:10,
02/03 11:10

02/03 11:10,
02/03 11:10

02/03 12:23,
02/03 12:23

02/03 12:23,
02/03 12:23

02/03 12:23,
02/03 12:23

02/03 12:24,
(不可能阿) 揪~~~~~~~~竟原因是什麼呢
02/03 12:24

02/03 16:35,
我比較想問fr大 你怎麼投的= = 我相反
02/03 16:35

02/03 16:38,
02/03 16:38
-- Only the strong survive- Iverson ═█┘     W ● ●︵ ● ●)) <\ / \\ />>/ ╲> >> ========= http://www.wretch.cc/blog/AWEI3 ========= -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

02/03 16:42, , 1F
02/03 16:42, 1F

02/03 16:42, , 2F
02/03 16:42, 2F
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